Concrete_Jungle Dungeon Day 3 Part 1

It's time for the Dwarf_Cat-Eared_Elf camping tips Part 2!... Yeah!!!

Our topic for tonight is how to make a camp within the rocky terrain inside of a Dungeon.

If you're thinking that you only need to make a campfire and take turns watching at night then you're definitely wrong again!

Campfire is equal to monsters and monsters are equal to sleepiness night! So you better listen if you want to get any sleep tonight!

The first thing you need to do is to find a shallow cave within the wall of rock. If you can't find any caves then any tall wall of rock will do. Set up your tent inside that shallow cave or beside that wall of rock.

The second is to make your campfire on the ground further away from the rock where you set up your tent. Make sure that the light from the campfire is just barely reaching your tent.

With those two steps, your group can safely sleep at night even if the campfire attracts some monsters. Your watcher can easily observe those monsters while everyone in your group stays safe under the cover of shadow beside the wall of rock.

So you better find a shallow cave or a good wall of rock before the sun set at sunset...

"Pfft... Fufufu..."

"Mifumi-sama, why is Vier laughing by herself again?"

"Vier-chan is probably laughing at her pun of a joke again. Don't let it bother you, Felin-chan. Let's just go to sleep."

"Mhm!... Good night, Mifumi-sama, Vier."

"Pfft... Hahaha..."






It's our third day inside the Concrete_Jungle Dungeon. And right now, our group is on the route along the second layer which is the rocky terrain.

It's an easy route compared to the forest area. There is no tall grass blocking your way and stumbling on your footsteps is more unlikely to happen. Your vision wasn't blocked either by trees so you can easily see if an enemy is coming from further ahead. The only unfavorable factor is that there's no shade at all. It's still early in the morning but the temperature is starting to get hot already. I bet it will be more hotter once it reaches midday.




"Does anyone see any Rock_Golems ahead?"

Mifumi-sama asked that question while she was looking further ahead using the Spyglass replica that I made. It's not as clear as the one I'm using which was made and gifted to me by my blacksmith instructor Master Berlin.

"Behind that big rock, Mifumi-sama!"

Felin who is also using another Spyglass replica that I made, pointed at a big rock along the path of our route further ahead.

"Hmmm... I don't think that's a Rock_Golem, Felin. It's more like the shadow of the big rock itself."

What we're doing right now is finding the Rank_3 Rock_Golem which we know that is hiding ahead of our path.

Like what happened with the two Wood_Golems yesterday, this Rock_Golem in our route is another encounter set up by the Adventurers' Academy Guild's staff. How would I know that? It's because the location of the Rock_Golem is specifically marked on our map.

They intentionally set our route so we could encounter some Golems.

However, no matter how much we search using our Spyglass, we can't seem to find that hiding Rock_Golem.

"Well, we don't have any choice, Felin, Mifumi-sama. Let's just be careful as we move further ahead."





"I guess it should be around here."

While Mifumi-sama is carefully reading the map, the three of us arrive at the big rock that Felin was pointing out earlier. This big rock is the landmark which supposed to indicate the location of the Rock_Golem.

"If it's not here, maybe it moved away to another location?"

"I don't think that's the case, Vier-chan."

Mifumi-sama rejected my idea and explained why it's unlikely to happen.

"Didn't we learn at the town's library that the Golems would only stay and won't move away from their designated area or respawning point?"

Researching at the town's library was really useful after all. Like what happened with the fight against the Wood_Geloms. Learning the tricks written in the books on how to fight the Wood_Golem gave us an easy victory.

Anyway, back to the Rock_Golem...

"Then perhaps it was already defeated by other Adventurers' Party?"

"Hmmm... If that's the case..."


Huh?... What's happening?... The ground is trembling all of a sudden...

"Vier, Mifumi-sama, It's the big rock!"

Felin guided our attention towards the big rock landmark behind us.


The 3-meter-tall rock started to tremble and break apart. Then the debris that fell apart started to gather at one spot to form an almost 3-meter tall bulky humanoid-shaped figure.




My supposed heartfelt scream was stopped by the clicking and shuttering sounds coming from someone's Art_Phone.

"Grab her, Felin! Let's run away!"

"Mhm!... Let's go, Mifumi-sama."





"I can't believe that your first response after the Rock_Golem appeared beside us is to take its pictures!... Not to grab your Sorceress_Staff and get ready for combat!"

"Mhm!... You're getting sloppy, Mifumi-sama."

"I'm sorry, Vier-chan, Felin-chan."

Mifumi-sama is now on her knees as Felin and I give her a harsh scolding.

Prioritizing her hobby of taking monster pictures at that time was really out of the line. One simple mistake can lead to a dangerous situation. And what she did earlier might result in us getting injured before the actual fight itself.

Thankfully, we managed to get some distance before the Rock_Golem could assemble itself. Then we run away back to our path to get out of the Rock_Golem's territory.

On another note...

"So the landmark is the Rock_Golem itself... ... ... What the heck!!!... Explain it properly, you lazy Guild's staff!!!..."

I kicked the wall of rock in which we were hiding due to my frustrations.

I mean, what the heck are they thinking marking that spot on our map? They basically telling us to approach our enemy. Those Guild's staffs bastard...


"Ouch, ouch, ouch..."

Mifumi-sama suddenly stumbled on the ground and was now unable to move her legs.

I guess Felin and I scolded her for too long and her legs became numb from kneeling too much.

Well, we kinda feel bad seeing Mifumi-sama's numbing legs but this is a great opportunity to teach her a lesson...


"What are you laughing at, Vier-chan?..."

"Felin, you know what to do right?"


"Wait!... You two!... Don't you dare poke my legs!"

""This is your punishment, Mifumi-sama...""

"Wait!... GYAAAAAH!!!..."






"Is everyone ready?"


"Then Let's go!"

Bronze_Rank Dwarf_Cat-Eared_Elf versus Rank_3 Rock_Golem.

Well, that's just what my playful mind is thinking right now.

Not that I don't feel any tension for our first fight against the Rock_Golem. It's just that we can't wait to try the trick... I mean the safe and easy method of defeating the Rock_Golem that we learned from our research at the town's library.

"Lightning_Beast_Form - Lightning_Flash!"

As per our plan, Felin went ahead to distract the attention of the Rock_Golem.

With her Sub-Spirit, the black Cat-sith appearing on top of Felin's head between her cat-ears, Felin covered her body with Lightning Attribute Magic and attacked the Rock_Golem with lightning speed.


As she has said before, Felin can cut rocks using her Steel_Golem Knife and pierce them with her Steel_Golem Dagger. However, since the cut and the stab do not reach deep into the body of Rock_Golem, Felin is unable to take down the Rock_Golem on her own.

Well, it's not a problem since she's not fighting on her own after all.

Following behind Felin, I ready my attack aiming at the Rock_Golem's left knee.

I'm not shooting with my Magic_Item Double-Barrel_Shotgun since the iron bullets bouncing off might also hit Felin. Instead, I'm using a specialized tool for fighting the Rock_Golem.

The enhanced pickaxe.


I swing the enhanced pickaxe at the Rock_Golem's left knee and easily break its joint. The Rock_Golem stumbled with both of its arms on the ground to support its body and stop its fall.

However, we're not done yet.


Mifumi-sama fired a big boulder towards the Rock_Golem using her Land_Magic skill.


With Mifumi-sama's attack, the Rock_Golem finally made its fall on the ground.

With the current situation of the Rock_Golem, we can easily beat it up as it's still lying on the ground. However, the almost 3-meter tall bulky Rock_Golem has a special mechanism for this situation.

Just imagine a slow-moving giant rock getting back on its feet after it falls. It leaves the Rock_Golem with too much opening for another attack, right? That is why once a Rock_Golem completely falls on the ground, its body will soon break apart to move to another location and gather up to form a new standing tall Rock_Golem.

It is an escape for another round mechanism. A total cheat ability.

However, that cheat ability still leaves the Rock_Golem a clear opening.

"Be careful, Vier-chan, Felin-chan."


With Mifumi-sama's warning, Felin and I moved toward the still-forming Rock_Golem to finish it off.






...After you make the Rock_Golem fall on the ground, it will break apart and move to another location to once again gather up. Use that opportunity to break each separate rock as the Rock_Golem assembles. If you manage to destroy the rock containing the Monster_Core inside, then the Rock_Golem will completely fall apart...




"Safe and easy method my ass!!!... That took us a freaking 30 minutes fight!!!..."

"Hey!... Watch your language, Vier-chan!"

"Mhm!... Language!"