Earlier in the day, I saw a post of Sydney on instagram. She was standing with a young handsome man and they were both smiling at the camera. I don’t usually go on social media platforms but I was bored of staring at Taylor and believe it or not, I was bored of fucking her too. Who knew the day would come when I would reject sex..... I needed a break. My mother called earlier asking what Sydney meant by I went missing... Bloody Sydney. I had to explain everything to her and tell her not to worry because I was on top the situation. My mother was a very strong Christian and she hated divorce just as the Bible said. The whole divorce thing and Taylor was one mess I got myself into and I had no idea how to get out. Seeing Sydney so happy in that picture made my blood boil. It got me so angry I could kill somebody. The moment I found out she was unfaithful, that'll be the end of everything and she knew making an enemy of me wasn't the smartest decision. I called her line, she didn't pick up but I kept calling. She wasn't about to play me for a fool. She finally picked up on the sixth attempt.

"What the fuck, Byron. Why are you blowing up my phone?" her cold voice said.

"Who the fuck is that with you in the picture you uploaded on instagram?" the line went silent for a minute. She wasn't expecting me to see it because she knew I didn't do social media. Well, surprise!

“That’s Lana's fiancé. They took me out to get my mind off your disappearing act and the fact that you're a disappointment to me and this baby."

I wasn't expecting her harsh words but all the same, neither was I expecting the new Sydney. "Be warned, Sydney, if I find out that your basis for wanting a divorce is because you've been having an affair, kiss your divorce goodbye and be rest assured I'd make your life a miserable hell day in day out." I hung up. The overwhelming need to think clearly and plan came over me and I happened to do that well when I had a little alcohol in my system. As I put on my jacket and carried the keys to the car, Taylor called out to me asking where I was going but I ignored her and left. I was grateful to her for everything she'd done for me and for the break she gave me but goddamn she was one clingy lady. I drove to the closest bar I could find not minding if it was packed with zero privacy. I just needed to drink so I could think.

After scanning the room, I realized sitting at the bar would be better since every table was filled with people. I didn't take notice of the people around me just myself and the young bartender.

“Hey. I'll have a shot of whiskey with a pickle back, please." I said to the young man. I thought about it and quickly changed my mind. “Make it a double shot of whiskey." the young man nodded then proceeded to get the drink. That was when I noticed the back of the woman beside me stiffened. I got a whiff of her scent and after five years, believe it or not I could still tell.


But it couldn't be. My mind whirred at the bizarre possibility. Damn my imaginations. I needed to stop thinking about her. Yes, I hurt her. Yes, my conscience judged me every damn day. Yes, I missed her but I thought after being married for five years I would have gotten over her. The bartender dropped my glass of whisky in front of me. Just as I was raising the glass to my mouth, the lady beside me suddenly got up, hitting the glass from my hand and emptying the content on my shirt. I could tell she was tipsy because she swayed a little. I quickly held her so she wouldn't fall and that was when the element of surprise came. Everything seemed to have paused.

As a lawyer, the element of surprise was much needed especially in the courtroom, blindsiding the opponent. That moment when they think they're ahead of you, wowing the jury, the judge and the press, then you calmly drop your element of surprise and boom!! The victory is yours. Never in a million years did I expect this.

"Byron?” she called out as she latched on to me like her life depended on it. Was this a dream? Was I dreaming? Was this part of my imagination? If so why was it so vivid? So real? I looked down at the prettiest face I had ever seen. She swayed again with her eyes closing for just a nanosecond. I could see her trying to regain control of herself. It definitely wasn't a dream.

"Normani.” I managed to breathe. That was all could come out of my mouth. I was shocked. Beyond shocked. I had so many questions. What on earth was she doing here in Puerto Rico? Still, with all my unanswered questions, there was something I never thought would happen. I never thought I'd ever hold her in my arms again. As if sensing my inner subconscious joy, she stood up right, dug into her purse for some cash, handed it to the bartender and stomped off without looking at me or saying a word to me. I stood there with my mouth hanging open, totally speechless. My heart raced three trillion miles per second. Finally I stopped thinking and swung into action. I ran after her but there was no sign of her anywhere. Like she was never there. I went back to the bar to have a little chat with the bartender.

"That lady that just left, do you know her?" I asked him.

“No, sir." he responded.

“So she isn't a frequent guest here?”

“This is my first time seeing her.” goddamn it. How do I find her? My Normani. My precious little one. I paid for the drink I did not drink and left, going back to the hotel. Taylor wasn't at the hotel by the time I got there so I ran to the bathroom and stayed for twenty-five minutes or twenty-five years under the shower until Taylor got back. She dragged my limp body into the room and dropped me on the bed. I didn’t know the right way to react. Normani was in Puerto Rico, very close to me. How was I supposed to act when my guilt was getting the better of me?

"What's wrong with you, babe?" she asked as she dried my body and tried to put clothes on me. I couldn't speak to her so I just stared at her.

“Please say something, babe. You're scaring me. What's wrong?” she added.

“I saw her. I saw Normani." I told her.

"Who is Normani?"

"My ex."

"I don't get. Did she die before? Why do you look like you saw a ghost if it's just your ex you saw."

I glared at her. "I broke up with her five years ago because I thought commitment wasn't my thing. I was young and stupid and I lost my soulmate. She refused to let me go, she held on to me and refused accepting the break up. She was convinced she could change me, save me from my self destruct personality… I was just starting out as a lawyer then. I had won my first biggest case and everyone wanted a piece of the new star. That was before I met your father though. Normani had a very close friend who was interning under me and so to prove my point to her that I couldn't be saved, I made love to Normani that faithful morning because she would do just about anything for me and in the evening of that very same day, I invited her friend to Normani's house and fucked her on Normani's bed while Normani watched, lifeless with tears running down her face like a sea. It shattered me to do that to her because I loved her more than my own life but for the life of me, I just couldn't commit.

With every tears that dropped from her eyes, I fucked her friend harder. When I was done, I fired the girl there and then. Normani kicked me out and swore to never see me till the day she died. Few weeks after ending things with her, I met Sydney and my parents and hers insisted we got married and in a haste to forget Normani because trust me, I was almost destroying myself, I agreed and married her. You know Sydney is very materialistic so the wedding was so big. I'm sure word got out to Normani. Calabasas is a small town when it comes to gossip. But I just couldn’t look for her to explain everything to her. I hadn't seen her until today at the bar. She left before I could say anything."

Taylor stared at me like she was looking at a monster. Yeah I know. I stared at myself that way for years. I was a heartless piece of shit. The look suddenly disappeared from her face, replaced with a soft smile. "Hey. Don't think about it so much, baby. It's in the past now. I'm sure she has moved on and has forgotten about it. She might even be married now. Don't beat yourself up about your past. I know how to make you feel better."