WebNovelHalf Bros11.11%

Party Breakers

Madison School

(Art Club)

Mrs. Alex: Ok young artist let's see your paintings. Let's start with you, Sarah.

(Mrs. Alex at Sarah dark and creepy panting)

Mrs. Alex: Very dark and deep as usual Sarah.

Sarah: That is what I was going for.

Mrs. Alex: What about you Thomas.

(Mrs. Alex looking at Thomas wild and color full painting)

Mrs. Alex: Unorthodox as always.

Thomas: That's my middle name, well I wish it was. 

Mrs. Alex: You might be my best student.

(Sarah getting frustrated)

(Mrs. Alex walking away)

Thomas: "Best student" I guess when I go wild with my imagination, I'm the best.

(Sarah walking away)

Freddie:You say I'm bad with women.

Mark: You still are.

(Mark, Timmy, and Freddie walking in)

Thomas: What are guys doing here.

Timmy: I was saying same thing. I was helping office lady help grade the last test.

Freddie: That is exact reason you two need come tonight's party.

Thomas: Party, where.

Freddie: From a personal friend of mine' place, Mitch.

Mark: He means a guy who car he used to work on after he flirted his girlfriend.

Freddie: For the record I only work on it to apologize for misunderstanding.

Thomas: Sounds like you weren't only thing who got pounded.

Freddie: Are you in or not.

Thomas: Free food and a bunch of people to hear my jokes, of course I'm in. 

Timmy: I probably should come, it would be interesting to find out what regular teenagers do when not in school.

Mark: What about us we regular teenagers.

Freddie: Theirs nothing regular about you ego. Like the time I saw break all those borders with you hand

Mark: I broke almost all of them.

Thomas: You probably should have use your head, most bulls heads would broke them. (Laughs)

Mitch House

(Freddie, Mark, Thomas, and Timmy walking in)

Freddie: Well gentleman welcome to the big leagues. This were cool kids come to hangout.

Thomas: I guess you don't regular come.

Mark: Dang, beat me to it.

Freddie: Insult me all you won't but if you guys want to last here you have to stick…

(Thomas left while he was talking)

Freddie: Where he go.

Timmy: My half brother usual leaves before long speeches.

Mark: I think you mean boring speeches.

Timmy: What are thing doing over there.

(All three of them)

(People playing darts)

Mark: Darts I'm good at that game like everything.

Man:  No way you can hit the middle.

Mark: Just watch and see.

(Mark throws the dart and his the edge of the target)

Freddie: Maybe you shouldn't you say not watch.

Mark: Like you could do better.

(Timmy hits the middle of the target)

(People getting exited)

Man: Nice job eagle eyes.

Timmy: Is Timmy actually.

Freddie: You could have fooled me.

Mark: You have awesome aim.

Timmy: Well I calculate I just have above average aim.

Man: You guys want bet on how many times you friend hits the target.

Freddie: How much.

Mark: Wait, we can't beat on Timmy without telling him. What happens if he loses.

(Timmy hitting the target perfectly)

Mark: How much again.

Pool Area

(Thomas talking to a guy)

(Man getting anger saying something back then walking away)

Thomas: Wow he probably washes he his whole body with soap instead his month.

(Thomas seeing Sarah sitting down)

Thomas: Sarah.

(Thomas walking over to)

Thomas: So is true you only come out at night.

Sarah: What are you doing here.

Thomas: I'm just hanging out with my friends and brother. I don't mind hanging out with you(laugh). Get it because of goth girls like you like vampire stuff.

Sarah: Like me, you don't know me or anything about art for that matter, so stay away from me.

(Sarah walking away)

Thomas: Maybe I should have not use the vampire joke.


(Timmy hitting target the sixth time)

Mark: Wow Timmy is unstoppable.

Freddie: Yay we going to be rich.

(Minch walking over)

Minch: Ok that's enough.

Timmy: Minch old pal what's the problem.

Minch: The problem is your and little friend are cheating and stealing my friends money.

Timmy: What money.

Freddie: Sorry Timmy we bait on you without telling you.

Mark: Were  jerks.

Minch: And you are little cheater.

Freddie: Wow he might seem weird but he good kid and definitely not a cheater.

Minch: Back off or you want a beaten.

(Minch about to hit Freddie)

(Mark catches his fist and pushes back in the punch)

Mark: No one messes with my friends. Sorry Timmy.

Timmy: Is fine.

Freddie: It is.

Timmy: Of course we're friends after all.

Mark: For a guy who doesn't show his emotions you have a heart of gold.

Freddie: Like the tin man.

Timmy: you sound like my half brother.


(Sarah next to the wall)

(Man walking over to Sarah)

Man: Hey I didn't know creepy girls look so good.

Sarah: Leave me alone.

(Man grabs Sarah arm)

Man: Come on stay for a second.

Thomas: Wow you a stereotype for dumb sexiest jocks.

Man: What do you  say your little runt.

Thomas: Well for someone you size even a elephant look tiny.

Man: You want to fight.

Thomas: Well I more closer to be a passivefist.

Man: Well I guess you face meet my fist.

(Thomas trip the man and falls in the pool)

Thomas: Classic are always funny. Are you ok Sarah.

Sarah: Yes but I thought you hate me.

Thomas: I really don't do hate and especially you I want us to be friends.

Sarah: Why would someone like want to my friend.

Thomas: Well to start you better with art with then me, you smart, and always look nice.

(Sarah blushes)

(Timmy, Mark, and Freddie walking to Thomas)

Freddie: Thomas we leaving.

Thomas: Why.

Mark: Let's just say I had disagreement with Minch.

Timmy: Which lead to his pants turning red.

Thomas: Well Sarah by let's hangout more.

(All four them leaving)

Sarah: Sure