A New Teacher

"Charlize, Elias, you'll meet a new teacher later on. Take Theron with you, but make sure he'd only stay and watch on the side." 

Tyron closed the pages of the newspaper he had been reading for a while. He removed his gaze from it and looked at the kids instead.

"I'm serious, you two. One more word from your teacher and I'll have you grounded for a month." He strictly reprimanded them with his eyes squinted.

Elias and Charlize, with their heads slightly lowered down, looked at each other in silence. The two of them made a face, knowing that Tyron was serious about his threat this time. 

"Look at Theron and you two. I sometimes wonder who's older and who's the youngest." He disappointingly shook his head. 

For the past month since Elias and Charlize started taking lessons in different fields, he had heard countless complaints about their mischievousness. He thought that it may be because they were used to freedom for the past 7 years since their birth.

However, 6 months had already passed since he hired the teachers and there were still no improvements. 

"I'll go with them, father. Don't worry." Theron gave a reassuring look to his father as he sat prim and proper. 

Three years had already passed since the incident of Elias's kidnapping. Allyza and Tyron were able to trace the culprit, but they didn't disclose any information to the children.

Theron, now just a few months from turning 5, had grown noticeably. His once babyish features had started to mature, and his eyes shone with a mixture of curiosity and intelligence far beyond his years. He had also become incredibly tall— a few inches taller than most of the kids his age.

"That's good to hear," Tyron's stern expression immediately dropped as he heard Theron's calm voice.

In the last years, Theron had become more mature than his age. He was so much different than Elias and Charlize who delayed their studies for a year because they still want to have fun. 

"Just sit in for the meantime, okay? You're still not allowed to join classes because you haven't reached the age of 5 yet." Tyron reminded Theron as he noticed his curious eyes.

"I remember that, father." Theron answered in a formal tone as he continued eating their breakfast.

'I wonder what my father found for today.' Theron kept his curiosity to himself. He remained silent afterwards as Theron continued to scold Elias and Charlize who were already making a face in front of their food.

Today marked the beginning of Elias and Charlize's swordsmanship training. Tyron had decided that they were old enough to start learning the basics of combat, a crucial skill for any noble family. 

On the other hand, Theron, who was still too young to participate, would just sit in and watch. Tyron thought that it would be good entertainment for Theron.

After breakfast, the children prepared for their training session. Theron, Elias, and Charlize gathered in the training grounds after a few hours, with the sun still shining brightly overhead.

The outdoor training ground was spacious, with a clear area for practice, straw dummies for sword strikes, and various other training equipment that the knights use in their practice. 

The whole place was surrounded by a low stone wall, offering a sense of privacy and security compared to the other part of the estate.

"Are you curious what our lesson is today, Theron?" Charlize pouted her lips as they arrived on the training ground. 

"It's already obvious, Sister." Theron answered as he looked at their clothes. They were wearing clothes similar to ones that the knights used in their training sessions— a piece of fitted pants and padded longsleeve top.

Charlize chuckled as she smiled widely. "Oh right," she answered, obviously doing it on purpose.

"Why are you so quiet, Elias." Charlize then turned her head over to the person behind Theron.

"I am following your father's words, stupid." Elias answered with a hint of mockery on his voice 

Charlize rolled her eyes before crossing her arms. "Alright then. I guess I'll follow too." She deeply sighed.

"Good morning everyone."

Elias, Charlize, and Theron's immediately turned their heads when they heard an unfamiliar deep voice. On the side, a tall man stood proudly. He had a stern expression on his face as he looked at the three kids.

The man was dressed in a simple yet elegant tunic and trousers, a sword strapped to his side. His hair was as brown as the ground, and his eyes were sharp and strict, reflecting years of his experience. 

He stood with an air of authority, exuding a calm confidence that immediately commanded respect.

"Children, this is your new instructor, Sir Aldric," Tyron, who was behind the man, made a brief introduction. 

"Sir Aldric is a seasoned swordsman and has served in the Royal Guard for over two decades. He is one of the finest swordsman in the kingdom. That's why I know that you will learn a great deal from him."

Sir Aldric nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze sweeping over the children. 

"It's a pleasure to meet you all. I am Sir Aldric, as your father mentioned. As a teacher I aim to teach you not just the techniques, but the discipline and honour that come with wielding a sword."

Elias and Charlize listened intently, their earlier mischief replaced by a sense of respect and little fear. 

Where did Tyron find such a scary looking man?!!

When Theron noticed their expression, his lips curved upwards. He found it funny to see his sister and Elias looking as proper as this. It was the first after a while.

"I'll sit on the side and watch them, father! " Theron rarely expresses his excitement, but today was an exemption. 

Theron wondered how will Sir Aldric teach his sister and Elias. 

'I hope he lives up to my expectation.'