Chapter 44: Confessions

As Griffin’s car pulled up to the front of the house, Griffin jumped out to open the door for Angela. He then ran to the other side of the car to help Jack, who was carrying a sleeping Rory in his arms, onto the street.

“Will you be staying the night again?” Jack asked.

“No, I think I’ll head over to my parents’ house,” Griffin said. “They’re both out of town, so I’ll have the place to myself.”

“Can’t say I blame you,” Jack said. “That couch you slept on last night has seen better days.”

“I wanted to stay close in case Angela needed me,” Griffin said, brushing Rory’s hair from his forehead. “But everything seems fine now. He really is a great kid. Please call if you need anything. Angela has my number.”

“Thanks for everything,” Jack said, slipping inside the house. “Maybe we’ll see you in Boston sometime.”

“I hope so,” Griffin said, holding the front door for him, then closing it once he was inside.