Chapter 7: First Mission

The members of the 7 Elements didn't know what to think. The man standing before them was formerly known as Toro Fernandez, the man who killed their former captain.

Now they were being told that this man would be their new captain.

"You can't be serious, do you really expect us to follow orders from this guy?" "Fire" asked.

"Water" was just shaking with anger.

"Yo guys, what's up? Long time no see." "War" said nonchalantly.

"I see, I think I more or less understand the situation now.

Although I can't say I approve of this, I suppose it is preferable to execution." "Wind" stated.

"Well I'm not going to stand for this!" I"

"Fire" screamed before he was cut off.

"Hold that thought buddy," "War"

interjected. "As your new captain I've got your first orders as a team. It's a team training exercise."

The rest of the 7 Elements looked completely disinterested in such a thing.

They appeared to ignore him and all started to walk away.

"The exercise will consist of a 4-on-1 sparring match, all of you against me."

"War" said, stopping the other 4 in their tracks.

They al started grinning from ear to ear.

They all were ready to jump at the chance to take revenge for their former captain.

"Alright, let's go!" "Fire" said.

The 5 of them went to the 7 Elements' special training room. Which was a massive room covered floor to celing with white panels.

"Alright, you guys read-" "War" was interrupted by a fiery fist from "Fire" that sent him crashing into the ground.

"War" got up rubbed his jaw and said.

"I guess I'll take that as a yes."

Following up on "Fire's" attack "Water" leaped in with a ferocious attack of his own.


Several orbs of water formed in the air and shot towards "War" and sent him into the wall.

Before he could react "Earth" launched an attack of his own.


A wall of rock shot out of the ground and hit "War" sending him flying into the ceiling where a second wall hit him from behind pincering him in between two stone walls.

"War" got up but before he could catch his breath "Fire" attacked as well.


An arrow made of fire hit "War" and exploded, engulfing him in a ball of flames.

The final attack in the barrage came from "Wind"


A strong gust of wind surrounded "War" taking him upwards, then sending him crashing back into the ground.

After this onslaught of attacks "War" was crashed down into a crater covered by a cloud of smoke and dust. As the dust cloud dissipated, he got to his feet brushed himself off and said,

"That... was the closest thing to an apology that any of you will ever get from me." "War" said.

"Well, that does explain why it didn't seem like he was putting up much resistance." "Wind" thought to himself.

"Oh really? Well I guess I'll have to beat it out of you then!!" "Fire" Shouted.


"Fire" engulfed himself in flames and rushed towards "War" like a comet.

"War" changed his level and right before "Fire's" attack made contact he connected with an uppercut that sent him crashing through the ceiling.

"Water" and "Earth" both lunged at "War" at the same time. "War" kicked "Water" into the wall, then hit "Earth" with an arm throw sending him crashing into "Water".

Now "Wind" appeared behind "War" and prepared to launch an attack. Before he could get his attack off, "War" grabbed him by the face, slammed him into the wall and hammered him with a punch to his abdomen.

"Wind" thought to himself, "This is unbelievable, in terms of overall power he should only be slightly stronger than us. He shouldn't be able to crush us single handedly. I suppose this confirms my suspicions."

"It's technique." "Wind" said, "Your technique and martial arts skills allows you to exert power much more efficiently. Meaning your aura usage is at an extreme minimum while your attack power is still at a maximum."

"You're a super close range specialist. While overall your power isn't much greater than ours, your advantage is exaggerated in close range combat.

"Heh, just like I thought your a pretty sharp guy." "War" said while smirking.

Meanwhile "Fire" had returned and screamed, "I'm not done yet, I'll crush you for what you did to the captain!"

"That's enough "Fire!" "Earth" Shouted. It was unusual for the usually soft spoken and gentle "Earth" to raise his voice, therefore it immediately grasped everyone's attention.

"Anymore will only dishonor Chihiro's memory." "Earth" said

"What are you talking about? This is the guy that killed him! We have to make him pay!" "Fire" replied.

"I understand how you feel, but the fact remains that it was done in a fair and honorable duel, not to mention it was a fight we picked in the first place. A warrior shouldn't hold a grudge over things like this." "Earth" said.

"That's exactly right "Earth" "War" said. "But everybody here already knows al that because true warriors communicate better through fists than words. That being said I do want to say one thing. I'm not going to do something unreasonable like ask you guys to forgive me, and I'm not going to do something as childish as say that we should all get along and be friends. However, for better or worse we're all comrades now. All I'm asking is for you guys to be able to work together as a team."

"Wind" and "Earth" nodded in agreement, and the others seemed to begrudgingly accept this arrangement.

"Now that that's settled I have some business to attend to, so I'll be heading out now." "War" said with a cheerful expression, cutting through the tense atmosphere.

"You guys must have worked up an appetite. "Wolf" get in here and make these boys something to eat!" "War" shouted.

7 Elements Auxiliary Member

Special Ability: Wolf Fist

"Wolf" (Formerly Coyote Fernandez)

Age: 19

Ht: 6'0

Wt: 195

"Alright big brother!" "Wolf" said.

"You know, the name they gave you is so close to your actual name it seems kinda pointless to change it." "War" said. "They could have at least let me call you "Lobo", but whatever."

After "War" left Headquarters he visited a grave with a tombstone engraved with the inscription,

"Chihiro Nakijima,

loving father and husband"

"War" placed flowers on the grave, put his hands together and bowed his head.

As "War" was paying his respects, a woman and a young boy came walking towards him.

The woman was Kara Nakijima, the widowed wife of Chihiro (formerly known as "Lightning") and the boy was Chihiro's son, Kazuhiro.

Kara was a beautiful woman in her early thirties, she had short light green hair with a braid going down the side of her face.

As Kara approached the grave she noticed "War".

"Ah I see someone else has come to see my husband. Thank you for the flowers." She said as she bowed her head.

"So were you a friend of my husband?" She asked.

"Yes, something like that." "War" said.

"May I ask your name sir?" Kara asked.

"My name is "War" He replied.

This caused Chihiro's son to look up and noticed who the man his mother was speaking to was.

"Y-You're the one! You're the man who killed my dad!" Kazuhiro screamed.

"War" was walking away, but he stopped at Kazuhiro's words.

"Yes, that is true." He said as he started walking again.

"I-is that all you have to say? Can't you at least apologize?" Kazuhiro said.

"Please that's enough." Kara said.

"No it's fine." "War" said, "I should apologize to you if nobody else. I apologize that your father was weak. I apologize that he was so easy to kill. I apologize that he was a pathetic loser. Is that the apology you wanted boy?"

The boy who had been crying, stopped his tears and said resolutely, "How dare you say that about my father!!!"

"He was a greater warrior than you could ever imagine! Someday- Someday I'll get revenge for my father and I'Il defeat you!!!!!" He continued.

"War" smiled as he walked away and his parting words were, "Is that so? Well just so you know, I'm the strongest in the universe. So you'll have to live a long life and grow strong if you want to have any chance of beating me."

As "War" left the cemetery someone called out to him.

"You're a surprisingly awkward guy aren't you?"

"War" turned around to see that "Wind" was the one that was speaking.

"Tch, what are you talking about?" "War" asked embarrassed.

"I'm obviously talking about that little show you just put on." "Wind" said, it was clear that "War" didn't want to talk about it but "Wind" continued, "It's a bit ironic don't you think? How you're the only reason they're alive to hate you now."

"Don't worry though Kara is a warrior's wife I'm sure she understands what you meant. I can see it embarrasses you but I would like to know how you managed to revoke our execution orders, would you mind telling me?" "Wind" asked.

"It was a pretty simple story, right when we were about to get executed they stopped it, and took me to meet the Emperor." "War" said.

"You met the Emperor?" "Wind" asked. "He never makes any public appearances, nobody has ever seen him. In fact, over the past century the Emperors have been so reclusive almost nobody even knows who the current Emperor is."

"Well I didn't actually see him I just heard his voice. He said he was impressed by my match and offered to leave the planet untouched if I agreed to lead the 7 Elements. The deal was I had to work for him until I conquer 100 million planets. After that I told him I'd do double that if he kept the rest of you guys and Chihiro's family alive. Obviously he agreed given our current situation."

"200 million planets huh? It doesn't sound like they actually plan on freeing you anytime soon. You answered how you did it, but I'm even more curious as to why you would do it. Why save your former enemies?" "Wind" asked.

"It's nothing that deep," "War" replied, "If I have to lead this team I'd prefer it'd be a team filled with true warriors and people with a code of chivalry similar to mine, that's all."

"As far as Chihiro's family is concerned, it's only natural I would protect them." He continued.

"Of course, warriors speak with their fists. Even though it was a brief exchange, you both put your all into it. That single exchange was worth at least a decade of friendship. I would imagine you're taking his loss just as hard as the rest of us, maybe even harder." "Wind" said.

"War" looked away and paused before he said, "T'll carry on in his place, that's what I told him at his grave today."

"His grave says 'Loving father and husband' part of me believes he would have liked that.

However, deep down hearing him not be acknowledged as a warrior makes my heart ache." "Wind" said.

"Yes, I heard that they stripped him of his title of "Lightning", as well as, all of his military decorations. I suppose it's the best we could have hoped for given the circumstances." "War" replied.

"Wind" thought back on something Chihiro once told him.

"You're right that we may never be friends, but if you fight for me then l'll fight for you."

"Wind" said as he extended his fist to "War".

"War" smiled, bumped fists with him, and said, "You got it."

"Now, of course I didn't come here just to chit chat. While you were gone we got orders for our first..."

Chapter 7

First Mission