Confronting the Horcrux

Sirius tried to focus on what his job in this ritual was because he wasn't able contribute to the medical side. Yiska was to do the portion that was borrowed from the horcrux ritual to separate the soul from Harry's. Sirius' job was to destroy the fragment. Fortunately or maybe unfortunately, Sirius wasn't quite sure which, the destruction portion required an emotional component of anger and hatred, emotions that fueled the darkest of arts. Sirius had been pleased that his research had shown righteous anger and a hatred of evil not to mention his hatred of Voldemort's previous actions would be adequate for the purpose.

Winry sat and mentally reviewed the spells she would be using on Harry the day after tomorrow. Ignoring the part of her that said to do those spells on a child was wrong. She went through the wand movements to the cooling spell that would take Harry's body to hypothermic temperatures in mere seconds. The spells effect would be like plunging him into glacier melt water.

The next spell was the one she was the least comfortable using. Originally designed to stop blood flow in a nearly severed limb, she would be using it to stop blood flow to his heart while Melanie injected his heart with a potion mixed with a potassium solution to make it stop beating. The potion was so the second that Harry was free of the horcrux Winry could banish it and allow Harry's blood to refill his heart. At that point what happened next was mostly Melanie's work, but Winry would start warming Harry back up at two degrees every minute until his temperature was back to normal.

Walter carefully reviewed the warding glyphs and circles he had devised. He and Harry were probably going to spent two to three hours putting them on Harry's body. Walter had the ball point pens he would use to draw them onto Harry's body. They had already done it once in practice and knew there would be some areas that Walter would have to do with Harry in a petrificus totalis spell because Harry was too ticklish to hold still for their application otherwise.

The moment the horcrux was gone he would activate them so the horcrux wouldn't be able to reattach itself. When they arrived at the Walker home he and Sirius planned to put up the strongest containment wards that they knew and they had already made pendants for everyone that would be in the room to protect them from the soul fragment as it left Harry's body.

George, Hawkeye, Roy, Rachel and Zoe rested quietly as Radar drove the fifteen passenger van. Such were the thoughts and actions of the people in the vehicle.

At the Walker home Jenny, Yiska, and Melanie made a meal not just for themselves but also for the eleven people that were coming soon. Melanie and her grandfather were curious about the boy that was going to be undergoing the ritual, Sirius Black said he was as committed to doing this but in their experience not many, if any, children would choose this.

An hour later a passenger van pulled into the yard. Sirius Black was the first person out of the van. He quickly moved over to them.

"Hi, um I suppose introductions are in order."

"It is not necessary. You said you were bringing eleven people with you, why so many?" Yiska was asking when he saw Beth step out of the van. "Oh. I see."

Beth came over. "I'm sorry that we have descended on you like a flock of ravens but we appreciate that you are willing to help us."

Harry was the next to exit the van. "Yes thank you sir." adding his thanks to Beth's

Melanie stepped forward. "Hello Harry."

"Dr. Hoffesetter."

"My patients call me Dr. Melanie. We have a half an hour before dinner, walk with me?"

Harry's emerald eyes flashed. It wasn't clear what emotion drove it, but his chin came up with a determined tilt. "Sure."

Walter and Sirius stepped towards Yiska. Sirius spoke, "We've got warding to do, show us where?"

Yiska led the way to the hogan.

Winry and Beth followed Jenny into the trailer, while the rest of them put up the magical tent that would house them for the duration.

Melanie spoke softly, "Harry I've read your record you're almost nine. How much of what's to happen in the next few days do you understand?"

"All of it."

"Are you sure?"

Harry looked at her. "I'm not stupid you know. I remember the night Voldemort attacked and killed my mum and put the horcrux in me trying to escape having his own AK backfire. I've got three reasons to do this. I was born a wizard and I want to live as a wizard the horcrux prevents that. I've noticed that in the last couple of months I've done lots more accidental magic Sirius doesn't know but I'm horribly sick afterwards and each time it gets worse, if I don't get rid of it I'm likely to die when I get my full magic anyway.

Finally the horcrux ties him," it was said with an indisputable venom, "to life as long as it exists so does he. If for no other reason than the last I am willing to die to get rid of it. I'm not saying I want to die. I'm not crazy and to be completely honest I'm not far from being scared out of my wits, but there are things in this world worse than dying and being his horcrux is one of them."

Melanie fought back a grimace put it that context the boy… no the young man was right, they would be doing the ritual in two days.

The next day Beth dragged everyone except those involved in the ritual off to do sightseeing.

After reviewing the ritual and all its attendant parts Yiska insisted that they all undergo a cleansing ceremony. That night they all went to bed nervous about what the next day would bring.


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