Chapter 61: A Surprise Suspect

Five minutes later, Jack arrived at the apartment. “Has there been any word from Jenkins?” he asked before he was even inside the door.

“Nothing,” Angela answered, her eyes on the house phone as she and Griffin sat on the couch with their arms around each other. They hadn’t moved for hours. Angela had turned the ringer to maximum volume so they wouldn’t miss it if it rang. Their cell phones were in their laps, both set at high volume as well. “I’m getting worried.”

“Sometimes no news is good news,” Griffin said hopefully.

Jack gave him an encouraging smile. “Griffin’s right. These things can take time. “How about your father? Any news from him?”

He’s got a couple of his security guys on it,” Griffin answered. “Nothing from them so far either. The good news is that they did some background on Jenkins. By all accounts, he’s top notch. It sounds like we’re in good hands.”