A Show Of Skills

As the training session continued, Allyza appeared, carrying a tray of refreshments in her hands. She smiled as she watched her children, pride was evident in her eyes.

She walked over to Theron, handing him a cup of cool water.

"How's the training going, Theron? Are you enjoying it, little one?" she asked in a sweet voice, sitting down beside him.

"It's amazing, Mama," Theron replied, his eyes shining. "I can't wait until I'm old enough to join them." he exclaimed excitedly.

His small session with Aldric earlier made him reminisce about the times on his previous life. How he wished to wield a sword again.

Theron still had the skills embedded in his mind even though his current physical body lack the stats for it 

Allyza smiled, ruffling his hair. "I know you're eager to try, little one. But you're learning a lot just by watching. Your time will come. It will just be in a few months."

Theron nodded. "I know, Mama. I'll wait for it patiently, don't worry." He answered with a reassuring smile.

Theron really just wanted to try it because he missed the feeling of holding it in his hands. Once he got a hold of it, he couldn't wait to master it again.

To wield a sword without responsibilities— just thinking if it were already making him excited 

Allyza chuckled and nodded.

"Let's continue watching now, Mama." Theron smiled before returning his gaze in front.

As an hour passed by, the sun had climbed higher in the sky, casting long shadows across the training grounds. The tiring training and the hotness from the sun had made it a lot harder for Elias and Charlize.

Aldric decided it was time to see what Elias and Charlize had learned in the minutes he had left them. He gathered them in the center of the grounds, their wooden swords in their hands.

"Now that you've become familiar with your swords, it's time to test your skills," Sir Aldric announced in a monotonous voice. He still had a grim expression on his face.

"We'll have a simple and fun match. This isn't about winning or losing, but realizing your current skills and what you need to learn." Aldric continued, formally explaining what would happen to the kids.

Elias and Charlize exchanged nervous glances, their fear mingled with anxiety. The two of them swallowed as if their mouths had run dry. 

"How about we start now?" Aldric suggested in a commanding voice.

It was a suggestion, yet it seemed like they already had no choice. Charlize wanted to sulk and complain to his father but Aldric looked so scary.

The two of them stepped forward, their wooden swords ready at their hands. They were holding it firmly with their cold and sweaty hands.

'This is interesting,' Theron, sitting on the bench, watched with keen interest. He was curious on how they would perform.

"Don't worry," Sir Aldric said, his tone encouraging. "Remember what you've learned. Focus on precision and be familiar with your swords."

After he said it, he positioned Elias and Charlize opposite to each other, facing one another.

"Let's begin," he instructed, his voice firm before taking a step back.

Elias and Charlize hesitated for a moment. They looked at each other, unsure of what to do.

"Begin now." However, noticing it, Aldric quickly reminded once again. He needed to be strict as he had heard from Tyron that the kids tend to be stubborn.

Without a choice, Elias slowly moved towards each other. They confidently raised their wooden swords above their shoulders. 

As the two began to exchange attacks, it was obvious that their movements were slow and tentative, lacking the fluidity and confidence. Every strike that they did was awkward and unstable. 

Elias and Charlize were scared to hit each other.

Sir Aldric observed them closely, mentally noting their weaknesses and strengths. 

"Elias, keep your stance firm. Charlize, watch how you hold the sword. Don't ve scare to sway it and strike at one another. That's a mere wooden sword." he called out the two, somehow disappointed at what they showed so far.

Not even an ounce of determination nor effort could be seen in their eyes.

The small match continued for a few more minutes, with Elias and Charlize exchanging clumsy attacks. They were clearly struggling and scared. It was evident that they had a long way to go.

Finally, Sir Aldric raised his hand. "Stop," he commanded, ending the match. Elias and Charlize stepped back, panting slightly and looking disappointed.

"Well… you both have potential," Sir Aldric said, his tone serious but kind. He didn't want to kill their hopes this early.

"But you're clearly at the lowest level. You will need more practice. Elias, your strikes need to have power. You don't  justmove it carelessly." Aldric shook his head before glancing at Charlize.

"You two. You're too scared for nothing. You should also remember that holding a sword is not the same as holding a spoon. You need to be careful of it.".



Elias and Charlize silently nodded, absorbing his words. Their initial disappointment was replaced by embarrassment. 

Was it the first time that they have been scolded like this?

Sir Aldric glanced at the sun, noting that they still had some time left. He turned his attention to Theron, who was watching intently from the sidelines and sighed.

"Theron," he called, "would you also like to give it a try?"

Theron's eyes widened in surprise when he heard his name. He glanced at his father, who gave him an encouraging nod. 

"But I'm not old enough to train yet," he reminded, his voice hesitant.

"I know," Sir Aldric replied with a gentle smile. "But I'd like to see what you've learned from watching. Come, take a wooden sword."

Theron reluctanlty stood up, walking over to where the wooden swords were stacked. He picked one up, feeling its weight in his hands. It was lighter than he had expected, but he gripped it firmly as if memories of his previous life came crashing down to his mind.

He wanted to jump in excitement as he felt the familiarity of it.

Sir Aldric positioned Theron opposite a practice dummy. "Show me your stance," he instructed.

Theron adjusted his feet, standing with his legs shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent as if it was the most normal thing for him to do. It was the same from what Aldric made him do earlier.

"Now, show me a basic strike," Sir Aldric said, stepping back.

Theron raised the wooden sword, bringing it down in a controlled manner, aiming for the center of the dummy. His movements were slow yet it hit the dummy precisely. 

Sir Aldric watched closely, a look of surprise crossing his face. "Not bad, Theron. Not bad at all," he said, genuinely impressed. "You have a good sense of control and precision for someone who hasn't trained formally."

Theron felt a swell of pride at Sir Aldric's words. "Thank you, Sir Aldric," he replied, his voice steady.

'I'd just kill myself if I can't even do that.'

"Let's try a few more strikes," Sir Aldric suggested, guiding Theron through a series of basic moves. He became excited with what Theron showed him so far. 

Theron followed his instructions diligently as if he was a good student even though he was really just showing off his skills.

Although his movements were still those of a beginner because of his current body, there was a noticeable difference in his attacks compared to Elias and Charlize.