
"I warned you didn't I?"

Honestly, though I expected something to happen I didn't expect it to happen right after I returned.

It felt as if I missed out on all of the fun.

"Rank 900 Roy White"

"…hm? Yes?"

Turning my attention back to Aric who had just called me, I instantly noticed his relaxed attitude.

The way he was looking at me irked me, but I didn't say anything. Judging from the pressure he was releasing he was at least E ranked if not F-ranked.

But fortunately for me, thanks to the cheat, the pressure wasn't weighing down on me much.

Judging from how relaxed he seemed, it looked like he didn't see me as a threat.

The fact that I kept a low profile and chose not to expose my strength helped me buy an opening.

In fact, even though I said all of this, I wasn't really confident even if I caught him by surprise.

Although there was a chance I could kill him if I was really lucky, those chances were slim.

It just wasn't easy to bridge the gap between F and E ranks Each rank was fundamentally different from the other. 

Having learned my lesson since the dungeon incident, I devised a little safe plan for me in case the situation turned serious.

Since he's a demon , i just need him to take on his demonic form by making him angry.


Black veins slowly started appearing on his face as they wiggled constantly. His muscled spasmed continuously and his body enlarged into a hideous looking creature.


Hastily touching his face, Aric screamed. His eyes which were now a deep shade of red stared at me.

"H-how dare you!!!!!"

[The demon as recognized you as an enemy, level as risen by 100 , your Mana capacity at increased to D and your skills have been upgraded to D].


It's been two weeks since the party incident, I kept practicing my sword style and how I'm at the basic level I also went to dungeons to gain experience and the cheat skill I used in my world is still available 

Anytime I want to fight a demon and it also recognizes me as an enemy my level rise by 100 and my Mana capacity also rise momentarily.

I almost stopped training my self since I had the cheat skill but after I was beaten by some random student in a duel I decided to continue training myself.

Though whenever I'm faced with demons I'm stronger than them but if I face humans I'll die , and in the academy there are humans who are also in contract with demons if they target me they would kill me easily .

So I decided to work hard and after working for two months I'm now in D-rank thanks to the talent limit potion I took normally it would take 2 years to reach D-rank from f-rank 

I also got a passive skill that makes people think I'm still an f-ranked

If my enemy underestimate me they will lower their guard thinking they can kill me easily then I will use my strongest attack to finish them off.

I am also able to use the light saber for twenty min before I run out of Mana. 

Since today is the excursion day I prepared myself mentally I know I won't be fighting demons but humans so I got a skill that will help me erase my emotion 'Absolute ruler' 

I also trained my elemental skill to intermediate level there's one skill I love most it's 'absolute zero' an ice skill I created myself , by freezing and unfreezing space around me the skill can freeze space and time but I cannot use it.

Using it now will eat away my Mana in 5 seconds .

We gathered in front of the hover bus that will take us to the next city where the excursion will be carried out 

We will eventually be divided into five groups each group will pick a route to explore and must meet back at the hotel in 3 hours time 

Vincent and his harem members will run into a demon and save the life of people after that we will be attacked in the hotel

Hanna will be trapped in her room and she will fight alone instead of fighting her way out she wanted to prove that she's strong which will lead to her death 

We entered the bus I went to the back sit near the window other students were all chatting with their friends 

Some are lovers sitting beside each other hiding hands 

After an hour of travelling we arrived at the hotel we lounged in and were given separate rooms I went to my room to put down my bags showed and changed my clothes the excursion will start in few minutes 

We were divided into five groups I ended up in Vincent group I caused my bad luck 

Vincent won't die if a demon attack him he will always find a way to survive because of his heavenly luck 

I mean all protagonist have heavenly luck surrounding them

A situation where powerful people would die the protagonist will always survive one way or the other , on the other hand I'm just an extra with means I don't have heavenly luck.

I sighed inwardly this world is trying to make me get close to the protagonist.

"Let's go!" Vincent said leading the group towards the museum 

I knew they were going to fight a D-ranked demon so I walked at the back where escaping would be easier 

Inside the museum people were moving up and down viewing items on display when suddenly the lights went off 

I quickly ran and hid myself I don't want a demon to see me with Vincent it would lead to unnecessary trouble and I will also become the target of the demons 

Vincent brought out his sword from his system inventory and engaged the demon his fierce combat his friends also joined in.

I could see they were losing the battle which was not supposed to be 

I looked around searching for what I could use to disguise myself and help them 

Then I saw a armor on display it's the armor of the first awakened in this world his armor has a helmet so I broke the glass and took the helmet 

Bringing out the light saber from my dimensional ring I poured ice Mana and water into it , the sword glowed white light blue in the dark drawing the attention of the demon and the people including other awakeners who joined the fight. 

The system notification popped up in my face 

[The demon as recognized you as an enemy, level as risen by 100 , your Mana capacity at increased to D and your skills have been upgraded to D]

Strong wave of Mana burst force from my body filling the whole museum and spreading out side the museum.

I walked towards the demon and used my light saber to behead him , he could defend against it since my stat is the same as his.

After killing him I used blizzard skill spreading cold breeze into the surrounding creating snow particles blocking everyone's view I removed the helmet and returned it then went back to my hiding place 

Unknown to me that a eyes was watching me.


After the death of the demon we were questioned about the man who appeared and killed the demon 

I said I didn't know if anything like that happened since I was hiding 

Vincent and his friend also didn't know they said the man just appeared out of nowhere, killed the demon and disappear .

We walked back to the hotel the whole group was giving me a disgusting look because I hid when they fought the demon the only one looking at me curiously is Isabella I didn't know why neither did she tell me .

I went back to my room stood and sat down I knew we will be attacked in one hour , the instructors won't be able to come to our help since they will also be trapped fighting several assassins .

This night Hanna will die so I went to the cafeteria where we all gathered to eat dinner.

I approached Vincent group and greeted them they didn't respond seemly disgusted that I hid when they fought the demon .

Not minding I turned to Hanna I didn't know how I should tell her .

"What she asked?" after she saw me starting at her for some time .

I activated absolute ruler mind my face turned cold my emotions erased they all looked at me feeling the change in the atmosphere around me .

"If you try to fight alone tonight, you will die" I said my voice flat .

None of them could say anything as I walked away as I ordered my food and started eating without a care in the world .


In the dark space a phone rang , a man picked the call 

"We are in position sir!"

"Good attack them in five minutes time I have already sent one of the student working with me to disable the security 

Make sure those four on the list die" 

"Yes sir" the voice replied 


"It's time" I said as I activated absolute rulers mind I took out the sword given to us by the school and slashed the door killing two assassins who wanted to enter in an instant 

I walked through the long hallway my hand resting on the hilt of my sword I kept slashing out repeatedly to someone who just looking at me it they will just see me walking down the hall way with my hand on the hilt of my sword and the heads of assassins falling 

I walked towards Hanna room I knew she's a stubborn type she would listen toy advice 

I could see that the door of her room is gone I could also see several assassins inside her room I walked to Vincent room he just finished killing the last assassins 

Seeing me he asked if I was okay though I was weird since just few minutes ago he has angry I hid while they fought 

I looked at him and nodded indicating I'm fine 

"Hanna is in danger" I said 

Immediately his face hardened he retrieved his sword from the assassins chest and ran towards Hanna's room hoping he's not too late.