Danger from Below

The trek around the mountain proceeded at what felt like a snail's pace. The Radiant Mountain Lion was the first powerful beast they had to cautiously avoid but it wasn't the last. Twice more, Wu Ling brought out his well worn zither and lulled powerful beasts to sleep so the group could slip by unnoticed. 

When the group encountered a large collection of Razor Toothed Beavers who had dammed the creek they were following, there were far too many beasts for Wu Ling to overwhelm with his music. Avoiding the group of wolf-sized beavers took them on such a wide detour that they ran out of daylight before they could return to the stream they'd been following. 

As much as they would have preferred to camp near running water, they instead ended the day in a small hollow surrounded by boulders. What their camp lacked in comfort, it made up for with the reassuring presence of wagon sized stones that provided shelter and a more defensible position on the mountain.