Johan Anderson, a high school teenager in Japan, along with his classmates, is suddenly summoned to another world by an empire that needs a hero to win the war. Each student gets a job that determines their abilities, but Johan gets a job that seems strange and useless: 'Modern Soldier'.
overall its good 👍, just one problem...... its too JAPANESE!!mawgawd the mc is so trusting,he behaves the average Japanese mc too spineless,too soft ,believes in the power of friendship...... OK I'm done ranting. but I do recommend this
Reveal Spoiler
While i usually dont curse this much while reading this novel it had me cursing like a sailor if it's author's first novel i want to respectfully mention to step up your game if not then please just read your own works once, twice, maybe thrice before uploading
The story keeps jumping and is very hard to follow
So many plot holes, the mc is a wimp, and lacks almost any intelligence. Bro had a rifle fighting in a dungeon and was only using a knife. When his whole job is fighting with guns, then when his teammates get beat up by a drake he’s like “ what do I do?” Use the gun. The author is just really bad at writing .
I like the concept of modern ways in the fantasy world, and this novel have logic