Chapter 12: The mad bender & understanding

"{Day 100}

After thousands of trials I managed to finally bend a small amount of metal by fusing it with a stone. That leads me to believe that we can't control completely different elements but we can influence them, through the impurities that remain within them. However I am not satisfied with this, I will find a way to control different elements and I will destroy the spirits. I won't stop until I achieve it."


"{Day 300}

I am able to bend metal, magma and sand quite a bit, however my progress seems to have stagnated. This mortal body can't hold anymore. I am only 50 years old but my injuries are keeping me back. I am afraid that I won't be able to complete my research. I have been meditating in hopes of helping my body resist the erosion of time, but it doesn't work. I will, most likely become a part of this accursed library that drives me insane, everywhere I look there are only books, nothing more, and the books increase every day. The mad bender was driven insane by books, if my friends heard that they would die from laughter."


"{Day 369}

This will be the last page of my journal, if you read this far then I am thankful that my knowledge can be passed down to someone. I finally came to a conclusion, it is impossible for a human to reach the level of a serious spirit, our mortal bodies suppress us while spirits can train for thousands of years with no consequenses, but you should never keep trying even if we are unable to face the spirits it doesn't mean we should bow down to them.


After finishing the journal Solon started thinking.

'The information inside this journal have been useful. It gives a new perspective on earth, I will continue to study his findings, they will be helpful in learning to controlling my powers.'

After that Solon picked up a book titled [Earth and its effects].

"Earth is a complicated element even among the 4 we are able to understand and control through the power of the lion-turtles. It represents stability, strength and endurance..."

Solon continued to read through a large amount of books with the intent to obtain as much knowledge as possible in order to control more than just the earth around him. 

After days upon days without sleep and the discovery that he has no needs to keep himself in top shape, Solon finally desided to try and manipulate a different kind of elements other than the earth he was training so far.

[Solon POV]

I was standing on the sand outside the library. About 200 meters away the library was standing tall, reminding me of my goal. I wanted to use the power of air.

'Once I use the power of the air travels will become faster since I will be able to fly. That way I can reach my destination faster and continue to learn.' I though as I took a deep breath and tried to think of the air. I imagined it staring to rotate in the middle of my palm.

Immediately a large amount of energy got sucked from me while air started rotating in my palm. The very next moment a large amount of information got stuffed into my head providing me, the knowledge of every change my powers led to.

I stopped my power and sat down trying to analyzing that information in hopes to understand more about the element I just used.

'Hmm... My actions forced the air to do my binding however, it was highly ineffective since the wind resisted to obey me. Seems like the air values freedom quite a lot, makes sense. Does that mean, that if I don't force it to obey me, but rather ask it to do something, its going to be more efficient?'

After thinking that I got up and tried again to create the very same mini tornado in my hand but this time I asked the air to form it instead of forcing it. This time the action took way less energy from me.

'It seems that each element has it's own characteristic, earth is more direct, while air is more free to changes. That makes controlling elements harder since each has a different use.'

'It seems I need to visit more human settlements to learn about the elements from people who use them.' He though with curiosity about the differnces between humans.

As I was getting ready to leave I saw an injured jackalope some meters away from me.

'What a pity.'

Just before I got inside the library a crazy idea came to my mind.

'Wait a minute, why only control the elements humans use? I am not a human, I shouldn't restrict myself to their way. What if I am able to control more than just the four elements.' I though as I turned around and rushed to the jackalope.

As I got closer, The animal saw me and tried to run away from me which led to it falling to the sand due to it's injuries.

"Calm down little guy, I don't want to hurt you. I want to try and help you."

After trying to calm down the small creature in front of me, I remembered all the lessons Chronos gave me about the concept of time.


"Remember Solon, Time is a concept that must never be played with. Once someone tries to do so, time itself will try and punish the one who did it." Chornos told Solon as he drank tea.

"But you said that if more than 6 concept-level spirits agree it is possible to alter the past."

"Indeed, that's because we never play with time. We don't reverse time just to make our regrets go away, we do it to protect the world in general. Even Raava, that loves all beings would agree that playing with concepts, is something no human should have the power to do. That's also the reason we gave them the power to bend the 4 elements. If they already have a way to obtain power, they won't try to mess with things they shouldn't." Chronos patiently explained.

{Flashback end}

"Don't play with time." I said to myself aloud trying to remind myself that what I was about to do could have catastrophic consequenses.

'What if I try to use the concept of life instead. I thing that everything Zoi told me during my fruit period should be enough to heal a small animal.' I thought to myself and took a deep breath.

"Think about giving it, it's life back." I told myself and imagined life returning to the Jackalope.

After about 30 seconds of nothing happening, A huge amount of energy even by my standards was used up leading to me stumbling and falling to the side.

After getting up with difficulty I saw that the Jackalope's injuries started healing in a rapid pace.

'I did it.' I thought as I laid down to rest as information him me like one of Bumi's rocks.

[Forest of time]

[Third POV]

Chronos was sitting alone working in keeping the world's timeline stable, he suddenly paused and turned to look in particular direction. After observing for a while, he smiled and then returned to his world.

"Seems like you finally understood your true powers, Solon." he said with pride in his voice.

~~~~~~~{chapter end}~~~~~~~~~~~