New Tasks

The next morning, the Xion household was filled with the usual light atmosphere as if nothing had happened yesterday. The sun had barely risen when the family gathered for breakfast in the main dining hall. 

The long wooden table was adorned with an array of delicious foods: fresh bread, fruits, cheeses, and various meats. The smell of freshly brewed tea and hot sweetened milk filled the air.

Allyza and Tyron were seated at the head of the table, with Elias, Charlize, and Theron next to them. Theron, still groggy from sleep, rubbed his eyes and yawned, he was seated in a high chair. 

"Good morning, everyone," Allyza greeted with a warm smile, passing a plate of buttered bread to Elias. "I hope you all slept well."

"Good morning, Auntie," Elias replied, taking the bread. "I feel much better today."

"Mommy, I slept so well yesterday!" Charlize excitedly exclaimed as she stuffed her mouth with bread.

"How about you, Theron?" Allyza turned her head and smiled sweetly when she saw Theron's tired face.

Theron opened his eyes even though he was still in the process of waking up. He slightly smiled at his family.

"Gwood Morning." 

Allyza chuckled before nodding. She placed her hand together and said, "Let's eat now everyone."

As they ate, they talked about their plans for the day. Tyron mentioned some business matters he needed to attend to, while Allyza spoke of activities that she and the kids could do.

After breakfast, the family went their separate ways, with Tyron heading out to take care of their tasks. Meanwhile, Allyza, who had stayed for the day led the the kids to the garden. 

She thought of creating new fun memories with them in order to replace the bad one from yesterday. This would allow the kids to quickly forgot what happened.

As they arrived in the garden, the air was fresh and the morning sun greeted them. Birds chirped in the branches above, and a soft breeze rustled the leaves. 

"Alright, my loves," Allyza said, clapping her hands together. "What shall we do today? How about we start with a game of tag?"

Elias's eyes lit up with excitement. "Yes, Auntie! I love tag!"

Charlize jumped up and down, her pigtails bouncing. "Me too, Mommy! Let's play!"

Theron unbelievably look at his family when he heard them. 'Don't they realize that I can't even run yet?'

"Come on, Theron!" Allyza called out, waving her hand over to Rian who was carrying him. 

"Do you want to join us, Sweetie? Let mommy carry you." She smiled sweetly, nodding her head multiple time as if encouraging Theron to say yes. 

However Theron did not want to be tired so early in the morning. His body, even though he was fine, was tired on the inside. He had barely recovered from taking out a part of his mana. 

Recalling that, he needed to merge the taken out mana and his own before his body will get used to the change. 

Since his grade in Magic had levelled up, he was more confident now than yesterday.

Theron shook his head, chuckling softly. "No pway. Me wans watch!"

Allyza chuckled. "Okay then, my love. Watch mommy okay?" She uttered before giving Rian a knowing look. 

"I will take care of the young lord, My Lady." Rian bowed her head before moving to the side. She carried Theron in her hands while they watched.

"Let's play then. Who wants to be the tagger first?" 

Elias and Charlize looked at each other before pointing their hands at Allyza. The two of them laughed while Allyza showed them a surprised expression.

Afterwards, Allyza looked at them with squinted eyes. 

"I'll chase you then!" She exclaimed out loud as she slowly ran after the kids.

Elias and Charlize, with widened eyes, quickly ran away. They were shouting iht loud and laughing like crazy 

Rian, on the other hand, was watching the family with a smile on her face. The estate, now, looked more lively compared to how it was because of all the kids.

She was honored and grateful to be Theron's personal maid. She couldn't help but admit that Theron had been a huge part of her life despite being only born more than a year ago.

Rian was still young. She was only in her twenties. She came in the Xion family when she was still young, being left alone by her parents in the streets due to poverty.

Since then, she treated the Xion family as her savior and the rest of the workers as her family.

"Are you okay, young lord?" Asking the question in a worried tone, Rian turned her attention to Theron, who was sitting quietly, seemingly lost in thought.

Theron slowly nodded before blowing his cheeks. He was sitting still as he became lost in thougths.

"I'm fayn." He answered followed by a cute expression to assure Rian. 

When Rian saw it, she smiled and swayed her body from left to right. Thinking that the sun was causing discomfort to Theron, she moved to the other side and stayed under the shade. 

'Ha! How will I even do this?' Theron becane lost in thought once again after talking to Rian. 

He watched over the screen in front of him. It was displaying the new tasks he needed to accomplish.


- Accept Lorian as your Teacher

- Hold a Sword

- Level up your swordmanship.

It seemed like the system wants him to give attention to his swordmanship now that he have unlocked his skills. 

However, the first task was what intrigues him the most. 

'So Lorian really had a good intention when he spoke of wanting to be my teacher... I guess i'll accept that then when the time comes."