Chapter 60: The Long Ride Home

After Griffin and Angela packed their suitcases in silence, they carried them out to the car and loaded the trunk. Suddenly, Angela remembered her wedding dress, still hanging on the back of the bathroom door. “Wait,” she told Griffin, thinking she would go back and get it, but seized by a dark cloud of dread, changed her mind. She couldn’t do it. She couldn’t look at the fine lace and delicate fabric , once a symbol of her highest hopes, but now a painful reminder of how quickly the celebration had disintegrated into tragedy.

“What is it?” Griffin asked kindly. “Did you forget something?”

Suddenly Angela couldn’t hold in her tears another second. They overwhelmed her eyelids and slid down her cheeks in great, bulbous droplets. Not bothering to wipe them away, she held her head in her hands and dropped down to the curb, where she sat sobbing into her palms. “Yes, our son,” she managed to gulp between sobs. “I can’t believe we’re really leaving without Rory.”