An Active Beacon

I was woken up from my sleep due to the intensely sharp beeping of my scouter that was on my nightstand to my right.

As I set up on the edge of my side of our bed, I activated the section of my scouter that was causing the annoying noise that seemed to grow in sharpness with every passing moment as it began to enter my ears.

When I pressed the side button, the beeping had come to a sudden stop. It was quickly replaced with a blue holographic projection of Trent.

"I am glad that I was able to reach you. Now, if I could possibly get your help, our team has been summoned to go and explore an active beacon. We have also been given full authority to call for a fleet of our best ships if I believe that we need it."

"Where have we been called to go at this late hour?" I asked Trent as I started to get dressed in my battle armor.

"We have been called to an area that is near The Three-Way Divide".

During my four years of studying, I learned about the Three-Way Divide. It was a medium-sized y-shaped asteroid belt that served as a natural wall that separated the three different races that have territory on their side of this area of space.

"I will meet you at the spaceport and we will discuss it in more detail there". I told Trent as I placed the communicator on my right wrist.

"Actually, I want you to me in a secure section of the spaceport. You will see Raven in front of the door where we will meet. When everyone gets here, I will explain what it is that Sid found only half of an hour ago."

Then the scouter went silent as the projection of Trent started to fade out of sight. since I knew that this was an emergency, I just kissed Nova on the top of her forehead before I wrote a note for her explaining why I had to leave so early.

After I put the note on her nightstand, I walked out of my house and into the night of the world.

This world had a much more active nightlife than I thought that it would be. I was suddenly surrounded by a large group of citizens that were all walking around me. I noticed that the males were wearing three-piece suits. The females were wearing dresses that were of a variety of different designs and colors. The only thing that was similar about them all was that they were wearing blue raven masks. I was assuming that they were all headed to a party or were a part of a movement.

It took min about half of an hour to get past the large crowds and make it to the spaceport.

At the spaceport, I saw that the ships were moving just as lively as if it were the middle of the day. There were ships of all shapes and sizes both entering and leaving this world. I also noticed that the gates in and out of the spaceport that were for foot traffic were more tightly guarded with six active guards with their rifles ready to fire on whoever tried to enter without the appropriate authorization.

I wondered why security was taken so much more seriously at night time. I suppose it might be because of possible crime that would only be active during the darkness of night.

"Sir this is a restricted area currently. I will need to see some form of identification before I allow you to pass." The leader of the guards said to me as I walked up to the gate.

As soon as he spoke, I activated my scouter so that he could see the details of identification that it contained.

"Well, it seems that you are a healer under the employment The House of Lupus". He said to me as he waved his right hand at one of the other guides.

The barrier than deactivated which made it to where I could make it to where I was supposed to be meeting Sid and Trent to get all the details about this emergency mission that had interrupted my sleeping time with Nova.

"I am truly sorry for how rude I sounded, but we must beef up our security and act much ruder to people that try to enter at night time. we have been dealing with terrorists of the Fifth Column movement. We can only be careful with who we allow into such a vital area of our city"

"Did The Fifth Column Movement already die on this world with the recent execution that went done in the town where the active terrorist cell was found?" I asked him because I wanted to know if my last mission was even worth it in the end.

"This cell has been destroyed, but the Fifth Column movement is on a galactic scale. They have active cells throughout the planets that are controlled by all the superior races."

"Thank you for the information. I would like to talk more, but I have some urgent business to take care of." I told him as I walked past the guards walking towards the communications tower where I was supposed to meet the members of my team.

The inside area of the spaceport was quite lively with cleaning crews that were actively moving around me, heading towards the area of the spaceport that was reserved for the strike forces.

"Over here, Danny, we are all waiting on you to get the information on this mission". I heard Raven say to my right.

I turned over to where I heard Raven's voice, and I noticed ghat she was standing in front of a metal tower that had a set of three metal antennas on the ceiling which meant that this had to be the communication tower that Trent said I was to me him.

I followed her through the first door, which sealed out all the noises that came with a busy spaceport. The small hallway that I was in remained silent until the second door opened, and I was able to hear Trent, William, and Sid talking as I entered the room.

The room was made entirely of silver medal. Against the wall that was in front of me, I saw a massive control board, and there was a flat display screen that spread across the upper section of the rear wall. There were chairs in the room where I saw everyone from my strike force.

"Well since everyone is now here, I will begin to explain all of the details of the mission." Trent said as he activated the display screen for all of us to see what was discovered about the mission.

The display screen showed a digital map of the Three-Way Divide. Then I was a blinking red dot on the upper right side of the divide. Before I could even begin to ask Trent anything, he began to answer the question that was in the back of my mind.

"As you can tell by this active map, the active beacon that we have been sent to investigate is near the Three-Way Divide. You can also see that it is on the side of the Vordonian Empire. That is why we have been given full authority to do whatever we must to ensure the safety of whoever activated that beacon."

"So, we may get to kill some Vordonians and also whoever we are sharing The Three-Way Divide with." William said as he started to laugh at what was about to happen.

"Remember that we are there to help those in need, and not to kill anyone that we do not have to in order to prioritize completing our mission at any cost." Trent said to calm William down.

"You are right" William said as he sat down in the chair that was beside Trent.

"I will decide what I want to do when I get some visual conformation of what is actively happening at those coordinates". Trent said before I saw him rise from his chair and turn off the display screen. "Now I want you all except for Danny to go to the ship".

As soon as Trent spoke, everyone else left the room and went to our ship.

I was wondering why exactly he wanted to talk to me instead of the group as a whole?

"I know that you are wondering why I wanted to speak with you alone." Trent stated as he turned on the display screen and activated a second picture that showed an audio log that was covered in ancient language that matched The Ancient Osdronian Dynasty ruins that we had discovered on Ashel-29. "I believe that this second entry was meant for your ears to hear."

As he said that, I felt a power from deep inside of me reach out, and it caused the ancient language to translate into common tongue. The voice that began to speak sounded like an older voice quite like mine.

"If you have decoded this, then that means that you are working with The Chosen One of The Terran Collective. I have come back to this point to tell you something that is very urgent. To ensure that your people are ready the rising of a force that will be more terrifying than The Cyborg Queen's Cyber Network you must ensure that The Vordonians at the end of this mission end up as your friend, and are no longer the enemy of Terrans.

If you fail to achieve this result, your race is doom to fall during the Great Unification. That is all that I can say without harming the fragileness of the timeline. I will just have to hope that you will listen to my advice Danny, the healer of the Black Rose Strike Force. "

After that, the audio stopped. Trent looked at me with an expression of confusion, telling me that he did not hear any of the words that were just spoken.

"What was that about? I did not understand a single word that was said in that audio log."

"Well, it was most a warning for me. If I share the details with you, it may have unknown side effects. So, I will only tell you if I think that you need to know.

"Ok but remember that you can always talk to me whenever you need to. Since we are done, let us go to the ship and make our way to The Three-Way Divide so we can see why we were called to active duty at this ungodly hour." Trent said as he powered off the computer that was in the room, and then he walked out of the communication tower.

I followed him and was almost overwhelmed by the sudden shift in sound. It had gone from silent to full blast in a matter of seconds. It only took me a few seconds to adjust to the changes in the sound. As I did, I walked with Trent to our ship that was heading for The Three-Way Divide.

Somehow, I knew that what that odd voice had said to me was the truth and that I would have to ensure that the Vordonian Empire signed an alliance pact with my race to ensure our survival. Would I be able to do that, or would I break under the pressure that I was feeling.