15- In the office

Choi then came downstairs while Kwan was talking to his manager on the phone. She came and sat at the dining table, slightly embarrassed to meet Kwan's eyes while he was making up the dining table.

He slid the bowl of rice and side dish plates towards her and kept nodding to the manager.

Instead of picking up the spoon, she waited until he disconnected the call and looked at her.

Expectedly, he disconnected the call and looked at her. As both glances met, the house became tranquil. Not to delay, Kwan tugged out the apology with stumbling words: "Sorry, I slept right there in fatigue. I didn't mean it."

Judging Choi's stubborn eyes, Kwan explained, "You were drunk yesterday. It all happened because I carried you to the room by myself. Sorry."

Choi rolled her eyes as if that wasn't her expected answer. She then meanly apologised "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't behaved like that at the Zoo. I don't even know why I acted like took advantage of you. That's your girlfriend and your problem. I'm sorry for the interruption."

"She is no-"

"Leave it! I don't want to talk about that."

She nudged his response even before he fully enunciated it. Thereafter, she had her breakfast.

A brief disappointment whirled out of his lips as a sigh, remembering her drunken version, which distinguished her love for him.

He then sat back in the chair, waiting for her to finish the food.

She glimpsed at him not having breakfast, and she also eyed him in the office suite as if he were going to leave for the office. "Where are you going today?"

"To the office."

"Are you going to attend an interview?"

"No! I'm the interviewer and the owner of the company."

Her jaw dropped upon hearing him say that casually.

"D-do you have a company here also?" Her tongue stuttered in surprise.

"Yes, 3." He showed his three fingers.

"Oh moh!" She gave a surprise-tinged shock expression.

"Why? Don't you want me to go to work?" He queried, thinking she would say yes.

Instead, she responded, "No!"

His face was dead upon hearing her instant disapproval.

"How can a person stay in the house all day without going anywhere? And also, you have a girlfriend." As she dictated sarcastically, his expression went disgruntled.

She then continued, "Hmm... You might desire to date her since it was your long-awaited meeting after four years of distance. You can. I can stay in the house by myself."

He bit his teeth, annoyed with her mention of 'girlfriend', and he tried to inform her, "She is no-"

"Go now; otherwise, you will run late." She rushed him without even letting him explain the thing.

Frustrated Kwan stood up, punching the dining table angrily. "I'm leaving then!" He declared, biting his teeth, and left the house.

However, he knew he couldn't talk back. So he showed his anger by shutting the door loudly. Despite hearing that, Choi gave an intense glare at him leaving the house.

"He left without even asking my concern," she told herself, crestfallen, and the next bit of food refused to go down her throat.

Kwan came back, opening the door, and showed a leaden smile on her face.

"He came back to stay with me." She asked herself and looked at him with enthusiastic eyes.

To kill her happiness, his foot stopped right after opening the door, and he informed her, "We are having a get-together party tonight for my arrival; do you want to come?"

Inhaling deeply, she resonated, "No, I don't want to!"

"Ah... okay." He accepted half-heartedly and left the house. This time, he shut the door genuinely.

At the office, soon he entered, and everyone bowed to him politely. The cleaning workers weren't exceptional in this. He then walked into the interview hall. Just when he sat in front of the candidate, his eyes forgot to blink and were on the candidate, who was dragging her long hair in front of her face, trying to hide her face.

"Choi?" He called her.

She looked here and there, keeping her face behind her hair.


He raised his voice, breathing angrily, once he found that she had come by herself while she had been clinging to him all the way to Switzerland.

She shuddered and immediately looked at him.

"Was that all acting?" He doubted and asked.

She innocently blinked, not knowing what he was mentioning right now.

"Everyone leave the room," Kwan ordered. His voice was roughly authoritative, which scared Choi a little.

After everyone left, Kwan came to her, asking, "How did you get here? And why are you here alone while you badly avoid people's sight in front of me?"

With her pitiful eyes, she looked into his eyes, comfortably straightening her shoulder. "I'm still afraid of people's sight."

"Don't lie, Choi! I can clearly see you came by yourself all the way here. And you even said you could stay home alone without me." He groused.

"Listen to me first. I came alone, but not comfortably. Still, my heart was beating crazily. Back then, because of phobia, now because of your shout." She complained about how hard that was for her.

To confirm, he gave a quick stare directly at her left chest. Only after seeing her chest twitching leadenly did he regret his vulgar side and breathe out before calming himself.

"Why are you here by forcing yourself like this?" He asked tenderly. Yet his anger towards her peeked through his face.

"Uhm..." She trailed, recollecting the moment she checked the entire company for his girlfriend's presence before Kwan arrived. Illustrating the scene of his girlfriend working in the computer art section, she instantly queried, "Will everyone at this office attend the get-together?"

"No, only the people in higher positions."

She then remembered an employee addressing his girlfriend as chief.

"I want to come then," she proposed.

"Really?" He voiced pleasure.

She nodded.

"Then come with me," he said, extending his hand to her.

She held his hand, asking, "Where?"

"To my office. Wait there until I come back. After that, let's go purchase some dresses for you." He informed her, bringing her out of the interview hall.

At his office, he turned around to leave, leaving her there. She pinched his shirt, pulled it, and stopped him from leaving.

He looked back at her exposing pitiful lustering eyes, which enunciated her fear.

Approaching her wrist softly, he assured her, "No one will come here except me. Wait here."

A female staff member came running, shouting, "Mss.Jiin! Chief Jiin!"

"Why are you shouting?" Kwan's ex-girlfriend asked.

He put a brake on his feet at her table. Gasping for the moment, he began to deliver what he heard.

"Our CEO. He brought a woman to his office. And everyone says he even held her hand tightly until they arrived at the office."

Hearing him say this, Jiin grunted her teeth and expressed her madness.

"We all knew that our CEO had never let anyone inside his office room except the chairman. I think she is more than that. We should talk nicely to her." That staff was cautious of her, knowing she was the CEO's ex.

"Did you come to irritate me?" Jiin asked directly.

That staff spilled a fake smile and dictated, "She looks nothing but normal. Don't worry; that woman wouldn't be his new girlfriend. She must be in a higher position somewhere."

"In his heart!" A male staff member commented immediately from behind her, which irritated her.

"Maybe..." That female staff member was teasing her.

"Leave!" Jiin yelled at them, slapping the table surface vulgarly.