Chapter 48: The Truth be Told

Griffin sat quietly for a minute, letting Angela’s words sink in. The silence was agony for Angela, who sat, head down, biting her lip, waiting for his reaction. “Do you understand what I said?” she finally asked. “Rory is your son.”

“I heard you,” Griffin finally said without expression. Angela watched a small blood vessel in his neck pound beneath his skin. Draping the sheet around his waist, he stood up and walked into the bathroom. He closed the door behind him.

Angela quickly dressed and combed her hair, then headed into the kitchen to make coffee. Over the past two years, she’d imagined all of Griffin’s possible reactions to the news, both good and bad, but she hadn’t anticipated this one. She was prepared for anger, sadness, or regret. She’d even allowed for the smallest possibility that he might be overjoyed. But she didn’t know what to do with silence. Making coffee seemed as good a response as any.