The Art_Phone Is Useful

"Vier, Mifumi-sama!... I found a cool-looking sword!"

Felin stopped our window shopping to direct our attention to a cool-looking, silver blade with a golden handle, sword. It was hanging on display at one of the stalls at the open market.

"You have great eyes, little girl! This sword was once used by a great Hero! It's not a legendary sword but the great Hero used this one when he was still in training which makes the value of this sword the same as a legendary sword."

What a scam!!!

As if a valuable sword like that would be randomly found hanging in a random stall at the open market.

And what's more unbelievable is that the Mister who is selling this scam of a sword has the guts to loudly say all of those lies, with a straight face, with these many people around. Just look at the disgusted stares of other sellers around. You're clearly being looked down, Mister.

"It's a legendary sword that would value hundreds of large Gold coins. But for you little girl, I'm willing to sell it for a mere price of 10 large Gold coins!"

""What the heck!!""

Mifumi-sama and I have the same thoughts as we look at that scam of a seller in front of us.

"Do you want it, little girl?!"

"Mhm!... I want it!"

Felin then started taking out most of her own money from her Item_Bag. Wait, why does Felin have so much money? Did her mother, Leaena-san give her that much?... Wait, that's not important now...

"Don't get fooled, Felin!"

This guy is not just a scammer but more of a criminal! Anyone who will try to scam an innocent little girl like Felin is definitely a criminal!

"Ummm... Then let's go with the payment right away, little..."

"But which great Hero?"


"Which great Hero used this sword, Mister?"

"Ehh... Umm... His name... I..."

Yep... This seller probably didn't even know one name from many Heroes recorded in history. Even the innocent Felin will be able to realize that.

"Wait! What are you doing, young lady? It's bad manners to appraise one's product without their consent!"

Mifumi-sama is now pointing her Art_Phone at that scam of a sword. Mifumi-sama might be out of the line but if she proves that this Mister is lying then her wrongdoing will be just fine.

With the lens at the back of the Art_phone in front of the sword, the appraisal skill within the Art_Phone starts to do its wonder.

And the result...

(...Name: Hero's sword replica...

...Materials: Copper Coins 90%, Silver Coins 5%, Gold Coins 5%...)

It's a display replica of one of the Heros' swords. Made of copper from Copper coins its blade is coated with Silver from Silver coins and its handle is coated with Gold from Gold coins.

It's not just a scam of a sword but an illegal one to boot. It's a sword made from smelting currency coins! That's definitely illegal!

With all of that said, there's only one thing left for us to do.









"So Vier-chan, care to explain what you just did earlier?"

"I wonder what do you mean, Mifumi-sama."

I try to play innocent by smiling and acting a bit childish in front of Mifumi-sama.

"Vier did a bad thing again."

"Ehh?... But I did it for you, Felin."

With a childish voice, I try to get Felin's sympathy in favor of my side.

"Don't turn the blame to Felin-chan, Vier-chan! Why did you still buy that fake illegal sword?!"

"It's fake and slightly illegal but it's still a cool-looking sword, Mifumi-sama!"

Yep, I bought the fake and illegal replica of the Hero's sword earlier. Not at the price of 10 large Gold coins but at a much rather dirt cheap price of 3 small Gold coins.

We let everything slide without telling the town's guard about the illegal sword after that Mister apologized to our group.

In fact, he told all of those lies thinking that a child like Felin doesn't have enough money of 10 large Gold coins to buy the sword. He just wanted to boast his products to his neighbor sellers. But still, it's a cool-looking sword, and Felin and I want it. So I blackmail... Ahem!... I mean, I negotiated with that Mister to sell to us that cool-looking sword at its original price of 5... I mean 3 small Gold coins.

The fake and slightly illegal Hero's sword will have a new place as a cool-looking decoration in our new living room.




"Found anything useful, Mifumi-sama?"

"Mhm... I like the skill that this Monster_Core has. The durability is already quite low but it will probably last within the duration of the exam."

(...Name: Sword_Fish Monster_Core...

...Rank: Rank_3...

...Attribute: Water...

...Skill: Water_ Blade...

... Durability: 15%...)

"Are you three perhaps talking about the Adventurers' Academy Entrance Exam?"

"""Mhm!... You're right, Sir."""

The guy selling Monster_Cores suddenly asked that question and the three of us answered simultaneously.

"So you three are adventurers? Aren't you quite young to be taking the entrance exam though?"

"We're barely at the qualified age, Sir."

The age limit for being an adventurer and taking the Adventurers' Academy Entrance Exam is 14 which is my current age. Mifumi-sama who is 15 years old doesn't have any problem and Felin who is still currently 13 years old has a special permit so she was able to register as an adventurer and take the exam.

"Well, if you say so. Anyway, are you done appraising the Monster_Cores, young lady?"

Compared to the previous seller of that fake and secretly illegal sword which is now proudly strapped at Felin's back, this seller is quite lenient in letting us appraise his products using the appraisal skill of the Art_Phone.

"Yes! I want to buy these three Monster_Cores, Sir."

Along with the Sword_Fish Monster_Core, Mifumi-sama chose two other Monster_Cores which are...

(...Name: Steel_Hawk Monster_Core...

...Rank: Rank_3...

...Attribute: Wind...

...Skill: Whirlwind...

...Durability: 20%...)

(...Name: Rock_Golem Monster_Core...

...Rank: Rank_3...

...Attribute: Land...

...Skill: Rock_Blast...

...Durability: 15%...)

"Ohh!... To have three Attributes in magic. It's no wonder you can take the entrance exam at such a young age."

The surprised seller praises Mifumi-sama for having three Attributes in Magic which is quite exceptional for being in the Sorceress Class. But he would be more surprised if he learns that Mifumi-sama actually has four Attributes in Magic. Flame, Water, Wind, and Land.

On that matter, Mifumi-sama didn't need to buy a Flame Attribute Monster_Core because she still has the Lava_Lizarad Monster_Core that we previously bought at the auction event in our hometown.

(...Name: Lava_Lizard Monster_Core...

...Rank: Rank_3...

...Attribute: Flame, Land, Lava...

...Skill: Lava_Ball...

...Durability: 80%...)




..."Please give me 5 pieces!"...

..."I need 10 pieces!"...

..."I want 20!"...

..."I'm buying 100!"...

..."""What the heck!!!"""...

..."Are you planning to hoard all of these!"...

..."Get out of here! You hoarder!"...




While Mifumi-sama is paying for the three Monster_Cores at the price of 3 small Gold coins, a sudden commotion occurs at one of the stalls a little bit far away from where we currently are.

The shouting of buyers is quite interesting which made me curious as to what is being sold in that stall.

"Do you know what that commotion is about, Sir?"

I asked the seller who is currently busy counting some change for Mifumi-sama's 1 large Gold coin.

"Ohh!... Are your group perhaps new here in the outpost town... I mean here at the Floating Island of Liber?"

"Yep... We just arrived yesterday."

"I see... It makes sense you don't know the common practice of rookie adventurers in fighting a Golem."

"So there is a way to easily defeat a Golem?"

"It's not specifically for defeating the Golem but for harvesting their Monster_Cores."

"What?... I don't understand, Sir?"

"Okay, think about this, young lady. Do you think a rookie adventurer who still doesn't have the skill to cut a rock with his sword would risk his hard-earned new sword getting chipped by fighting a Rock_Golem?"

I guess this guy has a point.

"Mhm!... I can cut a rock!"

Felin on the other hand proudly proclaimed her skill in cutting rocks.

"I see... That is excellent, young lady. But are you planning to cut rocks with that shiny shimmering splendid sword on your back?"


Please don't Felin. That shiny shimmering splendid sword is only for decoration.

"So what exactly are they selling, Sir?"

"That's the Blacksmiths' Guild stall and they're selling enhanced pickaxes for easily fighting Wood_Golem and Rock_Golem."

"I see... Thanks for the information, Sir."

I guess buying some enhanced pickaxe will be useful for our group as well.

"If you're also planning to buy those pickaxes then you better hurry, young lady. They always sold out right after they started selling."

"What?... Come on. Hurry up, Mifumi-sama, Felin."




"Get out of our way! We're buying 100 of those pickaxe!"

"Mhm!... A hundred!"

"Wait, Vier-chan, Felin-chan. You can't buy 100 pickaxes. Two or three for each of us will be enough!"