Hold first deployment.

Passing by yet another dead adventurer, I walked hand in hand with Jingliu while Sakura, who was always one step behind me, sheathed her sword. In the last ten minutes, over 20 people fell under her blade.

I led them toward the home of Astraea familia. I perceived before that the whole mortal part of familia was gathered together there. If not for the whole being attacked part, it would be quite a pleasant afternoon.

-"It would seem this attack is slowly going to end."

-"Yes. Evilus tried to kill as many adventures as they could, but thanks to the knights' intervention, they failed."

-"It's not the end, though. This plan was too well planned to simply end after that. They will do something else."

-"Direct attacks won't work, neither would night raid. They will do something to draw people from the tower."

-"I think the same way. Most likely, they would wait for us to reclaim the rest of the city while using tunnels and such for ambushes."

-"Why don't you use divination, Master?"

-"I plan to do that after we return. Right now, Evilus can't do much, so I have time before our next step to predict their actions."

-"Lord, our destination appears to be under siege."

-"Can you clear them, Sakura?"

-"At your will."

Sakura moved forward while teaching toward her blade. Dashing into a group of enemies, surprised by her sudden action, meanwhile, she took a battou stance. A series of slashes followed, fast enough to be called instantaneous. Every opponent in our way lost both arms and head. 

-"As always, perfect neutralization of opponents."

-"Thank you for your praise, my Lord."

We have met the members of Astraea familia inside. They already knew Jingliu, as she trained them before, so we quickly convinced them to go with us.

While feeling a series of scrutinizing looks boring from the back of my head, I continued walking with Jingliu. Our next stop was a place where the elites of Freya and Loki familias were cut off.

Continuing on our way, newly joined girls were shocked by Sakura's strength, especially Kaguya, who quickly became her fan. As we arrived at our destination, the sun was slowly setting.

-"More reinforcements? It's not that that changes anything."

-"Ohh, they don't look so easy."

-"You are too cautious, Alfia."

-"It's you who is too reckless, Zald."

-"Hmm, they look somewhat strong. Jingliu, you want to move?"

-"Yes, leave it to me, Master."

When Jingliu started approaching them, she became the focus of all the people gathered here. She manifested a sword and started the attack. She quickly gained the upper hand and started pushing back members of Evilus.

Meanwhile, I approached members of Loki's and Freya's familias and started helping them with their wounds. Most of them wanted to rush forward and join the fight but were stopped by me.

-"Don't. It is hard to meet a worthy opponent that is not some kind of monster."

-"You are treating this as training?!"



-"Stop it, Allen. That person doesn't need our help."


-"No. She is not even serious."

-"Jingliu will take care of herself. You focus on yourself first."

-"Thank you, Yue."

-"I won't leave my comrades in dire straits, Riveria."

When I finished providing aid, Jingliu's fight was also starting to come to a close, but before she could end her opponent, smoke exploded everywhere. It soon cleared, but members of Evilus disappeared with it.

-"Pursue them, Master?"

-"Leave them be, while enemies they didn't kill anyone. We'll see them again soon."


-"Let's start moving back to Babel. Gods should already agreed on a plan of action by now."

We hurriedly moved back, and just before nightfall, we passed the defense line of knights. Seeing how organized Cloud and Lapis Knights were provided great assurance to people in the tower.

Entering where gods gathered, we were met with an oppressive atmosphere.

-"How dare you mortal!"

-"We order you to kill Evilus and recapture the town."

-"Yes, we may even provide a reward for your service."


-"Hmm, it's the first time I see someone asking for help in such manner."

-"Yue, you returned at last."

-"It would seem that we ran into some troubles. Loki, Astraea, mind explaining what's going on?"

-"We tried dissuading them from trying to take control of Hold's forces, but as you see, who are they to be equal to mortals."

-"So they democratically decided to take over our forces?"


-"Fascinating, what if I take the Knights to liberate an occupied land from Evilus for ourselves?"

-"You dare to joke about us?!"

-"Yes, after all, aren't you clowns? I even miss Aha. At least his jokes were somewhat funny."


-"Outrageous !"


-"I remember now! You are also a monster, aren't you?! This must be a ploy of Evilus! Yes, he must be against us!"

-"Interesting deduction, you are?"

-"I'm god Ikelos, you better remember...."

-"Yes, yes."- I waved him off. -"Ikelos, let me ask you a question. Do you dare to order Ouranos around?"

-"What are you saying? I never did such a thing."

-"I just hypothetically, would you dare?"


-"Interesting. You see, Ouranos is the guarantor of our status as an independent force here in Orario."

-"This has nothing to do with..."

-"It does. My people were now ordered by you to do something. Will your familia do something if I order them?"

-"Of course not."

-"Strange, I thought you supported ordering around forces that do not belong to you?"

-"It's entiry diffrent. I, as a GOD, order them to do something."

-"God? Hmm, like those nine guys killed before? No, it does not seem to be worth much."


-"Shhh, I'm talking now. I ask you 'GODS' of Orario, are you sure you want to order us?"


-"What, silence now? Arent you so grand and powerful? Why not say it?"-I looked around the room. Most gods had either apologetic or slightly ashamed looks. Few of them, however, were still up to some fight.

-"You are a mere mortal. All your worth is to be used by us."

-"Yes, shut up and follow our words."

Few others also voiced their opinions.

-"Ouranos, I know you are looking. As godly arbiter, do you wish to end this situation, or I'm to do it myself?"

-"Your organization has the same position as Guild in this city. No god may order you. Yue is to be treated the same as a god."-Ouranos' answer echoed around the room.

-"You heard. Now, do you still have some opinions?"

-"How can you deserve the same treatment as a god? Impossible! How can we be compared to that monster?!"

-"Thank you for your insight Ikelos. Astraea, did you record all names during this discussion?"

-"Yes. I'll make sure they never get any assistance from now on."

-"Good. Loki, I believe you know what to do?"

-"Heh, I like your approach."



-"You are in command of the army. Until Nobunaga comes, you will be under me."

-"Roger that."

-"We will move only in the morning. Get everything ready by then."

-"Yes."-Shortly after he left.

-"Astraea, I'll leave Orario's side to you. Can you do it?"

-"Leave it to me. After all, I don't want to see the 10th pillar today."

I nodded and left. Outside, I walked to where Fu Xuan was already waiting for me. 

-"I could hear those screams even here. I thought heads would roll."

-"Why do so many people have such an opinion of me?"

-"Most emanators are as such. But as Jingliu's master, even I thought you should be similar."

-"Jingliu... She is just direct."

-"Yes. She does directly slash at the neck."

-"OK, we got sidetracked. Everything ready?"

-"We only have to return to the ship, and we can start. Ready to receive the third eye and officially become the diviner?"

-"I just wonder, if something hit you in the forehead, would that hurt more?"

-"I'm starting to regret my decision."

We went directly to Loufu to board my ship, which was waiting there. In order to officially become a diviner, one must enter 'the library' aboard the Xianzhou Yuque.

I used my now improved technique of pseudo warp jump. Arriving at Yuque, we were not sick that much. Landing, we were invited aboard and quickly made our way to the Divination Commission. There, we stopped in front of old doors.

-"When you enter inside, you will receive your third eye. There are many different 'eyes' one can receive. For example, my 'eye' gives me a clear sight to seek what I think is the best future, and my master's 'eye' gives him the power to see the absolute future that will happen no matter what."

-"Any advice before we start?"

-"Be true to yourself."

-"Good. Then let's start."

-"Go inside. I'll be waiting for your return."

I nodded and stepped into the doors. Inside was a normal-looking library full of old scrolls. There was no one here, which surprised me as in Fu Xuan's story, a blind man talked to her.

Looking around, I noticed that on the table was a parchment. On it was written one sentence: 

'Present born from past chaos travels toward future on countless roads.' 

It was not a question, but I felt that my answer to that would decide my future. As such, I decided to write my truth.

'Why pick one?'

As the pen completed the last stroke, the whole world suddenly became black. The next second, my vision returned. I looked at the table again. On the same scroll, a new sentence appeared under mine.

'Blind to past, lost in future, missing the present.'

I exited the library and approached Fu Xuan, who was sitting nearby.


-"No obvious change in appearance or aura. Did you succeed?"

-"I did. Now, I must learn to control it."

-"Let's go to the Matrix of Prescience. There, you'll complete the first great divination to get a grasp on your 'eye'."

Matrix of Prescience was already ready to start operation when we arrived, so after taking the central position, I began my first full divination.

Rising into the air, I slowly used my third eye. Soon, I floated alone in the middle of the starry sky. I focused on technique, trying to see through Evilus.

What appeared before me was a withering tree. Its roots showed the past, while its branches represented the future. Further down along the roots I looked, the harder it was to see the truth. After comprehending the origins and reasons why the attack happened, I turned my gaze upward toward the tree crown.

Each branch represented possibility. Yet I could not see what decided each path. How to achieve the future I desire? What is the correct way forward?

I remembered what I could and finished the reading. Everything returned to the norm. I walked to Fu Xuan.


-"Well, I could see the past and future of that mess in Orario. The only trouble is that I don't know how to achieve them."

-"So you can read both past and future and in quite the detail at that, but that's all? No way, just possibilities?"

-"Abt description. It is quite useful to get a better look at the whole picture."

-"Just fails at the fundamental job of divination, to show 'how it will be'."

-"What can I do? It's time to return, or those gods will again be a pain."

We went back to Orario. It was just before dawn, and everybody was preparing. I found Jing Yuan, Jingliu, and Sakura. Gathering them together, I explained what I learned about Evilu and their plans. When they heard who belonged to this organization, their expressions became serious.

-"Do you plan to tell Loki and Astraea about this?" 

-"Yes, but only after gods disperse from one place. It is too dangerous to startle the snake now."

-"I agree with you. Right now, let's play along with their expectations. We can use it to our advantage later."

-"Also, if something goes really bad, it can be used to flip the board."

-"I have the same thoughts as you, Jing Yuan, Jingliu. But we can't simply be passive in our situation."

-"They want to destroy the wall and use monsters to attack from both outside the city and inside the dungeon. I have a risky but plausible idea."

-"You are the General. While I'm powerful, I have never led the army. It's your field of experience. I'll simply follow your orders."

-"If Master chooses to believe you, so will I."

-"I'll move according to my Lord's will."

-"Thank you for your trust. Let's do this like that..."

I started moving according to Jung Yuan's plan. Arriving at the city walls, I started looking at the horizon. Finding a comfortable position to sit, I waited for my turn.

Meanwhile, I followed Jingliu and Sakura with my perception. If my role can be called to be a deterrent, they are the bait. Going directly into the dungeon, they went to reinforce adventures on the 18th floor. 

They entered the battle and quickly started pushing the monsters out of that floor. This made them focus of the enemy's actions, making it easy for Jing Yuan to move on the surface.

The fight underground continued, but I was interrupted by uninvited guests.

-"Zald and Alfia, right? How about you sit here with me and simply wait for results?"

-"Oh? You know our plans?"


-"And you simply tell us that?"

-"It's not like you can do something with that knowledge."


-"Heh, so how will it be? Talk or fight?"

-"Personally, I'm for some nice tea, you Zald?

-"I don't care. We are just to stop you from reaching those girls. Aren't they your comrades?"

-"They are, but even if god attacks them, they would be able to survive."

-"Heh. You have a strong belief in them. But even the most powerful being can't be absolutely safe in the dungeon."

-"Are you alluding to the Nightmare?"

-"I forgot you know about our plans."

I smiled. The battle on the 18th level was slowly reaching its conclusion until suddenly, the floor broke, and a giant skeletal head appeared from the pit.

Nightmare, as it was called, emerged from below. Its aura made adventures pale in fright. Just as despair was taking its roots, Jingliu started walking toward it with a light smile.

Sakura moved toward the entrance from the lower layers, where another wave was rushing forward. Taking a stance at the front, no matter how many monsters poured through that door, each dissipated into ash with one slash.

Jingliu also jumped into the action, starting a duel with the Nightmare. While it was an entirely different level from a normal monster, it couldn't compare with Jingliu. Ice started gathering onto its bones, and soon it fully froze, only to be shattered by the last attack from Jingliu.

At the surface, the situation was also under control. The city was again under control. Knights were dispersed throughout the city to help people in need. Even walls were mostly secured.

-"We won."

-"It would appear."

-"Yes, the city will surely survive this attack, but as you know, this is not the end."

-"You are right, partially. Monsters heading from two sides won't be able to do much."

I rose to my feet. In the distance, I could see a black wave of monsters approaching. A similar situation was taking place on the opposite side of the city.

-"Ice party has done their job. Now, it's time for lion and fox."