Chapter 8: A Typical Start

The 7 Elements Ship was on its way to its new destination, and "Wind" was preparing to brief the team on the details of their new mission.

As he was beginning his briefing, he was interrupted by "Fire".

"Hey shouldn't our so called leader be giving this briefing?" He asked.

"Given that he doesn't know anything, l assumed it would be best for me to do it." "Wind" said.

"All I'm good at is fighting. I'll be counting on you guys for a lot of things." "War" said smiling.

"And there you have it." "Wind" stated.

"Hey don't, admit that you're useless so casually! And "Wind" don't just accept it like that!" "Fire" retorted.

"Hey don't call by brother useless!" "Wolf" said, "Like it's a bad thing! It's

"Wait so you're not even mad about me calling him useless?"

"Fire" asked.

"Let's get back on topic already."

"Wind" said.

"The planet we're going to is called, Artnio, it's a planet that's full of outlaws and outcasts. Therefore our information on it is limited." "Wind" said.

"Question!" "War" said raising his hand.

"We're reviewing our opponents in order to give ourselves the best chance of winning, so it's not pointless." "Wind" said.

"Wow, you anticipated what he was going to say really easily "Wind". "Fire" said.

"That being said, as I mentioned before we don't have much information on our opponents other than their names. However, there is one that we have some substantial intel on."

"Wind" continued.

He then pressed a button to put up an image of a man with an athletic build and short black hair, wearing a sleeveless black shirt and a white mask.

"This is Otyus Wallenstrenk, he is an infamous criminal with a record of terrorizing planets around this galaxy to the point that even the Empire has taken notice of him. Obviously we know nothing about his ability though." "Wind" said.

"Now, the only thing leit to discuss is the order that we'll fight in. I'll leave that up to the captain." "Wind" said.

"Hmm" "War" put his hand on his chin and looked up deep in thought.

"That's a tough one. It's not like we know what their order is going to be, so it's not like we can try to make favorable match ups." "War" said.

"That's true but it's still an important decision, it comes down to when do you want to deploy our strongest members." "Wind" said.

"Every team has its strong points and weak points. In an ideal situation our strongest members will face their strongest members. However, situations like Earthia where the difference between the strongest and weakest is so drastic are rare, most teams are more balanced. Therefore, team management is highly important. I'd like to remind you that we also can't afford to lose a single match regardless of the outcome."

"All right I got it!" After some deep contemplation "War" came to a conclusion, "The order will be: "Water" "Earth" "Fire" "Wind" and the final spot will go to me."

"And is there any particular reason behind that lineup?" "Wind" asked.

"Nope, it's just more exciting when the strongest guys fight last." "War" said.

"Hmph, I see that'll work." "Wind" said while smirking.

The 7 Elements finally arrived at their destination, the tournament officials and announcer woman had gone

through all of their duties and the first match was about to start.

"Are you ready folks? Introducing first…

"Coming out of the Eastern corner, Standing 5 feet 10 inches tall, weighing in at 190 pounds, he has a record of 739 wins and zero losses, it's... WATER!!!"

Now coming out of the western corner, standing 5 feet 5 inches tal, weighing in at 112 pounds, she's making her War festival debut here today, it's...

Perka Argita!!!

Perka Argita

Age: 28

Ht: 5'5

Wt: 112

Special Ability: Paper Art

A beautiful woman came out to the arena. She had blonde hair with black highlights that was tied up in a bun. She wore a sleeveless black dress with a black sash a slit across the side of the skirt. 

"Fighters Ready???"

"Wait!" "Water" said.

"I refuse to fight a woman" "Water" said and walked away from the arena.

"There you have it folks!

With that forfeit the Artnosians now have a 3-0 lead! Will the 7Elements be able to come back?" The announcer woman said.

"Hmph, this seems familiar." "War" said.

"Yes, this is actually a rather typical start for us." "Wind" replied.

"Now all that's left is to crush the remaining 4, you're up "Earth" get us a big win!" "War" said excitedly.

"Yes sir, I'll do my best." "Earth" responded.

As "Earth" was leaving "Water" was returning to their suite.

"Hey "Water" good call it's not very chivalrous for a man to harm a woman. You made the right choice." "War" said with a smile and a thumbs up.

"Don't speak to me." "Water" said coldly.

"Hmm, guess he hasn't warmed up to me yet." "War" said to "Wind"

"I wouldn't expect him to. Nobody cared more for Chihiro than him."

"Wind" said.

"En, I'm not worried about it as long as we can work together that's good enough.

More importantly I'm excited to see "Earth" fight again."

"War" said.

"Introducing out of the eastern corner, he stands 8 feet 4inches tall, weighing in at 714 Ibs, with a record of 1258 wins and zero losses, he's the Empire's iron wall, it's.,, "EARTH"!!!!

"Now, introducing out if the western corner, standing 6 feet 8 inches tall, weighing in at 273 Ibs, He's making his War Festival debut, it's...

"Huzo Kakugo!!!!"

Huzo Kakugo

Age: 32

Ht: 6'8

Wt: 273 lbs

Special Ability: Land Shark

"Whoa! That guys power is intense. He's way stronger than anyone from the Earthian team!" "War" said excitedly.

"This is going to be an incredible fight!"

"Both fighters ready???"


Chapter 8

A Typical Start