Final preparations before the ceremony.

-"Excuse me, can I have a moment of your time?"

-"You are?"

-"I'm Jade from the IPC Strategic Investment Department. My leader asked me to give you this."-Jade passed me a small amber stone.

Taking it in my hand, I read the message hidden in it by Qlipoth. What was inside gave me quite a shock. I passed it to Ena and Xipe, who were also surprised by the content.

-"Are you aware of the content inside?"

-"No, I was only given instructions to pass it to you."

-"I see."-Using a similar technique to hide messages, I created a small white moonstone with a purple sheen.-"Return this to your leader. He will know what to do with it."

-"I'll be sure to deliver it."

-"Then we will excuse ourselves. Have this for your troubles. I believe it will prove helpful."-I gave a memory stone with information about some more shady dealings of the Family to Jade.

We moved to my ship before talking about the contents of the amber.

-"Qlipoth won't joke about such a matter. The way he described the situation shows his seriousness."

-"Let's return to Hold. The meeting will take place in a year, so we still have enough time to prepare everything."

-"Can you three stop speaking in riddles and tell us what is going on?"

-"Long story short, this world is on a collision course with a nearby one. Some monsters are already appearing on this site that don't belong here."

-"Collision of worlds?"

-"Two words will merge. While we can't be sure about the other side's knowledge and strength, monsters that appear are nothing to scoff at."

-"Are they dangerous?"

-"Not by our standards, but Preservation found traces of beings that can compare to Aeons on them."

-"That is worrisome."

-"That's why this message invited us to a meeting that will take place in a year."

-"I see. We will surely attend."

-"Yes, but now, our work is waiting."

-"Sigh. You are right. Time to go back."

After our return, Jingliu took Achron to the dojo while Black Swan followed Astraea to learn more about this place. They are yet to officially join Hold, but it's only a matter of time. Nobu, Ningguang, and Elysia returned to their duties. Meanwhile, I took Ena and Xipe to meet Loki with me.

-"This place is fascinating."

-"Yes, while I always thought you, Yue, are capable of breaking any limit, but to think that you now connect multiple worlds and are about to become emperor of that organization."

-"I hadn't been planning any of that. It just happened."

-"Heh, did you just tell the history of your life?"

Ignoring Ena, we quickly found Loki, who was together with Ayaka, Rivera, and Tamamo. They were surprised by Ena's and Xipe's appearances, but after introducing them, they understood everything.

-"Then they can also assist us in the next task you will have to do."

-"Hou? And what does Yue need assistance with?"

-"Etiquette. We need to teach him how to behave like the emperor."

-"My usual behavior is not enough?"

-"While you certainly can pass as a god by how you present yourself, you lack the aura of a ruler."-Loki spoke and then looked at Ena.-"I believe that you see what I mean and can help him gain some majesty."

-"Good. I'll do that."

-"Rivera and Tamamo will teach you how to operate in the royal court, while Ayaka will help you correct your posture and gestures to reach the highest standards."

-"It's going to be a busy month, eh..."

-"After all, in six weeks, we will be holding a crowning ceremony as well as your wedding."

And with those words, my journey through every manners one could imagine. While manners of hygiene and courtesy were already known and used by me, manners of cultural norms quickly made me overwhelmed.

Using manners, way of speaking, posture, all that one can easily observe about you to show your identity and put yourself in a higher position. It may sound simple, but after over three days of listening to dos and don'ts and explaining the nuances of different types of social gatherings, I felt fear.

In the end, Ena's 'support' ensured that I was able to pass all tests given to me by my instructors. She helped to remind me why Order and discipline are inseparable. I was finally able to rest after two weeks had passed.

Escaping from the grasp of the Goddess and Aeon, I decided to spend some time with Elysia to relax. She was in the Divination department helping test some of Chaldea's technology at the moment, so I teleported there.

When I was walking inside to where she was, every soldier that I passed by would salute, while the scientists would bow slightly. Seeing the change in how others perceive me proved the results of the training I had just undergone.

When I entered the main room where Elysia was, I attracted the attention of personnel there. Nodding to greet them, I approached my soon-to-be wife.


-"How are you, Elysia? What are you doing here?"

-"Gudaka asked me to help them with finding one master who they were able to locate, but sadly, he defected. In the end, a battle ensued, and we confirmed his death."

-"Sigh. It is indeed regrettable. But at least you were able to confirm that CHALDES with Divination technology can seek timelines actively, not only detect singularities."

-"Yes, da Vinci is trying to test if we can detect other worlds."

We walked to where many people were hurrying around, making final preparations. 

-"Hello, da Vinci. Need any help?"

-"Oh, Yue. Not right now, but if something goes south, please stop it."


I took Elysia to the side, and we watched an experiment that would finally allow us to venture into a new world. After ten minutes that it took to complete the final checklist, da Vinci gave the go-ahead.

Everything went smoothly. There was no need for me to step in. Under the careful operation of da Vinci, they were able to locate three stable worlds close to the Hold's ones.

-"How much do we know about those worlds, da Vinci?"

-"Only some basics. The first world is the most stable out of the three, but it has only slight fluctuations of energy. The second, while stable, our readings show that there are two extreme types of energies fighting each other. The last one is unstable. It constantly leaks energy, as if something is draining its power."

-"Hmm... do you have any suggestions?"

-"This sequence was my suggestion. I think that starting with the first will be safest."

-"I believe this will be our main agenda after the ceremony."

-"That's for certain. I'll try to get more information about those worlds in the meantime."

-"Thank you for your work."

I left with Elysia, and we walked around the city for some time. We were warmly greeted by passing citizens, and even some children would approach us and ask some questions.

-"Everybody is so happy!"

-"You are right. To be honest, I'm a little jealous of how popular you are."

Elysia smiled slightly and hugged my arm. She dragged me through some shops, and in the end, we returned to the High Grounds.

The next morning, after a traditional family breakfast, I met with Hephaestus. We were going to meet Hestia today and help her with making plans for Palace.

-"Long time no see Hephaestus."

-"We haven't seen only around a month. It's not that long."

-"That may be for us, but by normal standards, a month is long."

-"You are right. Time passes so quickly when you have so many interesting projects to do."

-"Did you make something interesting?"

-"Your regalia. I promise you will like them."

-"Then I'm looking forward to seeing them. Oh, right! Would you mind coming with me for a moment?"

-"Of course, lead the way."

I've taken Hephaestus to my room.

-"Do you believe me?"


I nodded and took out Oath of Silence. After a short contraction, I used its 0th power and brought Hephaestus to Limbo. I then pulled power from the path of Abundance, controlling it so that only my hand turned into Aeon form. I touched her covered eye, slowly starting to heal her true divine form.

It took about ten minutes, but I was able to eliminate every last trace of defect. Returning to reality, I moved Hephaestus in front of a mirror before taking off her eyepatch.

She did nothing the whole time I was healing her, but now, when she saw her reflection, her face was full of disbelief. Carefully touching her right eye, she made sure it was real.

Moments later, tears started falling. Turning to me, the goddess showed a smile and threw herself in my arms to bawl her eyes out, thanking me repeatedly. Her four hundred million years old burden finally disappeared.

We stayed like that for over an hour. Only then, Hephaestus calmed down. She slowly raised her head from my chest, and we shared a kiss. 

-"Yue, don't forget to forge an item that can satisfy me."

-"I'll surely do that."

We walked together through the streets of Orario, going to the Tower of Babel. On the way there, passers-by were shocked by Hephaestus without her eyepatch. Some gods even wanted to approach, but seeing me by her side, they decided not to.

Inside the tower, Hephaestus took me to Ouranos, where the ceremony of descent will take place. Aside from us, one more goddess was waiting there.


-"Yue. I've heard about some things that happened in Hold. I congratulate you on your marriage."

-"Thank you. I hope you will be able to lead the ceremony that will take place as Orario representative."

-"Yes, Loki already spoke to me about that. I'll be sure to attend. Hmm? Hephaestus, your eye was healed."

-"All thanks to Yue."

-"Let us begin the ceremony."

We walked back, stopping next to the goddess with blue hair. While ignoring me, she greeted Hephaestus.

-"Long time no see, Hephaestus. Are you here for Hestia?"

-"Good to see you to Artemis. Yes, I've invited her here."

-"Sigh. I hope she can find familia that will become her home."

-"I believe that with her personality, she will easily fit in."

-"What I'm afraid is that those male gods trying to score her will do something regrettable."

-"You don't have to worry about that, Artemis. I and Astraea will make sure that no one will do something stupid."

-"Astraea? I've never known you were so close."

-"Right, you just returned to the city. Many things changed this past year."

-"Then I'll have to catch up."

-"It's starting. Let's talk after the ceremony."

Moment Hephaestus stopped the conversation, a blinding light descended onto the platform. It Started taking the shape of a short but plump woman. From her appearance, I quickly understood why Loki called her a rival. Aside from the height, they were total opposites.

Hestia's descent was fast, and now only some vows were left to be made. She quickly completed them with Ouranos and ran toward us.

-"Hephaestus! Artemis! I missed you so much!"

-"Me to Hestia, me to."

-"Yes, Long time no see."

To give them some space for the reunion, I approached Ouranos again.

-"This technique of creating avatars is quite ingenious, but I was wondering why do you create such weak bodies?"

-"Because most gods want to get a feeling of mortality."

-"Ah yes, I forgot about those. Would you mind if I copied and modified this technique a little?"

-"No, I don't. Why do you ask?"

-"You probably feel a change in me, right? Right now, I'm at the point where any major enlightenment would end in my ascension. I have to prepare some things for after that."

-"You are different from before. That veil conceals it well."-Said Ouranos after I let some of my aura out.

-"Gift from a friend."

-"You must have a good friend then."

-"I hope that one day we might also consider each other as such."

Exiting from the Tower of Babel, I moved slightly behind three goddesses who were engaged in discussion. They approached a group of 20 women who were members of Artemis familia.

-"Lady Artemis, be careful! Someone is following you!"-They pointed weapons at me.

-"Calm down. Yue, sorry for that."

-"I don't mind, Hephaestus. It would seem I'm not welcome here, so allow me to excuse myself."

-"Sigh. Artemis, I hope you won't mind his presence as he is an important person to me."

-"I'm sorry, Hephaestus. Lante, don't behave like this in the city."


Seeing that the atmosphere was becoming somewhat dampened, Hestia tried to lighten it again, but someone else approached us.

-"What gathering it is! Oh my, Hestia, did you just descend? How about I take you around the town to introduce important places?"

-"Apollo, leave us."

-"Oh, don't be like that, Artemis. I simply want to help."

-"Help? I don't think so."

-"My familia is quite important in Orario, after all. I can help you too, Artemis. Why don't you think about it?"

-"Don't worry about that. I believe my familia can help them enough."

-"But Hephaestus, your familia is not expedition type. You can't help them in a way my familia can."

-"Don't worry about that. While I don't want to help that Boob-loli, my familia can provide more assistance than you, Apollo."

Loki approached us. She was showing Orario to Ena and Xipe today and saw us here. Two Aeons soon stood next to me.

-"You still keep all the manners, good."

-"Who would dare to deny Order's instructions after all."

-"Something happened here?"

-"Goddess of purity, newly descended goddess and horny god."


We listened to the gods' talk.

-"Loki, why do you meddle here? Didn't you find your new toy in that Aguara?"

-"Heh, you better don't disrespect him."

-"Or what, in the end, he is mortal. Nothing will become of him."

This comment successfully angered everyone here, some because it was targeting me, some because of disregard for mortals.

-"That Aguara is you, right Yue?"

I nodded at Ena's question.

-"Don't do anything. He's not worthy."

-"You! Who are you?"-Apollo noticed us three standing on the side after hearing my exchange with Ena.

~"Kneel"~Ena used her path on Apollo.

Apollo tried to resist but was unable and soon was kneeling before us.

-"I truly don't understand the arrogance of gods here."

-"Ena, what do you plan to do with him?"

-"I don't know yet. Any ideas, Loki?"

-"Why don't we make him..."

-"Sigh. Stop it, you two."-I stopped two devils from starting.-"Just make him leave. If he comes one more time, I'll take care of it personally."


-"I'll listen to you this time."

-"Thanks, Ena."

She released Apollo from her power, but rather than leaving, he started threatening her and me. Ignoring him for some time angered him to the point of challenging our bottom line.

-"You dare to ignore me? Good! Then I declare War Game against you! No, you are just pathetic mortals, then I declare War Game on Artemis for this disrespect!"

This declaration stunned everyone present. I stepped in to not get Artemis unjustly involved in our conflict.

-"You want War Game? Good. I'll accept your challenge. Ouranos, I can accept War Game, right?"

-"Yes. You have the same right as a god in Orario."

-"Good. Then, while I don't have familia, my Guards can be a substitute for that. Is that agreeable?"

-"Yes. Where do you plan to hold the fight?"

-"I'll prepare the battlefield on the day of War Game."

-"Then I declare that in week's time, War Game will be held between Yue's Guards and Apollo familia."

Declaration of Ouranos rang across the whole Orario, bringing shock that quickly turned into cheer.