Chapter 18: Rising Star — Actor

Chapter 18: Rising Star — Actor

"N-no lord! Don't take my virginity!"

Ah! Sh*t! My head!

Hugie cursed under his breath as he tried to open his eyes. And it was then that he heard those words.

"N-no lord! Don't take my virginity!"

"I beg you! Please spare this puny woman with rotten brains who should just stay in the kitchen... Please lord!"

As he slightly narrowed his eyes, he wished that he could rip his eyes out.

Hughie felt that his ears were tormented more than his head. What kind of trashy lines were these? Who the hell was speaking those lines? They weren't even offensive; they were downright cringe!

Moreover, the person speaking those lines seemed to be a male, trying to imitate a woman's voice...


Did someone break into their room?

"Ah- Yes! My hero came to save the day! This puny woman with woman brains is finally saved!"

Hugie almost puked blood as he heard those last few words. Rubbing his eyes, he raised his upper half body, looking at the idiot who covered half of his body with bed sheets even though he was fully clothed.

When Hugie looked at the owner of the voice, everything made sense and yet simultaneously didn't. Of course, it had to be him... It had to be him!

Can't I sleep one day peacefully?!

"What in the actual hell are you doing??!!"

"Ah?!" Eden, who was going to speak the last line, froze as he heard Hugie's voice...

The embarrassment...!

"What are you doing?!"

"Ermm..." He instantly threw the bed sheet and coughed, pretending to clear his throat. "The Rising Star — Acting section... Well, I was practicing for it..."


Young man, do I look like a fool to you?

It's called fulfilling your weird kinks! Not practicing, you dumb ass!

Controlling his twitching lips, Hugie massaged his head. "Practicing? Ah yes, you might've decided to practice diligently, and then it went like, 'I am Eden, I wish to practice for the Acting competition. What character should I choose?'

Oh wait, how did I forget! I'm Eden Spencer; I have to do it in the weirdest way possible.


"Ahem, no comments. You know me the best."

"Don't agree, you dimwitted monkey, don't agree..." Hugie facepalmed repeatedly as Eden burst into laughter.

"Anyways, rate my acting out of ten."

"Out of ten? Bro, it's extremely puke-able. It's so stupid that I'd rather replace popcorn with shit and watch Velocipriest."

"Velocipriest, eh?" Eden smiled. Velocipriest was akin to what Velocipastor was back on Earth.

"Wait a minute..." Hugie suddenly froze as he looked at the papers stuck to the wall. He then looked at Eden, more specifically in his eyes.

"Have you not slept?"

"Eh? How did you know?"

"Haa, anyone would easily realize this. You sound really tired."

"Ah, I see. Well, yeah. I was too excited to make the song of mine and then became busy with acting. But don't worry, I'll recover by sleeping in class."

"Hmm, okay..." It wasn't a sarcastic remark; rather, Hugie really hoped that Eden would sleep in class and get rid of the tiredness.

"Also, it's a bit too late now, I guess. We should go to class."

"Mm? What's the time?"

"6:30." Classes started early at 7, so indeed he had very few minutes to change and get ready for classes.

Heck, I have to quickly rush!

Hugie stood up, but at that instant, saw Eden enter the washroom.


Wait a minute...

Don't tell me...

"You have yet to use the washroom?! Bastard! Get out of there quickly!"


Eden, who had entered the washroom, suddenly felt his phone buzz.


Ah... The school must've informed him...



"And so Guatsenberg finally created the instrument and became the third Great Emperor of the Food Empire..."

The teacher instantly noticed Eden, who wasn't paying attention to the class. Rather, he was busy scribbling something in a small notepad.

*Sigh*, it's that brat again... She sighed inwardly.

"Eden Spencer." She called calmly, but he didn't respond, still busy scribbling.

"Eden Spencer..." Still no response.

"Eden Spencer!" Finally, she exclaimed, but to no one's surprise, he was still busy scribbling. She had enough as she started walking.

'What is he doing?'

'What an idiot.' The students commented within their heads as they looked at the lad, ready to see him make a fool out of himself.

'He's screwed.'

However, the ones sitting close to the young man sensed something was wrong with him.

"Eden Spencer!" She once again exclaimed, this time simultaneously tapping his shoulder.

"Huh?" Eden finally came to his senses as he looked at her. She had already created tens of lines in her head, ready to roast him and embarrass him in front of the class, make a fool out of him. But the moment he looked up, she froze, forgetting all the lines she had in her mind.

His eyes were... Red, pupils were dilated... Extremely...

"Umm, do you wish to go to the infirmary?"

Eden almost blurted out, "I'm fine." But then stopped himself.

A golden chance! His eyes shone with excitement, but in her eyes, they looked really creepy.


He instantly stood up, but then stumbled.

"Are... Are you alright?"

"Yeah... Better than ever."


[You managed to creep out the entire class. Your fame increases.]

[+1 Fame]

[Name: Eden]

[Age: 18]

[Fame: 7]

[Life Span: 29]

[Literature: 6]

[Music: 19]

Creep them out? Sigh, how come these people are creeped out so easily, eh? They are so weird, man.

He quickly ignored their gazes, walking all alone. Along the way, he stumbled a few times but finally reached the room.

"Ermm... Student, are you alright?"

The nurse asked in a worried tone as she looked at him.

"Ermmm..." He almost said yes, but once again restrained himself.

"Here, lie down."

"Yes, ma'am."

She quickly picked up an eye drop. Eden recognized it. Just a drop with similar consistency to that of water which would ease eye stress, didn't have any side effects.

After she poured a few drops, he closed his eyes for ten minutes before opening them and once again scribbling silently in his notepad.