WebNovelHalf Bros12.82%


Lee House

(Thomas, Freddie, and Mark next to the house phone)

Freddie: Are you sure is ok to use a air horn for a prank call.

Thomas: Yeah just ask if the person driving.

Mark: You said that like experienced.

Thomas: Well lot of people say I drive them crazy (Laughs).

(Timmy walking in the house)

Thomas: Timmy where you been, I know you do after school work but is almost 8:00pm.

Timmy: Is because I had look for my books all over the school.

Freddie: You lost your books, I thought you orderly brother and Thomas was chaotic one.

Thomas: Hey I just different sense of humor then sum.

Timmy: I didn't lose them someone took them and moved them around the school for some reason.

Mark: Sound like you have a bully.

Thomas: Bully, who is bullying my baby brother.

Timmy: You three years older then you were still trying speak when I was a baby.

Thomas: Still who is bullying you.

Timmy: Does it matter I wasn't bothered by his immature act.

Freddie: Come on Timmy Thomas right you can't let this go on.

Mark: Yeah I have a half a mind to to teach this guy a lesson.

Timmy:If that serious why don't we tell the principal or our parents.

Thomas: No if you do that you get picked on more.

Timmy: Why?

Thomas: I don't know man I don't make the rules.

Timmy: That is exact reason I won't engage. Just let me deal with this alone, I can take of myself.

(Timmy walks in his room)

Freddie: You going to do opposite of what he said aren't you.

Thomas: What are you psychic.

Madison School 

(Thomas and Timmy walking to their locker)

Thomas: Why are books so weirdly shaped.

Timmy: Is so I can feet them in like a puzzle.

Thomas: I think you the real puzzle.

(Bill walking in front of them)

Bill: What you doing in my hallway, nerd.

Timmy: Actually this hallway doesn't belong to you or even the teachers here.

Bill: You think you know anything like the test answers and how not get in trouble do you.

Timmy: It not that hard if you try.

Bill: You think you better me, nerd.

(Bill push Timmy books to the ground)

Thomas: Ok, that's enough.

Bill: Who are.

Thomas: His big brother.

Timmy: Half older brother.

Thomas: And I also taller then you and despite me being a pacifist I will be passing fist(laughs), that was a good one but seriously don't mess with my brother.

(Bill walks away)

Timmy: Was that necessary.

Thomas: Is job of the older brother to protect the little brother. 

Timmy: Does include the embarrassment when you say you jokes.

Thomas: That's a bonus.

Few hours later, Outside the School 

(Thomas and Timmy walking outside)

Timmy: I can't believe you made mascot tackle the quarterback.

Thomas: It was just a joke.

Timmy: You power to get annoyed anyone to do something is amazing.

(Bill walking in front of me)

Thomas: I thought I told you back off from my brother.

Bill: Well that's the reason I told my big brother what you said to me.

(Bill 21 brother, Hank, walking in front of Thomas)

Thomas: Are you sure you not half brothers like me and my brother. Because you look like half elephant.

Hank: You were messing with my brother.

Thomas: Only because he was messing with my brother, so I guess we all even.

Hank: Not yet.

(Hank grabs Thomas shirt collar and about to hit him)

Timmy: I would put down my half brother if I was you.

Hank: Why's that.

Timmy: Because I will send this video of you threatening us on the internet.

Bill: Give me that.

Timmy: Even if you take my phone it automatically send my recordings to my home computer. So if you really want me not to send this video you better leave me and my half brother alone.

(Hank putting Thomas down and him and his Bill leaving)

Thomas: Wow, you really can take care of yourself.

Timmy: Told you I didn't need you help. But I appreciate you trying to protect me. Let just agree to protect each other.

Thomas: You got it, noggie.

(Thomas nogies Timmy)