Chapter 33: A Surprise Guest

On Friday night, Angela arrived at Peter and George’s house with a bouquet of lilies tied with a green bow. They fit perfectly with the white-on-white décor in their large, sprawling apartment. Overstuffed furniture filled the space beneath the soaring loft windows, making the rooms both cozy and spacious at the same time. Angela especially loved relaxing on one of the deep couches arranged around the exposed brick fireplace in the center of the room.

“I told you not to bring anything,” George scolded her when she stepped out of the elevator right into their apartment. But as he plucked them from her hand, she could see he was pleased with her choice. As an artist, George had an eye for design, and Angela valued his opinion. She watched as he whisked the flowers away to arrange in a crystal vase.

“How did you know George loves lilies?” Peter teased quietly as he handed her a glass of white wine.

“Just a wild guess,” she answered. “But don’t you dare tell him that.”