Business First!

" Don't worry too much, dear friend. I'll take a look at her. Someone should call an ambulance. " Ymir instructed with a stern look. '' from the looks of it though, her condition doesn't look too serious. "

Fredrick let out a soft exhale. Yet again,his son disappointed...

Wasting no time, Regina was moved to New York General Hospital which was renowned for its exceptional medical care and cutting-edge facilities, attracting patients from all over the world.

Its reputation as the best hospital in the country was well-deserved, with a team of skilled doctors and state-of-the-art equipment.

Regina was admitted to this prestigious hospital, where she would be receiving immediate attention from the top medical professionals.

Dr. Ymir, the prodigy in the medical field, who was welcomed with great respect and admiration by the hospital staff offered to check her himself.

As Dr. Ymir entered the hospital, he was greeted with a warm smile by the nurses and doctors, who were eager to work with him. His reputation as a brilliant and innovative doctor had preceded him, and everyone was excited to learn from him.

Without wasting any time, Dr. Ymir went straight to Regina's room, his eyes scanning her charts and test results with intense focus. He quickly assessed her condition and began a thorough examination, his skilled hands moving with precision and care.

"Let's get to the bottom of this, shall we?" he said softly, his voice reassuring and confident. "We'll run some tests and get her feeling better in no time."

Fredrick felt a sense of relief wash over him as knew that his friend would work his magic, his expertise and kindness putting him at ease.

They'd been friends for quite sometime now and he knew she was in good hands, and that Dr. Ymir would do everything in his power to help her.

" See what your son has caused again, he's such a scum" Callista spat with irritation evident in her tone. From the way she had been throwing insults all day, Thomas was quick to deduce that the Harrisons weren't on good terms with each other.

" I'm sure it's not Mr Damians fault that she fainted. It was that dramatic girl's fault. If only she wasn't so ignorant and stubborn, we wouldn't be here now. " Thomas interrupted trying to fit in as part of their family now.

" And who gave you the permission to interrupt us, you lowlife?" Callista sneered as she gazed at him with disgust. " Where are her other siblings? Is that how you also act in your family? Well, it seems like you're birds of the same feathers. Scum for scum. "

Thomas clenched his fits tight. Of course he wanted the contract, but the insults she was relaying on him was getting out of hand. Worse, Mr. Fredrick only kept quiet and watched like it was nothing. " Ma'am don't you think you're being a little to harsh with words now?"

" How dare you?! " Callista replied with an irritated look. She adjusted her dark sunshades and held her head high.

" That's enough now, Callista. You may leave. " Fredrick finally spoke up. No one noticed, be he himself was dieing gradually on the inside.

He was weak and his bone already felt like jelly. Every word he spits out was a pain in his chest, but he forced it. Weather his son came or not, he'd be taking her home.

Afterall, they'd already signed the contract, so the party didn't matter.

Callista didn't waste anymore time in leaving, not that she really cared about the stranger anyway. She was hoping to humiliate her brother furthermore. She turned her heels and started to walk away from the scene.

Fredrick, alongside some distant relatives were the one who remained. These were family members with low rank, looking for his favour.

" Mr.Thomas, where are the rest of your family members? Aren't they supposed to be here with us? " Fredrick asked curiosly as his eyes bored into Thomas's.

" Something important came up, and they had to go and tend to it. " Thomas chuckled nervously. " Business first. " He added with a wide smile. He was sure he'd win Fredrick's heart with his words.

Fredrick looked a little taken back by the man's utterance. '' What do you mean, Mr Thomas?"

" It's important for the business to thrive before anything else, right? " He explained with a smug grin... Of course he was lieing.

Kimberly, his wife and children refused to follow him. They wished Regina just died anyway. She was of no use to them anymore.

He himself only followed Fredrick to be on his right side.

Every prestigious guests at the party had all gone home, and sure enough the news had gone viral about the bride's fall, and the absence of the groom.

" Oh, so you don't care about each other in your family then? " Fredrick asked with a curious tone, but it was clear that wasn't really a question though by the way he looked at Thomas.

Thomas turned a shade of red by the accusation and tried to speak up in defense when Frederick interrupted. " Save it. The walls have ears, and a celebrity, you shouldn't speak just anyhow in public. "

Thomas was speechless for a while, and then chuckled nervously. " Oh, my. It isn't what you're thinking th..." He was saying when suddenly Frederick assistant interrupted.

" Mr Frederick, I have information that sir Damian actually left the mansion to attend the ceremony, but was late. By the time he got there, We'd already left alongside the young miss to come here. He might have joined us if some important issues hadn't popped up. " Gary, His personal assistant explained, leaving him shocked.

Fredrick's lips twiched. 'wow' he thought to himself and chuckled. " I can't believe my ears... I guess he did listen to my pleas. " He knew Damian probably forced himself to come, if not he'd have joined them in the hospital.

There wasn't really any 'important' issues that he couldn't ignore by the way. ' Humph. At least he came.'