84: Bloodline Gates and Talents

The Northern Continent, The Southern Continent, The Eastern Continent, The Western Continent, and The Central Continent.

These five continents had their specialties and also cultivation methods. But what Silver was going to focus on was the Northern Continent where he was born, and also the Northern Continent's cultivation method- Bloodline Cultivation.

The Northern Continent was a place where one's bloodline talent was very important.

Most powerful northern kingdoms, families, and organizations all had bloodlines that were related to gods or immortals which were beings of myths and legends.

For most families in northern kingdoms and organizations, one bloodline talent was measured by how pure one's bloodline was, and this was also measured by how close or similar one's bloodline was to the bloodline of the gods or immortals they served.

However, that was not the case for the Kingdom of Sparta.

The Spartan Kingdom was the strongest and most powerful kingdom of the North. They were deemed as the Guardians of the North, and to outsiders and also the knowledgeable, the Kingdom of Sparta was an oddity.

Sparta was a kingdom that did not worship any god. And they were also a kingdom where the inhabitants of Sparta, Spartans, had various and several bloodlines.

Sparta did not have a god they served nor did they have an immortal they worshiped to acquire the immortal's bloodline. They were also not related to any powerful deity or being.

There were even rumors from outsiders that said the strongest Spartan to have ever existed was a Mortal. It was also said that although the Spartan was a very powerful Mortal, he did not pass on his powerful bloodline to his children and left them to acquire their bloodline just like he did.

This Mortal… was called Kratos.

The rumors were not certain at all and nobody knew the truth, even his father, the crown prince of Sparta, did not know.

Silver did not know if his grandfather knew the truth, but what he did know was that people from outside the North and even Northerners, considered Spartans to be an oddity.


Because if Spartans did not have the bloodline of a god, an immortal, or the bloodline of a powerful Mortal like Kratos in them, how were they able to acquire bloodline abilities in the first place?

Any Northerner with a bloodline needed either a specific bloodline cultivation manual to awaken his or her bloodline, a bloodline awakening treasure, or a lucky encounter and opportunity.

But this was only if the person had a bloodline. And most times, if somebody had a bloodline, it was usually related to a powerful being.

One must not forget, that Kratos, the strongest Spartan, did not pass on his bloodline abilities to his children.

However, as generations went on and on, the children of Kratos acquired their bloodlines and passed them on to the latter generations.

And this was where it became odd and strange for most people.

The children of Kratos never became as powerful as Kratos. And one must not forget that Kratos was a Mortal.

He was not a god nor an immortal.

And one had to either become a god or an immortal to be able to pass on their bloodline which would last for generations upon generations upon generations.

However, the children of Kratos had bloodlines and were able to pass them on to their children.

It was an oddity and was also extremely complex.

Silver remembered how confused and baffled he was when he read this information from a book on bloodline and also the history of the Spartan bloodline.

It was all so convoluted and did not make any sense to him, and he had pushed such thoughts to the back of his mind fully expecting to never need them in the future.

However, there was an interesting hypothesis that he read in the book on the history of the Spartan bloodline.

The hypothesis stated that although Spartans did not have the bloodline of Kratos or a god in them, what every Spartan had was the opportunity to awaken a bloodline gate.

Silver did not know what this meant, but after thinking about it deeply, he came to realize what the book meant.

One had to know that not every Spartan had a bloodline. Sure Spartans were born with high innate strength, but not every Spartan was born with a bloodline.

This was more common amongst the commoners of other kingdoms, and if one was not born with a bloodline. One could not acquire a bloodline through normal means.

Therefore, a commoner without a bloodline in a Northern Kingdom was going to remain a commoner in the North for the rest of his or her life.

However, this was not the case for Spartans. Even Spartan commoners could get a bloodline if they were lucky and also hardworking.

Silver did not know how, but from what he read in the book, every Spartan had an opportunity to awaken a bloodline gate which would in turn give them a bloodline.

As soon as the word 'Bloodline Gate' appeared in Silver's thoughts, a pained smile appeared on his lips.

Bloodline Gates

Bloodline Gates were the foundations of bloodline cultivation, and they were located in the thirty three (33) vertebrae in the spinal cord of an individual.

There are thirty three bloodline gates in a person's body, and each bloodline gate determines a person's talent and also a person's potential.

A person's bloodline talent was measured by the number of bloodline gates a child at the age of ten years had.

For instance, a ten year old kid having between one to ten gates (1-10 gates) would be considered to have a Basic Talent.

Eleven to Twenty Gates (11 to 20 gates) was Intermediate Talent.

Twenty-one to Thirty Gates (21 to 30 gates) were considered Advanced Talent.

Thirty-one to Thirty two Gates (31 to 32 gates) was Legendary Talent.

Thirty-three Gates was a Myth, a realm that was considered to be unachievable at the age of ten. However, Silver did not know why.

Most Spartan commoners had Basic Talent. While the majority of the nine noble families had Advanced Talent.

However, there have been cases where somebody from one of the nine noble families or even amongst the commoners would have a Legendary talent.

As for Silver's family?

His father had a Legendary Talent.

His grandfather also had a Legendary Talent.

His step-brother, Gabriel had a Legendary Talent.

Lucas had a Legendary Talent.

Nathaniel had a Legendary Talent.

Alexander had an Advanced Talent.

Sebastian had an Advanced Talent.

As for him?

He had an Intermediate Talent.