83: Five Continents





A crunching sound resounded in an obscure in the den of the King of Snakes. A boy no older than twelve with blue eyes and chestnut hair hummed with an expression filled with satisfaction, pleasure, and desire.

In the boy's hand was a half-eaten golden fruit, and dribbling from his mouth was a golden liquid which stained the boy's exposed chest and also the ground.

Crunch Crunch Crunch Crunch

The boy took another bite and he released a satisfied moan. He savored the golden fruit that was in his mouth, and when he finished chewing, he took another bite and he released another moan.

He continued doing this until he finished the entire golden fruit, and even when he chewed the last of the golden fruit, he licked his dirty fingers clean.

"I'm thirsty."

He mumbled, and then he glanced at the golden pool before him and placed his hands inside. He scooped a handful of the golden pool and drank.

He drank more of the golden pool until he satisfied his thirst, and then he released a satisfied sigh.

"I feel less hungry now."

Silver mumbled as he sat while looking at the golden tree in front of him with a multitude of emotions, with the main emotion being…

Disappointment and sadness.


He gazed at the ceiling of the cave and released a soft sigh.

"I guess it wasn't a treasure?"

Silver mumbled, and then he looked at his injured and burnt palms.

"I can't feel a difference in my bloodline, physique, or even my mind. I can't feel any difference in my body."

"In fact, I can't even feel a spec of mystic energy in my body or the fruit."

Silver raised his knees and covered his face with his hands.

"I thought I had finally found a treasure that would improve my talents and change my fate."

"I thought I had found something that could give me a chance of survival."

"But I guess even the world loves mocking me like my brothers."

A chuckle filled with pain, hopelessness, and mockery flowed out of his lips. Tears poured out of his eyes as the pain he felt in his heart hurt him more than he expected.

For as long as he could remember, he had hoped and wished to find something that could improve his talents. His average talent was like a shackle on his life, goals, and dreams, and he wanted to shatter it.

However, his hardwork could not shatter such a shackle.

He knew how much his talents would hold him back, but he still wished and hoped to find an opportunity, a chance, a treasure that would improve his talents. And in the past few minutes, he had honestly thought he had found the opportunity, the chance, and the treasure.

A golden tree in a golden pond?

How was it not special?

Everything about it screamed treasure.


Silver's hopes were shattered the moment he ate the fruit and drank the water of the golden pool.

Apart from the fruit and golden water been sweet and refreshing, he felt no effect on his body and mind.

He did not get stronger. He did not release the impurities in his body and bloodline.

His injuries did not heal, and neither did he feel any changes to his mind.

Absolutely nothing happened to him and Silver was truly sad.

"What a fucking shitty luck."

Silver cursed while releasing a deep sigh. He wiped his tears with the back of his right hand, and then he patted his cheeks.

Pa Pa

"Even if this is not a treasure, I should not forget Father's words. I should use this as a stepping stone and continue writing my story no matter how ordinary and sad it is."

Silver attempted to smile, but his smile seemed forced and stiff.

Silver gazed at the tree and a second later, his stomach growled.


"Guess one fruit wasn't enough."

Silver absentmindedly grabbed another fruit and ate it with an unfocused mind and gaze.

As he chewed on the fruit, Silver looked at his right ankle which had been bitten by one of the snakes, and his brows furrowed deeply.

"How come my body is completely fine after I was poisoned by the snake? I didn't have the antidote and the poison was actually potent and strong. It should have killed me no matter what."

Silver shifted his gaze from his right ankle to his severely injured left arm, and his frown deepened.

"Since I'm still severely injured, I know that my bloodline did not activate on its own or most of my injuries would have been healed."

As Silver said these words, he took a large bite of the golden fruit and in four seconds, the fruit in his hands was fully devoured.

He absentmindedly grabbed another fruit and took a bite from it. As he chewed on the fruit, his mind wandered to the details of bloodline cultivation he was taught and he knew of.

Bloodline Cultivation

The Northern Continent.

The Morningstar Family.

These three words were connected, and if one wanted to know about one, they would learn about the other two.

In Nirvania, there were five continents. The Northern Continent, The Southern Continent, The Eastern Continent, The Western Continent, and The Central Continent.

Each of these continents had different cultures, different seasons, different beliefs, and different cultivation methods.

The Northern Continent utilized the cultivation method called Bloodline Cultivation.

The Southern Continent was a continent ruled mainly by beasts, and their cultivation method was called Genesis Cultivation.

The Western Continent was a continent that was ruled by a group called Magi, and their cultivation method was called Magi Cultivation.

The Eastern Continent was a continent ruled by a group called Martial Artists, and their cultivation method was called Martial Cultivation.

And the Central Continent was ruled by no group and did not have a cultivation method. Instead, it had an academy called The Supreme Academy which was the number one academy in the whole of Nirvania.

The Supreme Academy was a place where anybody from any continent, even beasts, could come to learn and grow.