As the ship came out of hyperspace, I saw an inverted y shaped asteroid belt that was supposed to be the Three-Way Divide.
"William we are going to need to manually navigate across the Three-Way Divide because the asteroid belt's magnetic interference makes it to where none of our navigational instruments will work while we are working our way through it." Trent said as he turned off the auto pilot and gave control of the ship to William.
When William started to navigate the ship through the asteroid belt, I felt the first wave of interference. As it went across the ship, I saw that the light started to flicker on and off. The dials on the navigation computer began to dance from side to side.
Then, as the ship moved deeper into the asteroid belt, and as the magnetic wave encountered the ship, all systems suddenly shut down. As soon as the ship shut all the light in, it turned red because the ship had back power that only provided piloting control, life support, and limited lighting.
I was amazed at how William was able to easily pilot the ship through the asteroid belt of the Three-Way Divide. Even if I would consider him to be a dick; I could not deny the skills that he possesses.
we are on the other side of the Three-Way Divide, and I will take control of the ship." Trent said as I saw him tap on William's right shoulder
I set down on one of the chairs that were available around the center table of the ship.
"I wonder what we will find since we have entered The Vordonian side of the Three-Way Divide?" Raven asked me as she set down beside me.
"Whatever we find, I have a solid feeling that it will have a massive impact on this war. I can tell that things are going to change after we finish this mission, but I can not tell you if this is going to be a good or a bad change. I suppose that only time will tell what happens because of the actions that we are about to take." I told her with my right hand under my chin, and I was leaning on the table in front of me with my elbow, thinking about what that audio message had said to me.
"Who thought that you were so wise. I guess even a rat if given the right amount of time can speak occasional words of wisdom. " William laughed at me as I felt a rubber ball bounce off my head.
This was truthfully getting on my nerves, but if what the message told me was true, I did not have the time to spare by thinking of how to get back at William. The warning that I was given by the voice about the threat that would make The Cyborg Queen's Cyber Network seem easy to deal with made me feel uneasy.
The Great Unification sounds like some kind of unholy alliance of our enemies, or perhaps it means that the Dimetra will eventually succeed at uniting their race under one mind. Either scenario made me feel very uneasy.
"Look, guys, the active beacon is coming from that world. According to my data, this world is called Zinroth. It is a moderately populated swamp world. The beacon is coming from the main settlement that is on this world on the western side of the planet." Trent said as we approached the first world past the Three-Way Divide.
I got out of the chair I was in to get a clear picture of what was in front of us. As I looked at the world that was in front of us, I saw a fleet of massive size. This fleet was too far away for me to see it clearly. The ships did not look like any Terran vessel that I had knowledge of.
"Trent, what is that?" I asked him as I pointed at the ship that I saw positioned on the other side of this world.
"I can not tell you what they are. It is hard to make it out clearly from this distance."
After Trent spoke, I noticed that the ship started to move into the gravitational pull of the planet.
It did not take long for the ship to break through the atmosphere. When it did, I saw that the world was mostly dark with the energy of The Vordonian settlement as the only source of light which made it easy to spot like a beacon of energy in an older world.
"Now, to ensure that the Vordonians do not consider us to be hostel towards them for this mission, I am giving full command of our squad to Raven. While we are in their world, we will all be required to follow her orders." Trent said as soon I saw a source of light in the darkness of this swamp world.
"But Trent, I could not possibly lead this team on this mission if you want us to succeed." Raven said in clear protest at what Trent said that he wanted her to do.
"It does not matter how much you do not want to do it. As the only female of this team, you must lead us. It will be the only way to ensure that we as Terrans do not insult their culture. " Trent said in a serious tone to her.
Trent piloted the ship towards the light source and made his way through the swamp.
As I spotted the city that was around me, I felt as though I was a newborn child who had never learned the way the world works.
The city was located above the trees, and the structures that were around us were made of white crystals that seemed to shine as the light from the city bounced off them. Everything looked to be neatly organized, with the structures clearly sectioned off into different groups.
Trent then landed the vessel on one of the landing pads, and I could also hear metal footsteps outside of the ship.
"Step outside of your ship immediately! By the power of The Vordon Empire, I will not allow any intruders to enter our world. " A young female voice said to me in a very demanding tone.
After the female voice from outside of the ship spoke, I saw Raven stand up and walk towards the door with a certain amount of confidence on display that I had never seen from her before.
She opened the door and walked out of the ship. After she left the ship, I followed her, making sure to always stay behind her since I did not want to blow her cover.
As soon as I stepped outside of the ship, I was greeted by a tall and skinny female who had a pair of dark blue horns. Her head was entirely bald except for her horns. She was wearing light battle armor and had a white badge of a v with two lines on its right side.
Then, I saw a group of thin mechanical warriors that surrounded her. They were clearly meant to look like female warriors. These must have been the golems that I had read about that The Vordonians used for their main combat force. These golems all were carrying some kind of energy staff that they had pointed at Raven and me as soon as we exited the ship.
"I am here as the leader of a Terran strike force that was sent here to check out the active beacon that we picked up on our scanners." She said to the female Vordonian in a humble voice.
"Then you and your subordinate should come meet with our clan leader. She would want to know exactly why Terrans have chosen to visit us in such a dark hour." The female Vordonian said as she waved her hand at Raven.
"What about the other Terrans that are under me?" she asked the Vordonian as she started to walk away from our ship.
"I will leave a pair of guards with them. You can check on them when your discussion with our leader is done." She said ass she continued to walk deeper into the Vordonian city.
After she spoke, I saw that all but two of the golems followed her. The two that did stay behind were standing in front of the ship like statues that would not ever move.
"Danny, I told you to follow me at all times!" Raven exclaimed at me in an angry tone.
I knew that this was just to maintain our cover, but it seemed like she enjoyed giving me orders. Somehow, I knew that she would enjoy being in command more than she told Trent.
I followed the orders that she gave me and quickly picked up my pace, making sure that I was always at least six steps behind her.
While I followed her throughout the city, I saw Vordonians of many ages range from the elderly to young kids who were running around the streets. Most of them looked at me with a look of disgust; most likely because I was a member of the Terran race. A race that they were most likely taught to shun and feel superior to almost every possible way.
As we made it to the end of the street, I saw a structure that was made of similar crystal as the rest of the city but this structure had windows and was shinning a dark blue color as the light bounced off it.
"This is the home of our leader. They will be the one who will decide your fate for visiting us unannounced." The female Vordonian said as she walked into the house.
As I Raven and I walked into the house, the doorway sealed itself behind us.
The inside of this building was circular with only one room that had two levels to it. There was only one main source of light, which was coming a circular opening in the ceiling. The main level was made of crystals that turned white as the light from the ceiling hit them. The second floor's crystals shined the same blue color as the outside of this structure.
Against the rear wall was a pair of active waterfalls that seemed to shine as the water hit the crystals that formed the pathway for the water to flow. The water flowed to a central metal platform where I saw an elderly Vordonian woman with wrinkled skin, and she had a pair of dark red horns.
"I see that you have allowed some Terrans to land in our city. Why did you not kill them on sight?" she asked as she looked at Revan and I.
"Well, Elder, they said that they are here to answer the beacon that you had us activate two days ago." She said as she bowed to the elder.
"Then, if the Terrans are going to respond to our beacon faster than our own people, then so be it.
I am Kaileen. I humbly ask you for your help. It does not matter to me what race you are; we urgently need any help that we can get." She said as she bowed to Raven.
"What is this threat that you are worried about so much that you sent out an active that other races could have picked up?" Raven asked.
"Cyborg invasion".