Happy Family

'I'm bored.' Swaying his chair from the cushioned chair, Theron stared at how his parents and Lorian attended to Elias while he was still asleep.

After Lorian's offering earlier, they proceeded to know Elias's current health. It left him bothering what Lorian's true intention was. 

'I wonder if he's sincere at all.' Theron questioned in his mind. 

Lorian, for him, was interesting. He has met a lot of great magicians in their empire in his previous life. They were either too busy helping the poor or helping the empire to solve its problem. 

However, not once have he heard of a magician personally wanting to be a teacher especially for a young kid like him.

Thinking of it just made him suspicious and cautious. He wondered if he was just also bored in his life that's why he decided to do it, or if he was really up for good.

'Ha,' Theron breathed out. He remained silent for a couple of minutes when countless heavy footsteps and metal colliding with each other, sounded outside 

"Oh, they're here." Stepping back, Tyron quickly held Theron in his arms. 

"Is that your knight? Let's greet them quickly." Lorian said in a solemn voice. 

The Knights of Xion family arrived soon after, their presence bringing a sense of security to both Theron and Allyza. Wearing silver armor, the knights lined up and bowed respectfully.

"Lord Tyron, Lady Allyza, we came as soon as we received word of Elias's rescue," the lead knight, Maximus reported. 

"Is everyone safe?" he asked, his brown and big eyes showing concern in them.

Maximus had dark brown hair. He was already in his 40's but still had a well built body, a result of his continuous training. He was the commander of knights under the Xion Family. He had been working on their family for decades.

"Yes, thanks to the help of Lorian" Tyron replied, giving a quick nod to Lorian, acknowledging his help throughout. 

"Elias is safe and back with us."

The knights exchanged relieved glances. 

"We will ensure the area remains secure and investigate the abduction further," Maximus continued.

Allyza smiled gratefully. "Thank you. We're deeply grateful for your service."

"Take that man with you and put him in the room. No need to wait for us here." Pointing at the unconscious man on the floor, Tyron uttered with a hint of mystery in his voice.

Seeing the man, Maximus quickly understood what his lord had said. He gave a swift nod and signalled his comrades to take the man. 

"We'll leave first then, My Lord." As Maximus bowed his head, the rest of the knights quickly followed. They took their leave after a second, dragging the poor coachman on the ground, not caring if he'd scratches or dirt.

After the knights left, Lorian quickly instructed that the rest of them should go back home since Elias was already fine and would wake up in a few hours. He offered his portal and Tyron happily accepted it. 

"Take care, everyone." Lorian said his final goodbye as he stayed beside the portal he had created. 

"Take care too, Sir Lorian." Allyza sincerely wished as she sweetly smiled. She stepped in the portal with Elias on her hands.

"We'll contact you soon to offer our gratitude." Tyron expressed in a determined voice as he shook Lorian's hands for the last time. 

"I will wait for it then." Lorian smiled as he secretly glanced at Theron who was staring at him from Tyron's arms.

"And you, young one. Keep it up. You're doing good."

- - - 

The Xion's household were filled with worry as the family came back. The maids immediately prepared the family room, with Allyza and Tyron not wanting to leave their eyes on the children. 

Elias, who was lying down on the sofa, suddenly stirred on his sleep, his eyes fluttering open.

"Wh-where am I?" he mumbled, his voice weak and disoriented. His throat was dry as if he had been unconscious for so long. 

With widened eyes, Allyza who was putting Theron in his sleep, hurriedly went over to the side. 

"You're safe, Elias," she said softly, kneeling beside him. Allyza gently brushed his forehead using her free hand. "You're back home."

Elias blinked a few times, his vision clearing. He recognized the room and the faces around him. Relief quickly washed over him as he sat up slowly. However, at the same time, tears started falling down his cheeks.

 "I... I remember being taken..."

"Elias?!" Tyron, who had just gotten in the room after getting Theron's milk, hurriedly ran to them. 

His heart immediately awed after seeing Elias's pitiful expression. 

"You're safe now, young one. I have also sent a letter to your father." Tyron informed him in an assuring voice that everything was fine. 

"Elias, how are you feeling?" Allyza asked, her voice full of concern. 

"I'm okay, Auntie." Elias replied, though his voice was still shaky. "Thank you for finding me."

"It was thanks to Theron," Tyron said, smiling down at his sleeping son. "He helped us."

Elias turned to Theron, his eyes widening with both gratitude and shock. "H-he helped find me?" 

Allyza and Tyron smiled sweetly at Elias. 

"Yes, Elias. Theron was very worried about you." She uttered as her hands xarresses Elias's cheeks full of tears.

"Now stop crying. You'll look ugly if you cry more." She joked around trying to lighten the atmosphere.

It clearly worked, when the three of them lightly laughed. However, because of the noise, Theron, who was sleeping, also slowly woke up.

"Eliwas…?" Opening his small eyes, and hearing a familiar voice, Theron's forehead scrunched. 

Elias quickly wiped the tears in his eyes before flashing a smile on his face, greeting Theron, who had just woken up. 

"Yu… awakee!" Theron instinctively smiled widely as he uttered it out loud. He didn't know why, but deep in his heart, he was relieved. 

"Thank you for helping to find me." Elias brought it up as he leaned forward, suddenly pinching Theron's cheeks. 

"Ahh!" Theron let out a whimper as he felt a force squishing his cheeks. He quickly glared at Elias but because of his small eyes, it looked as if he was only squinting his eyes. 

Elias, Tyron, and Allyza laughed after hearing Theron's reaction. 

"From now on, I'll protect Theron too!" Elias exclaimed out loud followed by a short laughter as he pinched Theron's cheeks for the second time.

Theron complained once again. However, despite being annoyed, he slowly found himself laughing with his family. He actually felt glad that his family were happy and all together.


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'Ohh? What a timing.'


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