no email?

Regina slowly opened her eyes, groggily emerging from a restless sleep. The weight of her exhausting work from the previous day still lingered, etching faint lines of fatigue on her face. Despite her body's reluctance, she forced herself to sit up and swing her legs over the side of the bed, planting her feet firmly on the ground.

She stood up and began her morning routine, shuffling towards the bathroom to wash away the remnants of sleep and prepare for the day ahead. The promise she made to her children echoed in her mind, "I did promise, after all..." The reminder propelled her forward, despite her tiredness.

As she splashed water on her face, Regina's thoughts turned to the grand visiting day at her children's school. Just two days ago, they had told her of the event, and now it was upon her. She let out a deep sigh, feeling a mix of emotions: exhaustion, obligation, and a hint of regret.

With a new sense of purpose, Regina began to prepare herself for the day, steadily getting ready to take her children to school and fulfill her promise. Despite the initial reluctance, she was determined to make the most of this opportunity and be present for her children today.

After she was done preparing, she walked down from her groom to the grand main room. Her children were already prepared for school patiently waiting for her. Thanks to nanny Joan, they were never late for school and was always fully clothed even before their mother wakes up.

" Good morning, mommy!" Diane jumped down from the couch and walked over to her mom.

Eric also followed with a smile etched on his face. " Good morning mother, we're glad you're finally able to take us to school today."

" Good morning, my little pookies." She placed a finger on the tip of their noses, making them both giggle.

" Let's go now." She smiled at them and started to lead the way out.

" Ba-dam! Ba-dam! I'm so happy bam! bam! bam!" Diane giggled and twirled as they walked behind their mother.

She beamed with pride and excitement as she watched her mother from behind, Regina, Diane felt really happy knowing that her mother had finally been able to attending the grand visiting day.

As they walked towards the car, Diane couldn't help but feel a desire to showcase her mother's beauty to the world. She thought Regina was the most stunning woman ever, and she wanted everyone to see it too! With a childlike sense of pride, Diane skipped happily behind her mother, her little feet dancing with excitement.

Her five-year-old energy was infectious, and her twin brother smiled at her silliness monitoring her bouncy steps, so she wouldn't end up falling.

Diane's eyes shone bright with admiration as she gazed up at Regina, feeling grateful to have such a beautiful mother.

As they sat comfortably in the car, Diane's excitement grew. She couldn't wait to introduce her mother to her teachers and friends, to show them the beautiful woman who had raised her. With a happy heart, Diane clutched her school bag closer to herself.

" Mummy, should I tell everyone your occupation?" She asked with a nervous chuckle.

She wasn't nervous about the fact that they might get embarrassed if they were to mention that their mother was a doctor. She was nervous because her they might find out she's other things as well. And she'll get too much attention. Mommy hates that.

" Yes, I'm a doctor." She replied simply and kept her gaze on the road as they drove on.

Diane pressed her lips into a thin line. " Okie okie!" She nodded with excitement.

" What were you planning on telling them in the first place?" Eric asked with a small smirk playing on his lips.

" That she's the most famous woman on the planet." Diane replied proudly.

Regina chuckled. " Naughty girl. I'm a doctor and that is that. Or are you afraid?'' she asked with a slightly raised brow.

As their car came to a stop in front of the school, Regina, Diane and Eric, emerged from the vehicle. Diane's face lit up with a triumphant smile, and she puffed out her chest, radiating pride. Her brother, Eric, chuckled at her antics, amused by her obvious joy.

Their female bodyguard expertly maneuvered the car away from the entrance, leaving the trio to make their way towards the school. Regina's gaze fell upon the imposing gates and the two guards standing at attention, their presence a proof to the school's emphasis on security.

As they approached the entrance, Diane's smug grin only grew wider, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She was clearly thrilled to have her mother by her side, and she couldn't wait to show her off to her classmates and teachers. Especially Vicky.

Eric, on the other hand, walked alongside his mother and sister, his eyes fixed on the scene before them, a hint of a smile still playing on his lips.

Regina, meanwhile, took in the sights and sounds of the school, " Mmm, let's go in." She urged and they approached the gate's entrance.

The exterior decoration of the school was a sight to behold, exuding an air of elegance and sophistication. The gates, made of wrought iron, were adorned with intricate designs and patterns, gleaming with a subtle gold finish.

The school apparently was a masterclass in architectural design, with tall columns, sweeping arches, and ornate details that seemed to whisper tales of excellence.

As soon as they got to the entrance, a guard stopped them from entering further.

There were several extravagant looking people that had been going in with their children apparently with no troubles, making Regina wonder why they were stopped. A frown appeared on her beautiful face as she spoke. " What's the matter?"

" We're sorry, ma'am. Only parents are allowed in. No nannys accepted. " The guard spoke up after sighting her from head to toe. She was undoubtedly attractive, but was looking really plain in clothing.

" I'm their mother." She replied with a soft exhale, and took out her phone. There's usually an invitation sent to every parents directly from the school. As she scanned for the email on her phone, she realized they hadn't sent her any…

Diane's eyes fell almost immediately after looking at her mother's expression. " They didn't send me an email?" She frowned.