you're staying with us?

Regina sighed. " Yes, I have a very important event I need to attend there anyway. The kids also wanted us to celebrate Eric's promotion too. They suggested it."

" An event?" Kendrick frowned. " I heard that the Harrisons invited Helen to attend their wedding. I hope it's not what I'm thinking." He suddenly looked deadly serious. His eyes bore int hers with utmost intensity. " Don't tell me…"

Regina's eyes twiched a little. " There's someone in particular that I need to attend to once we get there. I'm talking about a new operation schedule." Her lips curled up mischievously.

Regina's mind flashed back to last week when she received a security alert on her system. Someone was attempting to hack into her digital world, trying to force their way past her defenses. She wasn't overly concerned, knowing her own exceptional skills would protect her. With a hint of curiosity, she decided to track down the would-be hacker.

As she delved deeper, she discovered the other person was no amateur. They were highly skilled, using sophisticated techniques to try and breach her system. But Regina was a master of her craft, and she relished the challenge. She engaged in a virtual game of cat and mouse, her fingers flying across the keyboard as she outmaneuvered her opponent.

Finally, she gained the upper hand, revealing the hacker's identity. But what caught her attention was a snippet of information they had inadvertently left behind. It was a small detail, but one that sent a shiver down Regina's spine. She realized that this hacking attempt was more than just a random incident.

The memory of that moment came flooding back, and Regina's eyes narrowed.

" Are you sure about this, Regina?" Julie asked with a tone of concern. " I mean, are we sure this isn't you actually accepting the invite?"

" I don't have a reason to. I'm going to New york for an event. A new operation task. It's a risky one, and even with my expertise, there's still a slight chance that I do not succeed." She replied earnestly.

" Did you say even the first time to make us worried?" Kendrick almost rolled his eyes.

" Not really." She smirked and looked over towards where her children were busy playing.

" So when are you going?" Julie asked and paused for a moment… " Wait, Eric got promoted?" Her eyes then widened.

" Yes, he did." Regina tore her gaze away from the child back to face her friend. " We're going to visit New York on Monday. Today is Saturday, so just a day from now."

" Wow, I'm impressed. But is Diane okay with it?" She asked with concern etched in her tone.

" She suggested the trip herself." Regina replied with a proud look etched on her face.

" Mmm, really?" Julie smiled sweetly. " That's nice. You've got such wonderful kids."

Kendrick's personal assistant discreetly entered the room, interrupting the conversation. He whispered something in Kendrick's ear, and Kendrick's expression morphed to a warm smile. He stood up, his movements swift and decisive. "Looks like our time is up, I need to leave now."

Julie also rose from her seat, her gaze drifting towards her son, who was still engaged in a lively conversation with Regina's children. Regina let out a gentle sigh, acknowledging the abrupt end to their gathering. She knew how demanding Kendrick's schedule was, and she appreciated the time he had carved out for her today.

Kendrick Robert was a powerhouse in the business world, renowned for his exceptional talent and leadership. His time was valuable, and Regina felt grateful for his presence in her life. He was not only a successful entrepreneur but also an amazing brother, friend, and father figure. Julie was indeed lucky to have him by her side.

" Collins, come on, we're leaving now." Julie stretched out her her towards her six-year-old son with a soft smile etched on her face.

" Mommy, I wanna stay." Collins smirked and leaned back against the couch with a raised brow, gazing intently at Eric.

" You can't stay with us, we're going on vacation on Monday, Collins." Diane spoke up with a soft giggle and rolled her eyes, " right, Eric?"

" Mm!" Eric nodded with a smirk playing on his lips.

" Why so soon?" Collins asked with his hands placed on his chin, like he was suspicious.

" You see… my brother got promoted to your class, Collins." Diane smiled proudly, and wiggled her brows. " We're gonna celebrate."

Collins eyes widened in disbelief. He thought he was the smartest, because he also got promoted. That's why he's in a class meant for seven year olds now… but Eric got double promoted?????

He balled his fist hard and turned his gaze away. Everyone could tell he wasn't the least excited. " Then I'm going to follow you guys. I also want to go with you on your vacation."

" Collins—" his mother called with a stern face, and made to scold him for being stubborn.

" He can tag along, I don't mind. It's not everyday he gets to see me." Regina spoke up with a soft chuckle.

" Ken, can he stay?" Julie looked at her husband.

" Sure. Why not?" He smiled. " Let's leave now then."

Collins's smirk widened. " Thank you mommy, thank you daddy. I'm so excited!" He exclaimed with a childish grin.

" Just be a good boy." His mother warned, she walked over to him and ruffled his hair, before placing a kiss on his forehead.

" Wow! You're staying with us? What about your elder brother? Won't you miss him?" Diane asked innocently.

Collins's eyes lowered a little at the mention of his brother. His gaze shifted away from her and he stared at his mother. " Both Diane and I are going to have so much fun playing together." He smiled proudly.

" Okay, my love. Bye" Julie smiled at him. " We'll tell your brother you said hi."

As Kendrick and Julie prepared to leave, the room seemed to vibrate with a mix of warmth and urgency. Julie gave Regina a gentle hug, whispering words of encouragement and support. "We'll talk soon, okay? Just keep an eye out for the kids. They mustn't find out about Diane and Eric."

Kendrick, already standing by the door, gazed at Regina with a reassuring nod. "Take care, and keep me posted. "

With a final wave, they stepped out into the bright sunlight, their movements fluid and synchronized. As they walked towards their sleek, black car, Julie glanced back. " I do hope she isn't going to get discovered, with the twins"

Kendrick opened the car door for Julie, and she slid in effortlessly. He followed suit, his eyes scanning the surroundings before settling onto his wife. "You know, Julie, Regina's got a lot on her plate. She's a strong woman though, she always loves to handle things on her own, and she always does it well."

Julie nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "I know, Kendrick. I just can't help but be a little worried for her."

With a gentle hum, the car glided away from the curb.