A Narrow Escape

Yiska awoke before dawn went to the hogan and began work on a sand painting. An hour later as the sun first peeped above the horizon Winry joined him and began a series of spells to sanitize the hogan for the medical procedures. Walter and a hungry, scared, and cranky Harry soon joined them and Walter began the warding glyphs and circles on Harry.

An hour and a half later they were joined by Sirius and Melanie. Sirius' eyes were suspiciously red but a don't ask don't tell policy was adopted by the group. Melanie immediately went through and set up for her side of things. Finally everyone looked at each other then at Harry.

Harry looked at everyone else and read the reluctance on their faces. Grimacing he said the opening of the ritual. "Meus animus eximo, meus vita EGO tribuo."[My soul to free my life I give]

Yiska started his chant, as Winry cast the first of her spells. Four minutes later Harry passed out from cold and Winry cast the second of her spells. Melanie waited fifteen seconds then inserted the long needle of the giant syringe into Harry's heart and injected the cold solution to stop his heart, and the clock started. Thirty seconds later his heart already slowed from cold ceased to beat. Yiska's chant was gaining in strength and intensity a moment later everyone was surprised as the scar on Harry's forehead split open and a greenish black cloud poured out.

Once the cloud was cleared it acted sentient attempt in to enter each of them in turn then trying to leave the building. Sirius and Yiska united in the effort to trap and destroy the entity, and a few moments later they had it trapped between them. Meanwhile Walter charged the wards on Harry Winry banished the solution in Harry's heart and released the arteries and veins she had been holding shut allowing blood to flow into his heart once more.

Melanie gave Harry a pre-cordial thump when that didn't start his heart she started CPR while directing Walter to assist her in getting the defibrillator charging for a shock transferring CPR to him while she intubated Harry. Melanie glanced at the clock as she finished intubating him, four minutes! "Winry have you started warming him."

"Working on it."

"Walter, I want you to take over and every five count I want you to squeeze this." She demonstrated by compressing the bag attached to the endotracheal tube. She verbal counted out the rhythm and each time he hit five he compressed the bag. She then got the paddles and checked the charge.

"Winry, Walter when I say clear stop touching Harry. I'll shock him." Three seconds later she said clear. The first jolt didn't do the job. So she turned it up a notch. Waited for the charge and yelled clear again. Two seconds later she was rewarded with a wonderful sound a heartbeat.

"That's it Harry keep fighting." she encouraged. She smiled at Winry and Walter before glancing at what Grandfather and Mr. Black were doing. When she saw she blanched.

Sirius had found himself in the position of fighting off an incorporeal being as it tried to possess him. Only to feel relief that the amulets he and Walter had made in the last few months did what they were supposed to.

Yiska had pulled the Horcrux free but despite being a mage didn't have enough power to trap it. He looked gray from strain and as if he was about to keel over. Sirius remembered an obscure spell he'd learned from a Buddhist monk in Bali that was used to trap evil spirits, so he rapidly cast it.

"Kejahatan jiwa, jiwa untuk membersihkan, tidak lagi melayangkan, akan ke menyobek, menangkap." to his relief the smoke stopped attempting to escape the Hogan. So he began his own part of the ritual.

"In odium quod ira ego eflectum is ut planto unus ago, ego attero vestri animus." He poured all his strength into the spell all his rage and anger at the losses Voldemort had caused.

To his horror he felt as if it wasn't going to be enough. [{evil spirit, soul to cleanse, fly no more, soul to rend, caught.} In hatred and anger I obliterate this that makes one live, I destroy your soul.]

Yiska caught himself, never had he felt such an evil spirit. He had felt the spirit's desire to possess him as he pulled it from Harry's dead body. He wondered where a spirit that had lived in a magic poor environment had gained that much energy unless he had pulled it from the boy. He sensed that if he lost focus for even a second it would mean possession, his amulet helped but the spirit seemed to choose him as the strongest in the room and attempted to possess him a second time.

He felt the protection of his amulet crack, he called on his guardian spirit that inhabited the hogan but felt that even with its help his age was working against him. Suddenly he heard a language he didn't know and added to what he was trying to do in was enough. The spirit was trapped he felt its rage and felt the malice as it seemingly swore vengeance on those that dared trap it. He folded to the floor of the hogan to catch his breath.

Seconds later he looked up to see the strain on Sirius' face as he attempted to destroy it. He decided that the evil represented by the fragment represented the worst that mankind had to offer and despite the darkness of the soul destruction spell that Sirius had found it was the duty of all sentient creatures to hate such evil so he too collected the last of his strength to cast, "In odium quod ira ego eflectum is ut planto unus ego attero vestri animus." But still the spirit remained.

Melanie was surprised when the emerald eyes of her patient opened. He gestured towards the tube in his mouth she was reluctant to extubate him but it was clear that was his expectation. So she said, "on two cough. One, two." And pulled the tube from his mouth.

Harry hurt but in looking at his god father he sensed that the battle wasn't won yet. He knew the ritual and had as much anger as his godfather. Using the memory of the night of his mothers death he croaked the words "In odium quod ira ego eflectum is ut planto unus ego attero vestri animus." With a shriek that made all of them cringe and cover their ears the cloud whitened and disapated.

Harry, Sirius and Yiska's eyes rolled back in their heads and they passed out.

A/N: Thanks to all who have alerted this story all 100 of you! It will probably be a week until the next update, RL stuff. I hope to get lots of reviews because I finally got rid of Harry's horcrux.


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