War Game.

-"Hahaha... I can't... He just... Hahaha..."

Ignoring Loki rolling on the ground, I looked at shocked Apollo.

-"What do you want to wager? I propose your existence."

-"Heh, you can't wager anything even close to that."-Apollo collected himself.

-"If I remember correctly, you are a god of the sun. How about we wager a few of them?"-Ena held out her hand and created some marble-sized stars.

This little presentation stunned everyone around.

-"What aren't you gods?"

-"Sigh. Ena gods are not Aeons. Even when fully unsealed, he can only use part of the true power of the sun."

-"Serious? Then why even bother then? It's not like you can't simply destroy this world even if all gods oppose you."


After gaining looks reserved for monsters from people around, I returned my attention to Apollo.

-"So, what do you want to wager?"

-"You giving your status of equal to god, and leaving Orario forever."

-"Banishment, huh? Ok. Our wager will be the banishment of the loser."

-"I can't wait then."

He left. Helping almost passed-out Loki up, we moved toward Fortress of Hold in Orario. Artemis told her familia to find a place to stay and went with us.

-"I'm sorry that you almost got involved, Artemis."

-"No, It was also my fault. If I and my familia weren't there, Apollo wouldn't approach us."

-"You are mistaken. He didn't approach you by chance. He wanted to make me fight him. Most of that situation was planned by him."

-"You also saw that?"

-"Loki, I was not born yesterday."

-"So why did you go along?"

-"This is a good scene to show that Hold is not below gods."

-"Hmm... What do you plan to do?"

-"Crush them. I believe that Apollo will gather elites from familias opposed to me and Hold. We will decimate them."

-"That will convince adventures, but not gods."

-"Heh, you think that he won do something underhanded? If he loses, he will probably outright attack us."

-"You plan to start true war?"

-"As a god, I can kill him."

-"Yes, but most don't treat you as a god."

-"I don't mind showing them some strength."

-"Good. I'll leave it in your hands then."

-"Just take care of gossip. I know you like to do that."


We entered the Fortress. After instructing soldiers to increase security measures for the next week, I joined the goddesses.

-"So that's why you called me here. I'll help you, Hephaestus!"

-"Thanks, Hestia."

-"You were right that much has changed."

-"What are you thinking about, Artemis?"

-"I was wondering about Yue. Who is he to make not only Astraea but even Loki become his backing?"

-"It's hard to describe that. How about you simply spend some time to understand him yourself?"


-"I know that you are the goddess of purity, but that doesn't stop you from getting to know him."

-"Then I'll try."

-"Do you have any plans?"-I spoke after coming closer.

-"For now, I'll take Hestia around the Hold."-Spoke Hephaestus.

-"I still have some things left to organize before the ceremony, so I'll be leaving now."

-"Thanks for your work, Loki."

-"Can you allow my familia to get some training inside the Hold?"

-"I don't mind inviting your familia, Artemis. What do you want them to learn?"

-"You see, most of them are only level 2. They lack experience, both Excelia, and training."

-"I believe that Okita would happily train them. She was getting bored for some time."

-"Thank you."

Hephaestus took Hestia and Artemis to show them around Hold. Meanwhile, I went to the dojo where Jingliu spends most of her free time. Inside, she was meditating along with Acheron. To not disrupt them, I waited until they were finished. While I sat nearby, Black Swan approached me.

-"Hello, Yue. Are you also waiting for them to finish?"

-"Yes. How are you feeling here in Hold?"

-"It's good. The only thing I lack is access to [Grand Library]."

-"You can join us."

-"I was planning to talk about that. I want to join your Progress as a Librarian."

-"I'm happy to have you aboard."

-"Why thank you, your majesty."

-"It would seem that you truly feel comfortable here."

-"Yes, being able to see countless memories showing a multitude of lives."

-"As a Memokeeper, having access to yet undocumented history must be priceless."

-"It indeed is a great incentive, but the more important thing is that everything happening here will change the fate of many worlds."

-"Having you watch over us will certainly help that."

We talked a little more, but Jingliu and Acheron soon ended their meditation session. They exited the dojo and approached us two.


-"Jingliu, Acheron, it's good to see you."

Acheron nodded.

-"Did something happen, Master?"

-"Sadly, yes. We will be having a War Game in Orario, Guards against the Apollo familia."

Hearing this Jingliu's eyes become serious.

-"I'll gather everyone."

After saying this, she left to seek the rest of the Guards.

Acheron and Black Swan went their way while I returned to the Palace where Jingliu and others would gather. There, I again ran into Keqing, who was working as always.

-"Keqing, what are you doing this time?"

-"Oh, Yue. I'm double-checking the list of necessary facilities for the rebuilt Palace."

-"Weren't this confirmed weeks before?"

-"It was, but I just want to be sure."

-"Sigh. I'm happy that you are so serious about work, but can you trust others a little more?"

-"I trust them. But I just have to make sure everything is all right."

-"You deserve to be called Ultimate Secretary."

-"What! Somebody is calling me that!"

-"Yes. Personally, I still prefer the title of Thunder Cat, but among workers, you are often called Ultimate Secretary."

-"Grr... I'll have to talk with them about respect for their superiors. And I'm not a cat!!!"

-"But you even have cat ears."-I ruffled Keqing's hair.

-"No! I don't!"-She swatted my hand away.

After playing a little I left fuming Keqing and walked to the kitchen. Preparing a light meal for members of my Guard, I waited for them to arrive.

Jingliu soon arrived with Sakura, Shenhe, Kiyohime, Jeanne, and Tomoe. The girls started eating while I explained what happened in Orario. After hearing it, the girls were disgusted with Apollo. 

-"How can a person like him be called god?"

-"Because he was born one, Jeanne. Not all gods are good, let alone perfect."

-"Master, can you tell us about their strength?"

-"Average at best. Apollo familia has only one person at level 3. Gods backing Apollo can gather some more powerful people, but it is impossible to recruit someone beyond level 5."

-"Are those gods stupid?"-Asked Kiyohime.

-"They just believe themself over 'lower' beings."

-"Tomoe is right. In their eyes, we can't do anything."

-"Any more questions?"

-"My Lord, can you tell us what you expect from us?"

-"Show those gods that it's not us who are beneath them."

All the girls present nodded. 

-"Our plan is straightforward. Jingliu and Sakura will be on offense. Take care of strongest opponents."

-"Yes, Master."

-"As you will, Lord."

-"Kiyohime and Shenhe, you will decimate enemy numbers."

-"Of course, my dear"

Shenhe nodded.

-"Tomoe, you will support them from the distance."

-"Leave it to me, Yue."

-"Jeanne, you will defend from any attacks."

-"Yes, my Lord."

-"Don't leave them any breathing room. The more you anger the gods behind them, the better. Do your best to show Holds prestige."


The girls left together, deciding to prepare for War Game. I went to laboratories, as some time ago my assistance was requested. Arriving at Bio Labs, I entered and approached Mobius and Ruan Mei.

-"Long time no see."

-"Yue, It's indeed been some time since our last meeting."-Ruan Mei greeted me back.

-"How can I help you?"

-"As you know, we are working on expanding the MANTIS project using more advanced technology here, but we meet some problems."-Mobius started explaining.

-"We wanted to change the base reactant from Honkai, but it proved impossible. Trying to create modified strands of Honkai also ended in failure. Culturing Honkai bests was only partly successful, but Honkai genes from them were too weak to be useful."

Ruan Mei passed me documentation of the experiments she described. Taking a quick look over the data, I gained a general understanding of what was going on.

-"Ok, I get the gist of it. You want to use Abundance, am I correct?"

-"Yes. We want to create a gene that would be similar to yours."

-"Vidyadhara strengthen by Abundance? From what I know from data on MANTIS, no one can survive implanting such a powerful gene."

-"We are aware of that. That's why I want to weaken the Vidyadhara gene and create, as we named it, Spiritual Bloodline."


-"Vidyadhara gene and Permanence in general affect the spirit rather than the body. We were able to trace the exact sequence responsible for that, but as we worked on Dan Heng's blood, we couldn't extract it effectively."

-"I and Mobius tried to replicate it, and the results were mixed. While we confirmed that this is the gene we need, it couldn't strengthen the body, only give a boost to the spirit."


-"Test subjects exhibited the ability to manipulate element they were best attuned to."

-"How strong?"

-"Strongest could use power similar to weak vision holder."

-"Then what gene do you have to strengthen the body?"

-"Nothing now."

-"Ok. You can use my blood, and I'll assist you with Abundance when needed."

-"Let's get started then."

As my experience in biological experiments was minimal, I acted as an assistant to the two researchers. Mobius tried to overwork me, but the threat of Elysia seeking me for breakfast made her restrain herself.

We worked together the whole week but didn't complete even a fifth of the project. As time for War Game approached, I excused myself from work, earning the ire of Mobius. Ruan Mei was more thankful for my assistance and promised to repay me with tea sometime later.

I arrived at the Palace Plaza, where most people were already waiting. Aside from my Guards and those who were involved in the situation with Apollo, the rest of my family decided to join us in spectating.

-"Did I make you wait?"

-"Yes, you did."

-"Sorry for that."

-"Stop wasting time and go!"-Loki pushed me forward.

We teleported to Orario and moved to where the War Game is going to take place. There, the crowd was already gathered, and when we approached, they made a way for us.

Public opinion was mostly on our side, as Hold's popularity was high among mortals. Similarly, female goddesses also supported us, as Apollo was not exactly popular in that circle.

-"Yue, the game will start in an hour. As the challenged party, you have the right to choose the battlefield you will fight on."-The voice of Ouranos sounded and silenced everyone.

-"I'm aware. I'll form it right away."

I moved to the center of the colosseum with Ena and Xipe. Many confused voices sounded around, wondering what we wanted to do.

Three of us started making the area for the War Game. I used Permanence to form surroundings while Xipe and Ena expanded the space to allow more people. Soon, in a normally hundred-meter-wide colosseum, an arena over five square kilometers filled with high rock formations interspaced with dense forest formed. 

Only after we returned to the viewing platform the people started recovering from the shock. Seeing god-like power performed by us made people understand why the Guild.

Our little show had a greater impact on gods, as few could do something similar to us, even when fully unsealed. After all, creation is an art countless times more complicated than destruction.

-"I believe we can start."

-"Yes. Let the fighters enter the field and get ready."

I looked at girls who were going to fight.

-"Good luck."

Giant screens were showing the area. On one of them, I could see six of my Guards getting ready. Looking at the other screen, I could see their opponents.

As we thought, Apollo recruited members from other familias to help him in this battle. A total of 500 people stood on Apollo's side, 30 over level 3, with 6 having level 5 and 2 level 6.

-"Would you look at this! False god can't even gather ten people to his side! Haha."

-"There is no need for the army to kill some mob."

-"Heh. We will see how you stay so calm after our boys brutalize those pretty faces there."

-"I believe we can start."

As if according to my words, a gong announcing the start of the battle ring. The rules of this contest were simple. Eliminate the opponent's leader. The commander on our side was Jeanne, while the captain of Apollo familia, Hyakinthos Clio, was the target. 

As the girls were free to move, they quickly started their plan. Tomoe has taken a good vantage position overlooking the whole battlefield, taking out her bow and reading the arrows for any target that will appear in her sight.

Jeanne stayed in place with Shenhe accompanying her. They simply sat in silence, waiting for something to happen. Kiyohime started walking through the forest, taking the shortest route to the enemy base.

Jingliu and Sakura moved the fastest, and in not even five minutes, they approached enemy forces. Seeing them emerging from the forest surprised the Apollo's forces, but they quickly started preparing for combat.

-"Call those above level 3. we don't want to take Kiyohime's prey."

Responding to Jingliu's words, a total of 20 people emerged from the crowd.

-"You must be Aguara's pupil or something. I can't wait to see his face when I crush you!"-Spoke Amazoness with long hair.

-"Sister, just get this job ready."-Voiced the second Amazoness with a scarf covering her face.

As the sisters started to attack, Jingliu manifested her sword and rushed toward the two. Sakura meanwhile moved forward to where the remaining elites here were standing. She then took her battou stance and waited for the enemy. She didn't have to stay like that long, as they quickly rushed at her.

The moment everyone was in her range, she drew her sword, and with the sound of cutting air, fifteen slashes attacked the enemies, one per head. Sakura's opponents didn't even have a chance to react, as their heads rolled on the floor the moment she sheathed her sword.

Jingliu also wasn't wasting time, as with a few quick strikes, she repealed two Amazoness. Without giving them time to recover, she unleashed her Crescent Art. As soon as her opponents landed, they were frozen and shattered in an instant by Jingliu's sword.

The outcome of these exchanges was decided in a breath of time, yet it overturned who held the advantage of the whole battle. Spectators erupted in cheer, impressed by the strength of Jingliu and Sakura.

The respite didn't last long, as Kiyohime soon was seen between the trees. She didn't give any chance to the enemy, directly summoning a giant white serpent to annihilate the crowd of Apollo's people.

Meanwhile, the remaining enemy elites approached Jeanne and Shenhe. Under generous pelting from Tomoe, only 35 out of 100 were able to come in contact with them. Shenhe instantly moved and started defeating those who came.

Her style of combat was not as fast and flashy as that of Jingliu and Sakura, but with Shenhe using many adepti arts, few stood a chance against her. Skillful spear technique, together with many talismans and spirits, made fast work of the opponents.

At this point, the whole battle was already over. Girls started returning to us, and I looked to Apollo, who hadn't been able to comprehend what had happened.

-"It seems that you should bid your goodbyes before leaving. For good, of course."

My words seemed to wake him up as his face showed rage beyond words.

-"How dare you mortals! Die for me!"

Apollo didn't even start his usual jabs and insults, instantly attacking girls who were leaving the arena. God unleashing his power in the lower world was already outrageous, but attacking mortals with it was beyond abhorrent.

Jeanne moved before the rest and used her Luminosité Eternelle. She was able to block Apollo's attack, and before broken vowes could take him back to heaven, I stepped in.

The sun that's power he used soon was eclipsed by a giant figure. Humans and gods alike looked up only to see an enormous dragon. I ordered it to attack Apollo, who was speedily trying to return to heaven. With one swift bite, he disappeared from this world.

Everyone expected to see a pillar of light signaling the death of god, but no such thing appeared. Another phenomenon manifested, one that no mortal ever saw, but gods knew well what it signifies.

The sky turned black, red clouds raining blood and gore condensed. The whole world shook, with countless monsters and beasts roaring in triumph.

-"After over two hundred million years, another god has fallen. Sigh."-Ouranos's saddened voice echoed in the surroundings.