Chapter 5: Five Years Later, Her Departure Hurt More Than Expected.

As he continued to tremble in fear at the shadow of the gruesome giant that stood above him, he couldn't think of anything he could do to save himself; his only hope, the twin blades of divine despair were broken. 

" Damn it, her wind won't be strong enough." He thought, gritting his teeth hard. 

While he was still deep in thought, he heard the sound of rustling coming from the distance, and a barrage of lightning bolts came barging into the gigantic creature. 

" Sorry for the trouble." 

The curse had been sent a few meters away from them and that was when a boy dressed completely in black landed before him; he held a bow and had red eyes, an apparent tint of golden present in them. 

He was obviously another clan young master; exhibiting great power and talent but based on the attack he just used, he didn't awaken a dark class. 

" I didn't expect anyone to be going through here at this time of the day, so I decided to use it for some training." The boy standing before him said, extending his right hand for a shake. 

As he extended his own hand to receive the gesture, the rustle of the leaves was heard as the creature made to stand up once again. 

He was instantly caught in fear but just before he could react, it was flung deep into the forest; a hand began to emerge and a full human figure was revealed a moment later. 

Nexus paused for a slight moment, his eyes widening in shock; the manipulation of shadows was one of the coolest awakenings he had written, and seeing it for the first time, simply prompted the awkward reaction from him. 

As for who it was now standing in their midst, it was none other than the rightful heir of the Mystic clan; a young prodigy who had inherited all his father's physical qualities from a very young age. 

" You should try harder Emile, now go and finish what you started." 

While he was still frozen in place, he watched as the boy ran away after a nod towards his elder brother. 

" You must be Nexus, the fifth I see." He said, walking towards him, " to think that I would be meeting you for the first time, and with Niya as well." 

Nexus had managed to snap out of his daze but he didn't know how to feel at that moment as he looked at the boy before him; he was barely fourteen, but his great muscular build prompted a sense of admiration from him. 

" Nice to meet you as well brother Val." He said, backing away slightly. 

" You may continue on your quest now, as I trust that you won't have any troubles from here onwards." 

Just as he turned around, placing a smile on his face while quickly taking the first step forward, a shadow appeared above him, and the same gigantic creature from earlier landed before him. 

It had brown wooden horns sticking out of its oval head with a face covered in nothing but purple blood. 

He stepped back slightly and bit his lower lip as he stared at the curse's corpse; tears were apparent below its eyes and he knew exactly why. 

While he was still caught in the moment, he felt someone tug his arm and instantly pulled him along. 

It wasn't long before they arrived at her desired location; standing before a stream of glistening blue glow caused by a species of creatures that only rose to the surface once it was close to dusk. 

" Look brother, isn't this beautiful?" She asked, her widening at the great blue sight. 


His days continued as usual, but who would have thought that the days of Niya's troubles would one day come to an end in such a short period of time? 

Ten years of age and three years away from the worst days of his life yet, things were starting to get tough for him; very high expectations were being thrown at him and his progress was slower than a turtle's reflexes. 

" If only the same could be said for your strength." 

Honestly, he wished it would be the same as well; he designed those questions, and he created the damn world, if only he had been blessed in the slightest, then he would have at least countered his weaknesses with his knowledge. 



Name: Nexus Mystic


Class: none


Weapon Specification: Dual Swords Of Solace 



Strength: 10(15)

Agility: 16(15)



Weapon Mastery:2%

His gaze couldn't escape the awful sight as he lay with his back against the grass, in the courtyard each day. 

He was done with his academic sessions and it was about time he got ready for his physical training with his due-to-arrive teacher. 


In a few minutes, he was left standing in an empty room with a middle-aged man standing by his side. 

" Now remember master Nexus, you have to use your weapons more often in battle if you're to increase your mastery of them." He said, stretching out his hand, " for instance..." 

A weapon appeared instantly on the man's palm; a metal staff that could be folded in half. 

Strength: 200(300)

Agility: 240(300)

Stamina: 212(300)

Talent: 188(300)

Weapon Mastery: 73%

For a Tier 3 system, his stats weren't applaudable but it was something someone like him couldn't aspire to, not in his current condition. 

" I'll be sure to follow your instructions this time teacher." He said, bowing his head slightly before the man. 

" Oh please now, no need for the formalities... Very well then let us begin your training for today." 

With that, he watched as the man revealed a scroll and tossed it on the ground. 

The scroll rolled open, revealing a curse that slowly began to rise out from it; a sealing class specification that allowed him to trap anything weaker than him in specific objects. 

The man stepped away from there, leaving him to stand before the now unsealed menacing creature; a physical curse which possessed the shape of a wolf. 

Anything could be born into a curse as long it had negative human emotions fluctuating because of it, although there were some rules and exceptions. 

His blades appeared in his hands and he slowly backed away, keeping his intent gaze on the creature. 

This wasn't his first time dealing with curses of that level, but from the looks of things, the creature's speed was certainly one he would have trouble dealing with.