

...Never let her make any potions...

...Never let her keep a pet monster...

...Make sure she never goes to the black market...

...Make sure she's not doing any illegal transactions...

...Always monitor the letters she sends and receives...

...Always check what kind of Monster_Materials and Monster_Cores she has...

...Be sure to apprise her Storage_Items from time to time...

...On that note, one of her shoes is also a Magic_Item like the Storage_Bracelet. She's hiding most of her secret items in there...

...If you find any Stinky_Perfume in her possession, I'm permitting you to hang Vier-chan on her feet for an entire day...

..If you caught her using that Stinky_Perfume against anyone, I'm permitting you to hang Vier-chan on her feet for an entire week...

... There are a lot of troublesome things that might come after Mifumi-chan, Felin-chan, and Vier-chan. Especially Vier-chan. So I hope you will look after them, Misato.







I can't believe Misaki-sensei is revealing all of my secrets. Especially to where I'm keeping all of my stash.

"Regarding this Vier's_Manual, can Mifumi-chan and Felin-chan explain all of this instruction about Vier-chan? Misaki-oneesan wrote that both of you can explain those to me."

Misaki-sensei is just probably slacking off. That is why she's asking Mifumi-sama and Felin to explain everything instead of writing it in her letter...

"Grandma probably doesn't want to remember every troublesome thing you have done while she was writing that letter, Vier-chan."

"Mhm!... Vier is doing a lot of troublesome things."

"Please don't talk like you're actually reading my thoughts, Mifumi-sama. It's kind of scary how you're doing that. And please don't just agree with her, Felin."




"First, let's start as to why Vier-chan should never be allowed to make any potions."

While taking out some snacks and drinks from her Storage_Bracelet and putting all of them on the table, Ms. Misato started asking questions with a look full of curiosity.

"It's probably to make sure that Vier-chan won't make any more Stinky_Perfume."

Mifumi-sama started with a big reveal of one of my secrets. Seriously... That was supposed to be classified information, Mifumi-sama.

"Stinky_Perfume?... Don't tell me you're the reason for that annoying incident that Misaki-oneesan had to fix a couple of years ago?"

Please don't question me with that annoyed look, Ms. Misato. Are you mad about something? Perhaps for Misaki-sensei's sake. For your big sister? Are you perhaps a Siscon?

"Vier's face looks weird again, Mifumi-sama."

"Vier-chan, stop thinking weird things."

Please don't betray me on this, Felin, Mifumi-sama.

"Sheesh... Don't you know how annoying that Stinky_Perfume incident is? Misaki-oneesan didn't explain everything to me but she has to go and talk to the King who put that bounty on your head just to fix the situation."

Whoever that bastard King is, I hope the stinky smell stays on him forever.

"What do you have to say for that, Vier-chan?"

"Ugh!... Ummm... It's not actually my fault but those merchant who keep on selling and those kids who keep on buying and using the Stinky_Perfume..."

"The heck it's not your fault! Your group is the one who's making that stupid Stinky_Perfume!"

"Please don't get mad. I already received my punishment for that incident."




"Any other reason why Vier-chan is not allowed to make any potions?"

Ehh?... I thought we were already done with that topic, Ms. Misato.

"Mhm!... So Vier won't turn everyone into a big frog!"


"Please stop with your sudden outburst, Vier-chan. Anyway, please clarify about what you just said, Felin-chan."

"Mhm!... Because Vier turned Leo into a big frog before."

Ugh!... Please stop revealing my dark past, Felin.

"Why would you even do something as cruel as that? Do you dislike that Leo?"

"That was totally his fault, okay? Leo drink that on his own!"

"But you're the one who put that potion in his desk, Vier-chan."


"Thankfully, Arenea-sensei was able to fix Leo-kun. Leo-kun was crying after that because he thought he was going to stay as a frog forever."




After the conversation about why I shouldn't be allowed to make any potions, Ms. Misato kept on asking questions while Mifumi-sama and Felin kept answering them without any regard for my heartfelt screams.

Their conversation just keeps on going.

"Why should I never let Vier-chan keep a pet monster? And who the heck keeps a monster as a pet?"

""Because Vier-chan will probably smuggle monsters or monsters' eggs inside the town!!""


"Why should I never let Vier-chan go to the black market? Why would a child be in the black market in the first place?"

""Because Vier-chan buys a lot of things from the black market!!""

No, I don't!!!...

"And what about the illegal transactions?"

""Because Vier-chan will probably sell her Magic_Items and potions illegally!!""


"And the letters she would send and receive?"

""So Vier-chan won't contact the Zaku_Syndicate!!""

"What the heck is the Zaku_Syndicate?"

"It's Vier-chan's group of friends where Felin-chan and I got left out!"

"Mhm!... We got left out!"

Ugh!... Didn't I already apologize for that, Felin, Mifumi-sama?

"And the Monster_Materials and Monster_Cores?"

""Those are the ones Vier-chan bought at the black market illegally!!""

Felin!!!... Mifumi-sama!!!...




"So in summary, Vier-chan is an idiotically troublesome kid who would do nasty things without anyone knowing."


"Isn't that a bit of an impression, Ms. Misato? And don't casually agree to her, Felin, Mifumi-sama. At least defend your friend even for a little bit."

I got roasted by Felin and Mifumi-sama for answering all of Ms. Misato's questions.

I guess they're still angry that I kept all of those things a secret from both of them. But they probably understand that I did all of those things so I could protect my friends and everyone important to me. Especially the two of them.

With that said, Felin and Mifumi-sama are probably not that angry at me for keeping my secrets... Probably.

"Anyway, there is still a week before the Entrance Exam for the Adventurers' Academy. Your group will have enough time to make your preparation. Make sure to gather as much information as you can about this floating island's Dungeon. Since the exam is always about surviving inside the Dungeon."

"""Mhm!... We'll do our best!"""




After our meeting, our group together with Ms. Misato ate the foods that Felin bought earlier from different food stalls for our dinner. Then Ms. Misato said goodbye and went home.

Once it's only just the three of us again, we gather back in the living room and sit on the couch for another meeting.

Of course, the agenda of our second meeting for tonight is about what to do for the preparation for the Entrance Exam.

"So what should we do for tomorrow, Mifumi-sama, Felin?"

"How about we take a look at the whole outpost town, Vier-chan."

"Mhm!... Let's go and explore, Vier."

"Both of you want to keep taking pictures and find new food, right?"


"At least deny that even for a little bit!... We need to start preparing for the exam as soon as possible."

"Don't get mad, Vier-chan. We'll do that as we explore the outpost town."

"Mhm!... We will work and play at the same time, Vier."

"Sigh... I guess that should be fine. So where do you want to go tomorrow?"


"At least make up your mind!""

After a long hour of discussion, we finally decided on what to do tomorrow.

First, we'll go visit the Adventurers' Guild to gather information about the Dungeon here at the Floating Island of Liber. Also, to get a copy of the map of the whole Island or the outpost town.

Second, probably, depending on which one is the closest, is at the merchant's store that sells Monster_Cores. This is for Mifumi-sama to look for new magic skills for her new Sorceress_Staff and for me to get some Monster_Materials to create new Magic_Items.

Third, probably, depends again on which one is the closest, is at the blacksmith's store. This is for Felin to look for some additional weapons that she could use. Felin already has a brand new set of Knife and Dagger that she received before we left our town. But it won't hurt to have more good weapons as a spare.

Fourth and last, probably, depends on you know what, is to take a look at the open market. There are always good second-hand things that can be found sometimes at the open market. And since Mifumi-sama has her new Art_Phone23, a Magic_Item that can take and store pictures along with the brand new function of appraisal skill, there is no way for us to be scammed.

After we concluded our second meeting, the three of us went early to bed.

We just released all of our belongings from our Storage_Items and dropped all of them in the living room.

We are all pretty much on our limit from riding the Mana_Airship and walking around the outpost town while being lost.

I just hope that we won't get lost around the outpost town tomorrow...



