chapter 6

Chapter 6

The next morning, I woke up at 6 in the morning. After some stretches, I took a bath and then went to the farm around 7 where Father was waiting with a cage on the side. Mom and Mum were holding Ana and Sia at the end of the farm.

"All the best, Alex," Beth said.

"Thanks, Mom."

"If you feel you are in danger, just ask Dad. We can do this after you turn 7," Lucy advised.

"Okay, Mom."

Dad didn't say anything but just looked at me with a smile, boosting my confidence.

"Good luck, Alex," he finally said, opening the cage and letting the horned rabbit out.

It was big for a rabbit, with brown skin patched with white and a horn on its head about the size of a TV remote. It had red eyes, and I was the first person it saw after coming out. I noticed its sharp teeth as it began running toward me.

I was ready with my bow and arrow. When I saw it charging, I released the arrow, but the horned rabbit deflected it with its horn.

Quickly taking out another arrow while moving backward, I cast a strengthening spell on my legs. I used Spark with an enchantment on my arrow. With enchantment, I could coat the arrow with any spell.

The enchanted arrow hit the rabbit, but for some reason, it didn't work on it. It continued its charge and jumped at me, aiming its horn in my direction.

Panicked, but without hesitation, I struck it with my bow while creating distance. My bow wasn't that heavy, so the rabbit didn't fly far away. The arrow remained stuck in its body, and when it landed on the ground, it continued charging.

In the meantime, I took out my horn dagger. Avoiding its horn, I aimed for its eye and struck. Blood splashed on my hands and face. With this, my test was over; I had just gotten my first kill in this world.

When the adrenaline subsided, I was panting, but I hadn't sustained any injuries. Mom and Mum rushed at me and hugged me.

Dad was happy too. He pointed out some mistakes but was very proud in his eyes. We then drained the blood from the horned rabbit, and Mom cooked lunch from it. Dad took its horn, saying he would make a knife out of it. We all celebrated during lunch for my first kill.

During dinner that night, Dad gave me the knife made from the horn. It was white with a simple polished wooden handle secured with three horn nails and a sharp point.

I tested it on my hair, and it was sharp, although not as good as my previous knife made from the mussle lamb's horn. I planned to use it for throwing and stabbing.

"Dad, can I join you in hunting tomorrow?" I asked eagerly.

Dad agreed and told me to wake up early.

The next morning, I woke up at 6, took a cold water bath, and gathered my bow, arrows, and knives.

The forest was 5 km south from the village. While traveling, we saw some people heading to the forest from the guild to do their missions.

After entering the forest, we searched for game. We found many slimes which weren't useful for food, and then we encountered a snake that was beyond our league. Finally, we found a horned rabbit, slightly brown with blue eyes. When Dad saw it, he told me to aim carefully and finish it in one shot.

As it didn't notice us, I targeted its head and released the arrow. It hit the rabbit's head cleanly.

Carefully, we approached the rabbit, drained its blood, and Dad stored it in a creel covered with a wet cloth.

"Why didn't you enchant your arrow with a stun spell?" Dad asked.

"Because it didn't work yesterday," I replied.

"Alex, the horned rabbit we ate yesterday had an affinity with the ground element, which is why it was brown. This one is of the light element. If you had missed this shot, we would have had to fight it in close range. Its agility is superior to ours due to the light element. Remember always to check the affinity of the monster you want to kill; there are always signs."

After a brief discussion, we continued our hunt. We hunted more ground-type horned rabbits, avoiding monsters we couldn't handle or animals in groups. We also collected some herbs not found in our backyard, where we grow many plants for seasoning. We ate the bread and soup that Mum had prepared in the morning, then returned home because we didn't need more food.
