Alimony offer

Valeria somehow managed to borrow a dress from the thrift store. She didn't have the finances to actually buy one at full price. Nonetheless, she reached the venue given by Patrick, hoping that no one knew about her past. Though it was common news that she had lost her father and most of the assets. However, Valeria Hayden had enough to sit back home and eat. 

She hoped that no one was aware of her miserable situation. Only Valeria and Markos knew how badly and desperately she had been struggling. Standing at the gateway of the venue, the most expensive hotel of the city which she couldn't afford anymore. "Come on, Val. Nothing will happen. I doubt Patrick even invited Markos. He probably doesn't even remember him anymore."

Shaking her head Valeria picked the hem of her long lavender silk gown and headed inside. The enormous hall was lit with golden lights with red carpet beneath her silver heels. "Look who is here!" Patrick walked towards her, they both hugged when he snagged everyone's attention. "The most popular girl of our university. Valeria Hayden!" He introduced her to others.

Valeria skimmed through the hall and could recognise a few of her batchmates. Luckily, she didn't spot Markos anywhere which relieved her. Everyone else met and shook hands with Valeria. Patrick gestured to someone and a woman walked forward. "You remember Stella from our batch? The one in line after that nerd topper of our class. I forgot his name." 

Patrick tried to remember Markos' name while he introduced Valeria to Stella. She could recognise Stella because she was the second position holder and was a brilliant student. "Yes, I remember Stella. How can I forget such a bright mate?" Valeria interrupted Patrick's trail of thoughts. So, he wouldn't try harder to recall Markos' name. Valeria wanted him to remain a faded memory. 

"Oh yes!" Patrick immediately gave up on his recalling session. "Stella is my beautiful wife now, haha." He leaned in while Stella placed her hand over Patrick's chest. "I still have no idea what she liked in me." Stella gently slapped his shoulder while shaking her head. Patrick whispered to Valeria in a teasing tone. "Certainly not looks. Maybe a big D?" Valeria laughed at their bickering. 

"Please, enjoy. The rest of the friends and batchmates will be here soon." Valeria smiled with a nod when a waiter approached her for drinks. Picking up one glass she wandered towards the other side of the hall. Meeting and talking to other batchmates, she pretended to be the same cocky and bratty woman. Valeria didn't want anyone to know the truth about her. 

"Castello Karman! My boy!" Patrick's voice resonated which made Valeria stunned. Panic rose in her body, she didn't turn around instead the legs froze. Most people weren't aware of his marriage with Valeria, especially their classmates. Unknowingly Patrick invited him too since they were friends due to being sports buddies. "How are you buddy? No contact? Did you vanish or what?" 

Patrick hugged him and started introducing everyone. The reunion had turned into a nightmare for Valeria. She wanted to move and run away from the party, just when she was about to take one step; Patrick stopped her from behind. "There you are Valeria. I want you to meet Castello Karman. He is the most eligible bachelor you can find here. Maybe you two can hook up!" 

She didn't want to turn around but reluctantly the situation forced her to. Valeria saw Castello smiling at her meaningfully, as if he was well aware of her presence there. Of course, Castello wanted to make sure she would be ridiculed. "Long time, Valeria Hayden." Patrick grew curious about what was happening between them. He could feel the tension and some backstory.

"Do you guys know each other?" Patrick looked at both of them when Castello shoved his hands in the pocket of his jeans. Valeria didn't want to spot him there at all. Castello was the last person she wanted to encounter that day. "Of course, we do." Valeria avoided staring at him directly when Castello didn't hesitate. He was enjoying seeing her getting fidgety and panicked. 

"Valeria Hayden, my dear ex-wife." By the time Stella had approached her husband, she was equally stunned as Patrick. Meanwhile, Valeria bit her lower lip while not being able to move. Her eyes were lowered in shame and fingers twitching in panic. "I heard you are not doing well financially. Your last asset was also bought by Moreno group." Castello blurted out everything.

He was not hoping to see Valeria there considering the struggles she had been ongoing. "I didn't expect you to actually join us bigshots today." Castello threw the words at her while Patrick kept quiet in shock. He had no idea how to react when Valeria didn't utter anything either. "And oh!" Valeria couldn't move due to shame when Castello fished out his chequebook.

"You didn't take the alimony amount back then in our short marriage." Castello took out a pen and scribbled over the cheque. "This is the high time you need one, love. Here, take it." He shoved the cheque towards her which made Patrick and Stella glanced at each other. Meanwhile, Valeria felt helpless in that state of utter embarrassment. Her little secret was out in front of her mates. 

She didn't move a bit when a hand wrapped around her shoulder. Valeria looked up in curiosity at once and saw Markos. He was staring straight at Castello with an evil grin. Markos shifted his gaze towards Valeria and her tears made him uneasy. Without uttering a word Markos reached for the cheque and raised his eyebrow. "Just this? How did you even conclude Valeria Hayden is that cheap?" 

Meanwhile, Valeria had no idea what he was doing there. Certainly, Markos was not going to play the knight in shining armour. Castello countered his statement with an insult. "Why? Are you offering twice? To what extent is this bitch extorting from you, hah!" The next thing Castello felt was a punch over his nose which started bleeding. Everyone else was equally stunned by whatever just happened.