A Place Within The Soul

"Huh?... Where am I?..."

When I got aware of my surroundings, I found myself in a place where there was nothing but an all-white plane.

The ground, the sky, and everything as far as my eyes could see were all nothing but white planes.

The emptiness of one's surroundings could sometimes bring anxiety to a person. However, being in this place kind of gives me a comforting feeling...



[What are you shouting out for, Vier-chan? It's not like this is the first you have seen me.]

The person who suddenly appeared behind me and made me startled was none other than Onee-chan. She is the person who sometimes appears in my dreams.

[Besides, you didn't even get scared when you first met me. So why are you acting like that now?]

Onee-chan's appearance, a burning white silhouette in the shape of a long-haired lady, may be bizarre but it's not scary at all. I just got so focused on my monologuing and being dramatic. So my scream earlier comes from being embarrassed about someone seeing me in that idiotic act. Not that I'm going to admit and tell that to Onee-chan.

"I'm not scared. I just got startled by you suddenly appearing and shouting like that, Onee-chan."

[Pfft!... So you're just feeling embarrassed..]

"Argh!... Please stop reading my thoughts like Mifumi-sama and Felin."

[Well it's not exactly your thoughts that I'm reading but your emotions that I'm feeling.]

"Ugh!... I really don't like this..."

On that matter, Onee-chan once said that she can see through my memories, understand with my knowledge, and feel with my emotions. In short, there is no way for me to lie and hide anything from Onee-chan.

[Anyway, didn't you see the Statue of Liber today? It's exactly like the one I showed you before, right?!]

Onee-chan's face may not be visible but I can tell from the tone of her voice that she's looking maybe a little bit smug right now.

"Well, it does look like what Onee-chan has shown me before. So Onee-chan's theory about our world may be true after all."

[Ehh?... Just maybe?... Just accept my theory to be the truth, Vier-chan!]

Onee-chan's theory that my world is a Recreated version of her world is kind of 'Out of this World'... Pfft...

[Ah!... You're laughing at your pun of a joke again.]

"Argh!... Stop reading my thoughts already..."

[Anyway, if you still don't believe my theory, how about I show you another movie where you can see the Statue of Liber.]


With a single snap of her finger, a couch, a small table with different snacks and drinks, and a Magic_Item that Onee-chan calls a T_V, suddenly appear out of nowhere.

[Today's show is the second movie franchise of Men_In_Black. Applause!]



It's like we're two idiots doing a two-person comedy act... Pfft...

[Seriously, Vier-chan. You look like an idiot grinning and laughing all by yourself.]


[Anyway, since Vier-chan can't understand the original language of my world's movie, I did my best to make a Subtitle just for you. Praise and Applause!]

"Thanks, Onee-chan. You're the best!"


"But can't you make it so that the movie is speaking with our language?"

[NOPE!... Dub movies feel like shit!... most of the time.]

"Oi!... Language please!"

[Besides isn't it best to watch a movie with its original language? It is not like you can't understand what is happening in the movie and what the actors and actresses are saying since there is already a Subtitle. Aside from the fact that you can feel more emotions through the connection of the acting and the original voice, watching the movie with its original audio input is also a form of appreciation to the actors and actresses for their great efforts in making the movie. Don't degrade a good movie just because you can't understand a damn shit! Or at least make a considerable amount of effort into your dubbing...]

Dub... What?... Onee-chan sometimes acts like this. Being exaggerated and saying words that I don't have any idea what it means.

[Anyway, just enjoy yourself watching the movie as it is, Vier-chan.]

"Ehh?... You're not going to watch the movie with me, Onee-chan?"

[Nope. There is a place I wanted to see so I'm going out for a bit.]


At a flick of her finger, a mysterious door appears behind the couch.

[I will be back before the movie ends so don't worry, Vier-chan.]




And she's gone. Onee-chan went through that door to who knows where.

Well, she said she'll be back so I'm just gonna watch the movie and later, tell Felin and Mifumi-sama about the story...









"Are you awake now, Vier?"

"I'm not just awake. I'm also in pain, Felin."

"It's already close to midday but good morning, Vier-chan."

"Good morning too, Mifumi-sama, Felin."