Chapter 43: Griffin’s POV A Surprising Turn of Events

Griffin did a double take when Savannah walked out of the back room of the ice cream shop. He couldn't believe it. His first thought was that she had followed him, that somehow she still harbored a dream of them getting married. It made no sense. While they had spoken frequently on social media for the first few months after Griffin went to Peru, they both soon realized they had no future together. Their conversations dried up, and except for the occasional interactions at social events, they rarely spoke. And when they did, Savannah hardly seemed sad or lonely. As far as Griffin could tell, she was well over him. Now, he knew why.

But Griffin knew that it probably didn't look that way to Angela, so he quickly pulled Savannah aside as Angela, Jack and Rory returned to the car. “Are you okay?” he asked, his brows knitted with concern. “You weren’t looking for me here, were you?”