Waking Up

Melanie felt herself panic as her grandfather, her temporary employer and her patient all collapsed. Since he was closest she immediately checked Harry. His heartbeat and respiration weren't as steady as she would have liked. She wasn't surprised he was showing signs of shock. What was surprising was that he had come around long enough to participate in the ritual beyond his initial statement.

Winry checked Yiska. She wasn't terribly surprised when her scanning spell revealed magical exhaustion. She was very tired and she wasn't the one throwing power around during the ritual. "Walter how are you?"

"Tired let me take the wards down and I'll get help. How are they?"

"Magical exhaustion I guess. I'm not far from it myself. I have a box of potions under my bed in the tent would you bring them here."

He nodded.

"How is my grandfather?"

"He'll be alright in a few days, his exhaustion is bad, but not so bad as to go into magical shock." Winry rose to check Sirius. "Shit! Walter get those wards down now I need to get those potions for Sirius, he's in magical shock." From where she was five feet away from Harry she cast a scan on him. "Harry is too. Damn it! What was that kid thinking, throwing his limited magic into the ritual."

Melanie spoke. "I imagine he was thinking he wanted to get rid of that thing, and since grandfather and Sirius weren't enough he would add what he could."

"Well it worked, but I hope I never have to be around again when that much magic is being thrown around ever again. There they're down. I'll be back in a flash." Walter said.

Walter ran to the tent found the potion supply Winry kept under her bed and ran back to the Hogan. His actions caught the attention of everyone else so he was soon followed back to the Hogan. Walter took a potion from the box as he set it next to Winry and headed to Yiska, while Winry poured the same potion into Sirius and tossed one to Melanie, "Get that into Harry." At that moment many other people entered the hogan.

"What happened Winry?" Roy Mustang demanded, while Beth moved to Sirius' side.

"Things didn't exactly go smoothly. The spirit fragment was much stronger than we thought and it was most unhappy to be pulled from its host. Yiska spent most of his energy pulling it from Harry. I think maybe instead of exiting Harry's dead body like we expected, it tried to take over. Anyway…"

"Once it was out, it tested the wards we had up." Walter continued, "But I'm good with wards and so is Sirius so they held up. The fragging thing tested the amulets as well. If we hadn't done a through job on them one of us would be possessed right now. Sirius pulled a spell I never have run across to trap it working with the old man. Then he started doing the destruction spell. But it wasn't enough."

Melanie took over the recitation. "My grandfather joined in the destruction spell. Then Harry came around for a minute and joined in as well, then the spirit seemed to dissipate, and they all passed out."

"Winry, Walter you both concur the fragment is destroyed?"

"Yes the aura within the wards changed night to day after they destroyed it." Walter answered.

"What now?" Beth asked.

"We watch them, let them sleep it off." Winry answered.

Four days later Yiska woke up. He expected to feel tainted from participating in the destruction spell, but the evil in the fragment ensured that his conscience and his spirit was clear.. His wife gave him an energizing potion. "The others?" he questioned.

"Mr. Black and his ward still sleep."

"The boy is more than has been seen for in a thousand years."

"You're nattering husband rest." Jenny soothed him. She had been very worried but now she knew he would recover.

It was three more days before Sirius came around. Beth was sitting in a chair in between their beds when she noticed Harry's hair seemed to be a different color. "Winry?"

"What Beth?"

"Is it my imagination or is Harry's hair green?'

"It's green. Apparently Harry's a metamorph, I wonder how much."


"Short for metamorphamagus, genetic talent can be as simple as controlling the length of fingernails or hair to changing gender and size from child to obese adult. We have two in WIS they usually pull the spying type assignments.

Best known metamorph in the country is Rose Tyler she's an actress in San Francisco she's also one of the strongest, someone who can change gender and size. Most metamorphs have limits. Barney, one of the ones in WIS, can change size five percent and change his facial features, but can't change his hair or eyes." Before their eyes Harry's hair changed to a red.

"Hmph… Where's the truck that hit me? The driver should be arrested." Sirius grumbled.

"Sirius!" Beth shouted.

"Not so loud. I haven't felt this bad since the day after James's bachelor party and I didn't even get this from a party." He groaned again.


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