30: Strange Character.

A week earlier...

At the mention of his name, Nexus was utterly confused at how unfamiliar the man standing behind him seemed.

He had wavy red hair with a hint of black in it, curved crimson eyes, and smooth skin that seemed like it was sparkling under the sun.

He was dressed in red garments, ones that seemed oddly familiar to the traditional Japanese outfits he would wear on certain occasions.

Well sure, they were very similar being of the same dress patterns but yukatas and kimonos were much longer and seemed more comfortable compared to what he was wearing-

A red dress tied with a cloth to his waist — they were layered against each other and paired with a pair of black trousers.

His mouth was left agape as he stared at the man standing there with an unshaken facial expression and composure.

His presence alone was much menacing with the emotionless gaze he had in his eyes.

" I need to have a word with you child and perhaps I would prefer if you'd come with me to a nicer place for our conversation." He said, turning around.

Nexus couldn't bear to move an inch from where he was; the fear he felt at that moment was greater than anything he had ever felt in his life.

He was the one who created the story and yet he found it hard to remember the entity standing before him. Even if the story had changed slightly this much of a difference to the plot shouldn't have been possible.

" Sure."

His lips had moved on their own after pondering on the character's existence for so long.

" Very well then. please, follow me."

" What the hell is happening." He thought as his eyes darted around the place while he trailed behind the man.

Unlike his long unfruitful walk, it was only a few meters before they reached what looked like a city following behind the man.

It was more of a harbor with many boats hanging around the port waiting, either to be loaded with goods or offloaded.

There were lots of Chinese architecture and a white dragon that cast its shadow below as it danced gracefully in the sky.

The mountain ranges that surrounded the large were all filled with glittering jades of different colors. Their rays refracted brightly as the sun shone brightly.

Beauty... that was the only word he could describe the place with.

It wasn't long before they got into the city and a little far to the north was a construction that seemed quite odd to him.

It seemed like a mansion built onto ores and kept above using rods as supports.

There wasn't anyone present there nor had seen anyone ever since they walked into the city but he didn't dare ask the man a single question.

" So, it was you then I suppose." He said, slightly turning his head to face Nexus as he opened the door to the building.

Nexus paused for a moment as he tried to make sense of the question that this man had just asked him.

" What do you mean... Sir?"

His throat felt sore as he said those words and his mouth was trembling but he still managed to put his words together in one piece.

" I see now." He said, walking into the building, "Shall we then?"

Nexus followed him into the building and he was instantly stunned at what he saw next.

The building rumbled as soon as they walked in, shaking him off balance but he did well to prevent himself from falling down.

The room was huge with pillars to hold it stable and the walls were designed with jade and gold.

The man went to the center of the room which had a brown elevated circular space. He stepped onto the space and signaled for Nexus to follow him as well.

The platform slowly began to rise and it wasn't long before they arrived at another floor of the mansion which had many doors to choose from compared to the first one.

The man proceeded to one of the rooms while Nexus followed behind him.

They both walked in together and he closed the door behind them. What he had walked into was nothing short of paradise.

There were two luxurious chairs opposite the table in the room and a shelf that had many books stacked in it.

It was an office and he was offered a seat opposite the man on the table. There was a moment of silence between the both of them before the man finally decided to speak up.

" I know you must be wondering why I brought you here... but, in truth, I think not anyone who doesn't have good knowledge of his actions deserves to have the luxury of knowing its consequences. I'll ask you again Nexus, are you the one?"

" What the hell is he talking about?" He thought, gritting his teeth hard.

After seeing that he had no answer to the man's question, he bowed his head and kept his gaze on the wooden floor.

" Okay then, can you answer a set of questions of mine?" He asked, looking up at the boy with an intent and intense gaze.

" Yes." The boy replied with a slight nod of his head.

" What is it that you consider most important to the success of your life? Believe me when I say it's my only question child... I've searched for long for the right answer no matter how subjective the question may have seemed but not once have I gotten one satisfying answer."

Nexus paused with his answer as he thought well about the question; a key to the success of his life?

" It surely isn't money, I mean I've had nothing that considerable ever since coming here but it hasn't affected me that much. Then again I'll have to start fending for myself at some point and I'll also need some improvements to already acquired strength."

" My needs change based on the current intervals which I found myself in but everything I just mentioned can be easily sorted out with a bit of cash. Powerful artifacts, authority, and even negotiations can be easily sorted out with the right amount of money."

" I was stupid to say that my greatest need isn't money but shouldn't that have been the same answer he had received from everyone else."

He had pondered on his answer for so long but after a while, he finally decided on his answer.

" Power... and however I can get it. It's what I've been searching for ever since the day I became aware of myself."

" I see. So that's your answer... We'll see again Nexus, and I hope you stay true to your words just now." He said softly as a bright white glow engulfed the entire room.