Chapter 64: Ambushed!

Angela gasped as she suddenly stood face to face with two gruff-looking men with menacing expressions on their faces. She recognized them immediately from the images taken from the security camera at the inn. One was thick and broad-built, the other slender, like a weasel, with pinched facial features. They both gave Angela the creeps.

“Sorry about that, sweetheart,” the heavy one told Angela with a sneer. “Jerry here can’t help you. I’m afraid he has a fatal weakness for gambling that forces his loyalties in our direction.”

“And who exactly are you?” Angela managed to ask, managing to keep her wits about her. “I don’t even know you. Why are you tormenting me and my family?”

“Get lost,” the slender man barked at Jerry. “We’ll take it from here.”

Jerry hesitated, gave Angela an apologetic nod, and scurried away.

“What do you want from me?” Angela demanded, her stomach sinking as she watched Jerry go.

“Revenge,” the heavy-set man said.