Concrete_Jungle Dungeon Day 2



"Stop! This isn't what we agreed to..."



"You said you will leave our group alone if we help you get into the exam..."



"Tsk!... What a bunch of morons. As if I would let any of you live after you saw what my face looks like. Well, what can you expect from newbie Assassins? They're nothing but a bunch of weaklings."

"Argh!... You, what have you done with our friend?..."

"Ohh!... Still alive don't you? You're more tenacious than I expected. I give you that."


"What have you done? You, bastard!..."

"What I have done? Ah!... Are you talking about that fourth weakling guy? Of course, I already killed that guy. Even before you decided to help me get into the exam."

"What? But you said..."

"Pfft... Hahaha... And you morons believe that lie. You're all nothing but an inexperienced Assassin, after all."




"Finally!... With the inspector being dealt with and these morons being disposed of, I can finally start hunting those kids... Hahaha!... This is gonna be fun! I can't wait to see how pathetic their face are gonna be as I hurt and kill them one by one... Hahaha!..."






***POV - Vier***

"Lightning_Beast_Form - Lightning_Flash!..."




It's our second day inside the Concrete_Jungle Dungeon. We're still in the forest area and right now, the three of us are currently fighting two Rank_3 Wood_Golems.

Felin is fighting one of the Wood_Golem all by herself while Mifumi-sama and I are handling the other one.

Since Felin is moving so fast using her Sub-Spirit Magic, the slow-moving Wood_Golem is like an unmoving target in the face of Felin's speed.

"Lightning_Beast_Form - Lightning_Flash!..."


After getting behind the Wood_Golem while taking advantage of her fast movement, Felin slashed the left shoulder joint of the Wood_Golem using her Knife in her left hand.

The cut made by Felin's Knife was not deep enough to completely disarm the left arm... Pfft! Fufufu... I mean detached the left arm of the Wood_Golem but it's enough to completely disable its left arm.

The main Magic used by Wood_Golem are Wood Manipulation and Regeneration.

The Wood Manipulation ability allows them to stretch their arms or other parts of their bodies... But most of the time it's only their arms... That stretching arms is a little bit faster compared to their actual movement and it's enough to allow the Wood_Golem to fight mid-range.

The Regeneration skill on the other hand is quite a troublesome skill. Most of the Golem monsters have the Regeneration skill but the Wood_Golem excels incredibly among the other. No matter how much you cut its body, the Wood_Golem will heal itself and reattach any detached part in the blink of an eye.

Well, even though as said all of those praise for the Rank_3 Wood_Golem, Felin is overpowering the Wood_Golem she's currently fighting.

It's not because the Wood_Golem is weak. After all, for Bronze_Rank adventurers like the three of us, a Rank_3 Wood_Golem is the limit of the monsters' rank that we are allowed to fight.

The reason why Felin is easily winning this fight is because of her Sub-Spirit Magic.

As a Demi-Human, Felin's Sub-Spirit, the black Cat-sith which is currently standing at the top of her head between her cat-ears while she's fighting, is giving her the ability to use her Bloodline's Magic. And that Magic is the ability to control Lightning.

With every cut made by Felin's Knife and Dagger which is imbued with Lightning, the Regeneration skill of the Wood_Golem becomes ineffective.

Sooner or later, that Wood_Golem will become nothing but firewood in the face of Felin's strength.

"Vier-chan! Look out!"


While I'm focusing my attention on Felin's fight, the Wood_Golem that Mifumi-sama and I are fighting launches its stretching wooden arms toward me. If Mifumi-sama hadn't warned me or if her warning came a second late, then I might have been in the world of pain right now.

"Are you okay, Vier-chan?"

"I'm okay. I managed to dodge in the last second. Thanks, Mifumi-sama."

"Let's finish our opponent so we can help Felin-chan!"

"That's the same thing I have in mind, Mifumi-sama."

Not that Felin actually needs our help though.

"Mhm!... Let's go!... I will give you some cover, Vier-chan!... Water_Blade!..."


Mifumi-sama launched her Water_Magic skill at long-range to get the attention of the Wood_Golem while I on the other hand, swiftly move mid-range to shoot my Double-Barrel_Shotgun.

Using my Magic_Gun, the Double-Barrel_Shotgun, at close range might result in its bullets bouncing off towards me after they hit the Wood_Golem's body. Shooting at long range will reduce its effectiveness. Therefore, fighting at mid-range is just the right position for me and my Double-Barrel_Shotgun.


Using just one shot isn't enough to completely detach the Wood_Golem's right arm which leads me to firing another shot. Then I swiftly move out of my position to avoid the incoming attack from the Wood_Golem's stretching left arm while skillfully reloading my Double-Barrel_Shotgun.


With the attention of the Wood_Golem shifting towards me, Mifumi-sama launches a big boulder of rock using her Land_Magic skill which completely breaks off the Wood_Golem's left arm.


Then I follow up by shooting one of its legs detaching it from the Wood_Golem's body.


With three of its four limbs gone, the Wood_Golem stumbled flat-faced on the ground.

"Let's finish it, Mifumi-sama!"




Once the Wood_Golem was down on the ground, both Mifumi-sama and I, launch a flame attack at the Wood_Golem to stop its Regeneration skill and finish it off.

It might have been an easier fight if we started with those flame attacks, but the moving Wood_Golem might spread the fire into the forest.

We can't risk causing a forest fire as it might be considered as breaking the no hindering the other groups rule if the forest fire reaches the other Adventurers' Party and hinders their exam.

After intensely waiting for a minute, the burning Wood_Golem finally stopped showing any signs of movement. I guess it means we won the fight, right? Oops!... That's enough raising a flag.

"Let's help Felin-chan, Vier-chan!"

"Well, I don't think Felin needs any help at all, Mifumi-sama."

Felin finished her fight way long before ours. And right now, she is busy splitting wood with her pickaxe. Not that she's preparing wood for our campfire tonight, but she's doing that to search for the Monster_Core inside the Wood_Golem's body.






"""We're finally out of the forest!!!"""

After another whole day of walking inside the forest area with some occasional fighting and running away from Golems, our group finally reached the border of the forest area and the rocky terrain.

"Let's find those Rock_Golems and throw some paper at them!"

"Mhm!... Because rock can't beat paper!"

"Please stop with that joke already and help me prepare camp, Vier-chan, Felin-chan."