Working towards a better future.

I woke up the next morning. I tried to exit my room, but I was blocked by a kneeling figure behind my doors.

-"Sakura, may I know what you are doing?"

-"I came to repay my debt."

-"Even if you are referring to Rin's matter, why are you kneeling in front of my room?"

-"From now on, my life belongs to you, Lord."

-"No, your life is yours."

-"It was, but I decided to give it to you."

-"Are those ears fox or donkey?"


-"Ehh... Do what you want."

I left with Sakura following behind me. I ran into Jingliu on my way, who also joined me. We went to the kitchen to eat some breakfast. In the meantime, I wrote to Fu Xuan.


Fu Xuan


Fu Xuan

I started cooking. Jingliu spoke about what had happened in the last two days. When Fu Xuan joined us, we started our breakfast.

After finishing it, we went to Loufu. Gathering Cloud Knights, we continued purging Abundance. I took the rest of the day, but after sunset, there was no more Abundance on the Loufu.

-"Good job. From tomorrow, I'll start absorbing Mara from people. Start with those in the worst conditions and oldest."

-"I'll pass those words to Realm-Keeping Commission."

-"Now, do you mind teaching me some more advanced divination techniques?"

-"No, I don't. Let's go to the Matrix of Prescience."

We parted ways with Jinglou and Sakura. They went together back to Hold while I followed Fu Xuan. Divination is not easy to learn. It not only requires many calculations but also a special talent that few possess.

As an Emanator of Finality who can manipulate time, the art of divination is a perfect fit. My predictions were not only much more accurate, but I could even ignore some dangers that diviners need to be careful about.

While I stayed on Loufu, getting rid of Mara, I learned under Fu Xuan. The number of people here was big enough that I needed a whole week to finally end my assignment. During this time, I become close to Fu Xuan enough for her to accept my invitation to Progress, where she become my assistant.

When I returned to Hold, I was surprised by a change that had taken place around me. Not only the first building outside the walls has appeared, but also a big military camp can be seen on one side of the island.

Deciding to see what was going on, I went out of the gate into the burgeoning city. Many people were working on the construction, walking with materials in their hands and heading toward their sites.

In the middle, I saw Keqing. Approaching, I heard countless instructions pouring out of her mouth, and when she noticed me, I also got my own set of tasks.

-"Yue, hello. If you are already here, how about you help? Go to site 14 and harden the ground. Do the same on site 19. Also, I heard you are a good cook. Go to the kitchen. It could use some help."

-"Hello, Keqing. I won't be able to help you. I have my own work. Also, doing that with my position can harm the name of Hold in the long run."

-"Then what are you doing here? Don't slack and wander around aimlessly."

-"I simply wanted to see what's going on, and you instantly tell me off. You harm my heart."

-"Don't be melodramatic. I'm busy. We can talk later."

-"Yes, have a great day, workaholic cat."

-"I'm not a cat!"

As I stepped on someone's tail, I quickly fled from there. This time, I traveled to the military camp. Shouts can be heard from inside. When I came near the entrance, guards on duty stopped me.

-"Stop! This is a military installation. Identify yourself."

-"I'm Principle of Progress, Yue."

-"Excuse me! I'll call the General."

-"No need. I'm already here."

-"Jing Yuan, It's nice to see you again."

-"Yes, I'll show you around."

-"Thank you. Soldiers, keep up the good work."

-"Yes, sir! Thank you, sir!"

I passed through the gate and entered inside. On one side were rows of tents, while on the other, hundreds of people were training. Some were fighting against simulated opponents, and some were running through an obstacle course.

-"I heard what have you done on Loufu. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you."- Jing Yuan suddenly bowed to me.

-"I can see your seriousness. I'll accept your thanks but do treat me like before. We are now teammates, after all."

-"I will. I just had to thank you personally for everything."

-"You and Zhongli are both 'spiritual old men'."

-"It is an honor to be compared with the old Emperor."

-"You two tarred with the same brush. Both want to retire, but because you can't just stand and watch from the side, neither can do so."

-"And would you look at that, some fox that tricked us into more work."

-"Is that not the fox's role to trick? I would faut lion and dragon who were taken advantage of by a mere fox." 

-"Mere fox capable of shattering planets? Interesting neologism. In your dictionary, 'mere' must mean something different."

-"You better tell me how's it going here?"

-"Not bad. People from Liyue have solid training. After learning some more martial arts, they will be on the same foot as Cloud Knights."

-"Good to hear that. Your training equipment is also quite impressive."

-"Joint work of that Vill-V girl and guys from Erudition. The only thing lacking there are auras of monsters. Bloodthirst and other primal emotions can be traumatizing."

-"Hmm. I can do something for you on that field. Give me a moment and gather soldiers."

-"It seems you have an interesting idea. I'll have everyone here in 15 minutes."

I nodded and walked to the empty training field. I stopped at the far end of it. Creating a crystal sword similar to the one I use, I began infusing my dragon aura into it. 

Soon, a vague dragon roar can be heard from it. Even illusions of dragons appear if you stare closely enough. I struck it into the ground and made a protective seal every few steps from the sword. When done, you can see six zones around the sword in the middle.

-"It would seem you are done."

-"Yes, let me explain. I infused this sword with my spirit and intent. Those circles inside each other are stages of intensity. Further out, the weaker it is."

-"So it can test the willpower of soldiers?"

-"That is its purpose. On the outermost layer, one would only feel gaze, while on the inner ones, you could see illusions."

-"Let me try."- Said the General as he started walking toward the sword.

-"The ultimate test is to draw the sword. Good luck."

Jing Yuan waved his hand and continued forward. When he stepped into the first layer, his eyes brightened. He continued forward and passed the first four layers without much trouble. Only in the fifth zone did he slow down.

Sweat slowly appeared on his forehead, but he persevered and entered the sixth area. By then, he had to use his own aura to counteract the sword's one. He arrived at the sword while audibly breathing.

He put his hand off the handle and froze. Seconds passed until, with great difficulty, he pulled the sword upwards. He then stabbed the sword back into the ground and returned.

-"You crazy bastard. You infused some of Aeon's essence in that sword. When I touched it, I'm sure that I saw Long of Permanence. You won't convince me otherwise."

-"I did. But my low strength made it diluted, so it's only similar to a passing glance. If I could, I would put at least an angry one there."

-"Now I'm certain that you want to kill me."

-"Your opinion on the installation?"

-"Usefull. Every soldier from now on will use it and must at least enter the third zone to qualify."

-"Happy to be of assistance."

I watched the first batch of trainees try to approach the sword, only to fail miserably. After that, I left. Walking toward the last thing I have left to visit outside the walls, the Astrall Express.

I walked over and saw two red-haired women talking about blueprints strew over a table near them. Looking over the drawings, I understood what was the subject of their discussion.

-"Terminal for the Express?"

-"Hmm? Yue, you are here?"

-"My, I haven't noticed you."

-"Hello, Hephaestus, Himeko."

-"Ah, yes. Hello, Yue."

-"What is your opinion on those? Any great idea?"

-"Hmm, I suggest we try to replicate the Astral Express. We can create a fleet of them to travel between worlds to not fully depend on Hold's power."

-"Ambitious, but not bad."

-"I've repaired the Express myself, but I don't understand how it is made."

-"Is it not the perfect job for the Progress?"

-"You are correct. Where do we start?"

-"Pom-Pom is most knowledgeable about the workings of Express. Let's ask him."


We entered the Express and talked about our plan with Pom-Pom. He agreed to help and gave us some manuals about Express. We gathered most of the people interested in helping. Vill-V, Herta, Screwllum, Welt, Aranyani, and even a few whom I had yet to meet, such as the Cloud Retainer, Xianyun, or member of Sumeru Akademiya, Alhaitham.

Dividing work among ourselves, we dived in. Consulting with Tingyun, whom Ningguang appointed as responsible for the needs of this project. We quickly began making progress.

After working for a whole week, we were able to understand the workings of a stable space warp. It needed many elements working together, so each of us received his own part to replicate.

As the only person who can use the power of Trailblaze, it was my job to create a core for the Express. I also have to record the coordinates of worlds already under the influence of the Hold.

We also completed plans for terminals to be built in every [Fortress of Hold]. As construction was already ongoing in Orario, so I went there first. Tsubaki was in charge of construction here. After informing her of what needed to be changed, she started studying the new blueprint.

-"This grand plan is so interesting! A way of traveling between words. I have to be part of this. You guys! Hurry up, there are more interesting things to be done!"

-"Yes, captain!"

I didn't stay long here, but decided to go for a walk around the city. As I was walking on one of the more shady roads, I saw Ryuu talking with a group of people. Deciding to approach them, I appeared from behind the corner, alarming them.

-"Who are you?!"

-"Don't worry, I'm not your enemy. I just noticed Ryuu and decided to approach."-I assured them with my hands raised.

-"Yue? You match the description given to me by Lady Astraea."

-"Yes, it's me. We haven't met, but I saw you once before. Because you look suspicious, I decided to ask what's going on."

-"It does not concern you. Leave before something happens."

-"Stop it, guys. Sorry for them, Yue. They are from the Ganesha familia. We're about to attack Evilus stronghold located nearby."

-"Some kind of joint operation? Interesting. Allow me to follow you."

-"Can you even fight?"

-"You are?"

-"I'm Adi Varma, the Vyasa. Leader of this Ganeshs familia party."

-"Adi, you don't have to worry about him. He is the strongest person you'll meet."

-"Hmm... Well, not my circus, not my monkeys."

-"Thank you."

-"Good. Just now, there was the signal for attack."

-"Let's go."

I followed the adventures, who entered into storage at the end of the street. As fights began, I looked over at Adi, who approached a child near the wall. She wanted to take him from this place, but just as she was to take his arm, the child took out the dagger and swung at her throat.

I threw a small crystal dagger to pierce the child's arm into the wall. Then, grabbed the stunned woman away just as the child exploded. This attracted the attention of the rest.

-"Don't lose focus in a fight." - I said as another two daggers flew to kill two enemies who tried exploiting this situation.

After that episode, we defeated most opponents, leaving only one woman standing on the opposite side. My daggers saved a few people during this fight.

Suddenly, a series of explosions shook the surroundings. The woman used this moment to escape.

-"What's going on?"

-"I don't know."

-"Let's regroup with the others."

We ran out and moved to the gathering point they agreed upon before. There were already some people gathered. In the middle of the fray was Finn. He was leading the defense against the opponents. Before approaching, I decided to call someone over.





Having done that, I arrived next to Finn.

-"Need some assistance?

-"Yes, I already contacted Jing Yuan. He will deploy as soon as we receive permission from the Guild."

-"Ok. What do you need me to do?"

-"Can you save people in the city?"

-"Leave them to me. I'll have them gather in the tower."

-"We will focus on defending it then."

I teleported high above, sat down in the air, and started working. I opened my eyes, with tails unfolding behind me at the same time. Looking down whole city was in my eyes.

Starting from those in mortal danger I teleported people in the city into the tower of Babel. This surprised the gods who were inside until Freya used the Divine Mirror to reveal my appearance. In around 30 minutes, all civilians and wounded were transported.

Appearing near Astraea and Loki, I joined the discussion about our course of action. Many gods were looking at me warily. Some were even whispering that I was some kind of monster, trying to convince others to deal with me along the Evilus outside.

-"Thank you for your assistance, Yue."

-"No problems, Astraea."

-"You are the hero who saved my young Adi? Thank you, young man!"

-"No time for that, Ganesha. You probably already heard about him from Ouranos, Hermes. Now, speak of his answer about reinforcements."

-"Chill, Loki. He agreed to ask your Hold for help."

-"Good. Finn, convey it to General."


-"I'll go outside to help. Astraea, Loki, take care of yourself. 

-"Don't worry."

-"Yue, please look after my familia."

-"Roger that."

I moved outside, where the first units of Cloud Knights, alongside fully equipped Lapis Knights, were appearing. Jing Yuan was at the front with his glaive in hand. 

He quickly arranged soldiers into formations and took the burden of defense from adventures at the perfect moment, as suddenly, nine pillars of light appeared.



-"Jingliu, do you want to go on a date around the city?"