Part 7

"Grey, are you crazy?" Noah was angry, he couldn't stop thinking about his best friend.

"She was just hitchhiking from the start, Noah. There's no need to think about this alley girl," Grey said casually, making Athena completely out of her mind and angry at the same time.

Really bastard. Grey used her as a lure and wanted to let Athena die just like that? "Shit. If I die, I'll become a ghost and haunt you for the rest of my life," Athena said to herself hatefully.

"Okay! I'll shoot her!"



Athena closed her eyes. Athena had given up. If she died, she was prepared to become a curious ghost and haunt Grey. However, Athena frowned when she felt no pain at all. Athena also felt that the man's arm around her neck was slowly loosening.

Athena opened her eyes slowly and saw that she was still alive. "I-I'm still alive?" asked Athena spontaneously.

"Of course you're alive. My shots are always on point," Grey said confidently.

Athena was startled. She slowly looked back and Athena saw that the man was already moaning in pain as he held his hand that must have been shot.

"Athena!" Noah shouted, immediately pulling Athena to him. "You're okay, right?" asked Noah worriedly and Athena could only nod as fear made her body weak.

"Ocean, take him. Interrogate him. What is his purpose here. To kill me again or to report the data. Tell me the result tomorrow. Don't kill him first. Then, the others also leave, leaving the three of us," Grey ordered his personal assistant, Ocean.

Ocean nodded. "Yes, sir."

Ocean immediately went with the guards to bring James.

"Damn Grey! You used me as a lure? Is that why you said those disgusting things this afternoon?" asked Athena with her breath caught in her throat. Fear and anger mixed together.

"Yes. So, don't think that I like you. It was all a ploy."

"You're risking my life?!"

"Don't exaggerate. You survived, right?" asked Grey casually as if what he did was really a small thing.

"You-" Damn. Athena was completely out of words. Athena let out a rough sigh. Choosing to remain silent because she knew arguing with Grey was pointless. "That's it. Then your disgusting request to be your wife was just a trick, right? Take off this ring immediately!" pleaded Athena as she extended her ring finger.

"No. If it's not a trick."


"Come with me. I'll explain, but not here. People will hear."

Grey grabbed Athena's wrist and took her away from there. How rude. Athena could do nothing but surrender and Noah followed.


"What?! Contract marriage?! Are you crazy?! You can find another woman, why me?!"

"Lazy. Besides, you live here. At a hotel, a day's pay is already expensive, you live here for free. At least repay me with this. It's good too. You don't have to do your duties as a wife, it's really just a status thing. You only need to act when we're in public, in this house there's no need, the servants and guards here I trust, they won't leak it. However, in front of my father's guards if anyone comes, you must act. My father will believe it then."


"However, if you refuse..." Grey brought his face closer to Athena, looking at her sharply. "Then you're out of this house and never to return. Just remember. There are many cruel people out there. You also don't have a name or anything. You'll either be beaten to death, sold, or starve to death out there. You don't want to, do you?"

Athena spontaneously swallowed. Okay. Athena had not thought that far ahead. "But, you're not going to kill me, are you?" asked Athena carefully.

"As long as you don't mess up, of course not. Your acting is good. Besides, there's Noah. My best friend won't let me hurt you. So, what do you say? Agreed?" Grey asked directly.

Athena was silent, not answering immediately. However, Grey had already concluded for himself. "Okay, I'll take it as an agreement. Here, read it yourself." Grey immediately threw the contract marriage paper at Athena's face which was spontaneously held by the angry Athena.

"You're really rude! I haven't said yes either!"

"That's all right. Do you want to be homeless out there? Or die a horrible death? Really don't want to agree?" Grey retorted, making Athena shut up. Grey smiled sarcastically, knowing Athena couldn't refuse. "Here. Just sign it when you read it." Grey threw the pen on the table near Athena.

Athena snorted, then finally read it. Athena's eyes widened at the sight. It doesn't make sense-she thought.

1. Miss Athena is not allowed to like Mr. Grey, let alone love him because Mr. Grey's type is not like Miss Athena.

2. Miss Athena must act like a married couple with Mr. Grey when needed and obey all of Mr. Grey's requests.

3. Miss Athena may leave this house after finding her family and Mr. Grey will find a new replacement for the contract wife. However, until she finds her family, Miss Athena must pretend to be Mr. Grey's wife. Athena was also allowed to date other men during this contract marriage.

"T-this is what?! Everything is in your favor!"

"Hey, alley woman! Just letting you stay here is a loss for me," Grey retorted not to be outdone.

Athena really felt like exploding. But what Grey said was true, so Athena couldn't do anything about it.

"That's all right. What if you violate all the points?"

Grey's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

"For example, what if you like me first?"


The voice came from Grey's lips who immediately stifled a laugh at Athena's words-completely dismissive. Seeing that, Athena frowned, offended.

"What's wrong, you have a brain problem?" annoyed Athena.

Grey shook his head. "Oh my. This is the first time I've met an overconfident woman like you. Listen carefully. Even if there was only one woman left in this world, you, I would never like you. You are far from my type," Grey said, making Athena really upset.

"Me too. Even if there was only you left in this world, I wouldn't like you. I agree to all the conditions." Athena grabbed a pen, then immediately signed the contract. "That's it!"

Grey smiled with satisfaction. "Okay. Good. Just leave it here, Ocean will pick it up later. You go back to your room too, I want to rest. Good night, alley girl."

Grey was then about to walk out of the room after taunting Athena. Athena clenched her fists, she strongly resisted the urge to throw this table at Grey's face. Athena let out a rough sigh. However, Athena frowned at Grey who suddenly stopped in his place and watched her.

Athena's premonition became bad.