Preparing for Sacrifice

"Harry has known about the horcrux since last November, when he was first told, he told me he wanted it gone. When he was informed of what it would require he thought about it for a night and came to the conclusion that even if it cost his life getting rid of that monster was worth the sacrifice. We would have done it when June came, but several things changed not the least of which is that Sri Lie the healer that created most of that file you just read died on December 17. Harry and I moved here to the States and I have in between putting together a life here for us but I have been searching for someone willing to take Sri's role in the ritual And yes, the soul destroying portion of the ritual is pretty damned dark."

"However that piece of that bastards soul should have already left this plane of existence when his AK was reflected off Harry. After all that's when his body died, his spirit should have too. You say you became a healer to restore balance, how is forcing Harry to live under this curse balance? We want to do this ritual to give Harry the life he was meant to have back or at least as much of it as we can. Some things he'll never be able to get back." Sirius realized how heated his voice was becoming and paused "Sorry I just..."

"You feel passionate about this and you are right forcing...Harry to live with these curses is not balance. For a change it it's darkness that brings out that which is light. Your plans mention Muggle methods of death and resuscitation who was to do that?"

"When Sri and I planned this she was going to oversee that detail."


"Are you saying you'll help us?"

Yiska was silent for a moment. He looked searchingly into Sirius' face for several minutes. Finally he spoke,"I am a trained paramedic in the muggle world but what is proposed is beyond my skills, you would need someone with more knowledge and experience than I have and frankly most would not regard Harry's inability to do magic as enough motivation to stop his heart the way you propose."

"What do you suggest?"

"I have a granddaughter she is a squib."

"So? So is my wife what does that have to do with anything?"

"That is a more open minded opinion than I would have expected of a wizard Mr. Black."

"Anyway what has she to do with this?"

"She is a pediatric cardiologist at UCLA." At Sirius' blank look he said, "A heart doctor for children. She's coming for a month long visit in three weeks time. She takes time every year where she comes home to the reservation and put her skills to work for the tribe."

"Would she be willing to help us?"

"If approached correctly."

"What do I need to do?"

"She will insist on a full health work up of the muggle kind. I'll get a list, you will need to find a cooperative doctor in your area to order all of them. I will want a detailed magical scan but I will do that myself. I want to examine the ritual more closely and I will speak to my granddaughter. The magical tradition your Sri comes from is different than my own. I probably will make some changes to make it a bit easier for myself."

"Not to be crass but what sort of compensation do you want and how much money will your granddaughter want?"

"We Dine', are always appreciative of gifts. How generous a gift? I would say depends on how important to you your godson is."

"What does the tribe need most?"

"Another medical clinic, we can afford the building but not the equipment to make another clinic."

"Get me your wish list, I'll see what I can do."

"It is late. You would be welcome to sleep on our sofa."

"No thank you I have a room at a hotel about fourteen miles from here, I'll just apparate. When should I come back?"

"In four days," Yiska said. "I'll have gathered everything in four days and I'll give this back then." he said tapping the file in front of him.

Sirius spent his four days exploring the area he visited Four Corners and the Grand Canyon and just spent time looking around and people watching. Sirius only had a vague idea of what it would cost to equip a medical clinic, but as he stayed in a hotel on the reservation the lifestyle discrepancy between the reservation and the D.C. area became very apparent.

He resolved to set aside quite a large chunk of money and figured that Harry would probably be willing to spend some money on improving the reservation as well. He did research into what a pediatric cardiologist made and knew what he would probably have to offer to get her cooperation.

Three weeks, he reflected. The timing was just about perfect. Harry would have been out of school one week at that point which meant the plans he had made for a family trip to Orlando, Florida wouldn't have to be changed. The travel agent who had made those plans had found the idea of making honeymoon plans that included a son and a security detail odd, but had shrugged and booked the three connected suites at Disney's Polynesian Resort and made all arrangements for a week of fun in the sun starting the sixteenth of April.

Harry would get the chance to relax after a busy trimester before facing the stress of the ritual. If he remembered what Harry told him of the exam schedule he would pull Harry from school for the medical tests after he finished his exams but before he got his results back. Harry wouldn't like it but he wouldn't protest either. The only potential problem he saw was if Harry's magic was out of control it could delay his return for the summer trimester of school. He resolved to talk to the staff and make arrangements so Harry could miss a few weeks if he needed to.

Suddenly it struck him maybe that was what Morgana had meant train you must, folding time itself. Sirius remembered when he dated that one witch who worked in the Department of Mysteries, what was her name? Emma that's right, Emma Watson. Anyway she had told him about a nifty little magic item called a time turner.

Perhaps he, Harry and any other designated teachers could get one and train Harry. But who should his teachers be? Sirius half grinned as he realized that he was working from the assumption that Harry would be ready for learning at nine instead of eleven like most witches and wizards.


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