"The cyborgs have found away to get through the electric field of the Three-Way Divide. That is exactly why we activated the beacon. While our race can compete against The Ancient Cyborg Slavery Bureaucracy, we are a colony of exiles because we believe in the prospect of working alongside The Terran Collective." The Vordonian elder said.
'We have enough influence over one of the major households to call a massive Terran fleet to your aid."
"May I speaker Captain Raven?" I asked Raven as I saluted to her, showing her my respect.
"Yes, Danny, you may speak your mind about the situation".
"Elder of The Vordonians, my captain is correct that we have the support if The House of Lupus, but you should know that if they come into your world, they will demand that the you either join us in an alliance or become a vassal state that lives under the Terran Collective as the first Vordonian world to live and share their knowledge with us." I said to her in the most respectful tone that I could use for this statement.
"How dare you as a Terran, and much less as a man tell our elder that your race would only help us on conditions like those!" The younger Vordonian exclaimed as she rose to her feet standing between me and the elder Vordonian.
She then punched me in the face, which caused me to fall to the floor.
"You will sit down and show the two Terrans the correct amount of respect that we want to be shown." The elder said.
"Yes elder" she said as she looked at me and smiled before returning to her kneeling pose.
"I will promise that my world will aid The Terran Collective in this active war against our many shared foes if you will stop the cyborg invasion of our world. Now, I can not promise anything about the others of our race since we are a planet of exiles." The elder said
As she finished speaking, I heard a loud vibration and quickly began to see a spiral of crimson colored energy that shot through the clouds until it went to a lower altitude than the floating city that we were in.
"I need an answer now from you because, as you can tell, the cyborg's attack on this world has begun." The elder said to Raven.
"We will do everything in our power to save your people." Raven said as she waved at me to follow her out of the building.
I followed her to where our ship had landed, but as the both of us approached the landing pad, I saw a red triangular energy field that was being activated by a set of three black square drones. This field was right in front of our ship.
Then, within a few short seconds, the energy field was filled with balls of electric energy. Shortly after that, the electric energy was replaced with the mechanical bodies of about a dozen cyborg combat droids. After that, I saw a cyborg teleport in front of the combat units.
As the cyborgs were appearing in front of us, I ran to the side onr of the buildings so that the cyborgs would not know that we were here.
These combat units had black plating over their wiring, and they had two legs and arms that were black as well. They had hands that were red and feet that were red as well. Their head was square with two metal antennas at the top. The only part of their head that was red was the sensor that was in the center of the face.
The cyborg looked exactly like the last one that I had to fight.
"What are we going to do because we have left our weapons on the ship, which is now guarded by these cyborgs?" I asked Raven in a whisper.
"We need to call in the reinforcements to help us exterminate the cyborgs." She whispered back at me.
I noticed that the cyborgs started to roam the streets, which meant that it would not take much noise to alert them to our presence.
"Do you believe that I will let any of you filthy cyborgs take me alive!" I heard a familiar male voice yell from the location of our ship.
"Resistance to us will be proven to be a waste of time. come with us, we have some skin to remove from your bones". The robotic warriors started to say as I saw that they were moving throughout the streets.
"I will kill as many of you as I can before I fall." William said as I heard some of the cyborgs fall apart.
It did not take long for them to overwhelm William, and as soon as they did, I saw that the cyborgs had also captured Sid and Trent.
The Cyborgs then teleported William, Trent, and Sid out of sight.
"Okay I will give the order". Raven whispered to me. She then grabbed her scouter, and I heard a male voice on the other side that began to speak as soon as she punched in a code.
"What do you need from us at this ungodly hour?"
"We are activating a code blue emergency on The Vordonian side of the Three-Way Divide. I am Raven of the Black Rose Strike force under the House of Lupus" Raven whispered into the communicator, trying not to be heard by the Cyborgs.
"I will have to check if you have the clearance for that level of assistance."
The communicator went entirely silent for a bit before it activated again.
"Please give me the type of opposition that we are dealing with on the Vordonian side of the Three-Way Divide?" I heard an elderly male with a deep voice say to Raven from the other side of the communicator.
"The Cyborgs have invaded a Vordonian world that does not have any Vordonian vessels around it guarding the world." Raven responded in a whisper, still trying to maintain a quiet enough tone so that it would be harder for the cyborgs to spot her location.
"Where is your captain located? I need to talk to him for more details on the mission."
"Unfortunately, he has been captured by the cyborgs. The only other person on my team that is still not captured is Danny, our healer". Raven said in clear response to his question.
"I see, then I will have to reveal all of the details to you as the highest-ranking person of the strike force.
You need to know that we will send a fleet of five battle cruisers as well as three strike force teams and five squads of fighters to your location. We should arrive there within two hours." The elder said just before the communicator went silent and the transmission was cut off.
"So, what are we going to be doing during the two hours of wait time that we have until the reinforcements arrive here?" I asked her after the communicator went silent.
"We need to first try to destroy as many of the cyborgs that we can while avoiding being captured". Raven told me.
"Yes, but how are we going to do that without any kind of melee or explosive weapon to fight them with?"
"I think that we should go to the Vordonian elder and see if they possibly have any weapons that we could use". She said to me.
"We should probably split that way at least one of us will be able to make it to the elder's house to get the items that we will need to buy enough time for our people to arrive." She said to me.
I made my way to the back alleyways, trying to maintain my cover and not staying in one location for too long so that it would be harder for the cyborgs to track my current location.
As I moved through the alleyways, I could hear the citizens of this world being gathered into groups outside of their homes. Then they divided them up into random groups, not slowing people of the same family to be together in the same group.
"Do not worry about the fact that we are going to be taking you in our territory. When we get there, I know that your organic flesh will be put to better use than you would ever get out of it in your whole life." The cyborg commander said as I saw him lifting their heads with his metal hands.
I chose to use this distraction to get into the elder's house.
When I was able to sneak inside, I noticed that there was something different about the main level. The difference was that the waterfall had a small opening that I could not see much light from.
I walked across the shallow water at a slow pace so that the cyborgs that were outside could not hear me. When I made it to the opening, I walked through it.
Then I slipped and slid down a slope until I hit some metal boxes at the bottom, which hurt my nuts with a sharp pain.
After that, I felt a metal staff against my throat as soon as I rose to my feet.
"You must be a fool if you think that I will allow you to move anymore than you are a less intelligent cyborg than I thought that you were."
"I am not a cyborg. I am one of the Terrans that came here to save your people". I said to her.
"Sorry but you understand that I have to be careful in a time such as this." She said to me as she grabbed me by the hand and guided me to the only room that had a light.
"I need to speak with your elder about this situation".
"Okay but make it quick" she said to me as she let go of my hand and walked me to the back room."
As I stepped into the room, it was lit by a single gas lantern, and it only had one other way out. The room only contained the elder and two guards.
"What does the Terran that offered to help our race want?" the elder asked me.
"Well, I am here to tell you that the cyborgs have begun their invasion of this world. They took the main roads, and they started to separate the families into different groups.
I thought that you would want to know that our people are on their way here. I should be less than one hour until they engage the cyborgs."
"Is that all that you wanted tell me?" she asked me in a tone as if she was upset by what I had said to her.
"Yes, but I will need some kind of melee weapon to fight my way back to the ship that has all my stuff.
As soon as I spoke, I noticed that the loud drilling noise that I could hear through the city suddenly stopped.
I ran through the door and went out of the structure, seeing that the drill started to fall from the sky.
When I looked up at the sky, I saw a squadron of Terran fighters fly into the city, only firing electric charges that disabled the cyborg commander and his advanced combat droids.
This told me that the true battle for this world was just about to begin. I hoped that I made the correct choices on this mission so far.