Chapter 52: Frank's POV A Frank Conversation

An hour later, Jack checked his watch. It was well past the time Angela had told him it would be safe to return home. By now, Griffin and Angela would have broken the news of their engagement to Griffin’s parents, and introduced them to Rory. Jack balked at the idea of introducing Cookie Graystone into Rory’s life, but there didn’t seem to be much choice.

Angela and Griffin had finally worked their way back to each other, and that was how it should be. Unfortunately, Cookie was part of the package. Despite his personal opinion, from now on, out of respect for Griffin,?Jack would smile and feign tolerance for her. She was Rory's grandmother, and she deserved a chance. Jack was willing to give her that. But just one. If she dared utter one unkind word against Angela in his presence, all bets were off. In that case, he wouldn’t be responsible for his actions.