Destroyed world

Elizabeth watch the CCTV footage of the hotel the footage were available because most of the cameras used Mana battery for backup.

The footage showed the image of a white haired boy walking through the hallway even grabbing some snacks in his way passing through the students and assassins as they were engaged in battle .

Everyone was fighting for their life except the white haired boy he's face was cold and emotionless even in the sight of blood .

She remembered him in the training ground practicing his sword style is not impressive even a beginner is better than him.

But how is he walking just fine through this she thought to herself

She started checking other videos of him until she saw on that caught her attention 

The video started few minutes before the attack started she could see men in black standing in front of his door just like the other videos she's watched of other students 

The assassins will break into the room and attack the student but the one she's watching was different 

The door sliced in half along with the assassins preparing to enter the room 

And the person who caused killed them walked out of the room calmly stepping over the dead body of the assassins 

His hand not leaving the hilt of his sword , but the heads of the assassins in the hallway were falling off and rolling on the ground 

She felt chills run down her spine 

The boy obviously Roy White walked to hanna's room and then left few minutes later Vincent came running in and helped her dispatch the remaining assassins 

"The boy is strange" Elizabeth said remembering his indifferent expression and bored expression as he killed the assassins his attack too fast to see 

She clicked the on a few button erasing the footage of what happened 


I helped the medical team in moving the injured students as the healers used their skills to heal the injured students I could feel miss Elizabeth gaze on my back I didn't know why she was watching me.

'Maybe she expected me to die in the attack as in am f-ranked'  I thought

I knew no one could sense me as I passed through the students heading back to my room so I didn't know why she was staring at me .

Four people walked up to me , I turned I their direction

"Thank you for the help, if you need anything you can ask , I'll like to replay you" Vincent said

I chuckled inwardly , Vincent doesn't like to owe people a favor

"If you want to help me in the future you need to be stronger than the strongest human in the world right now" I replied

Vincent looked at me he nodded and walked away with the others who gave me a dissatisfied look, well except for Isabella who had a frown on her face.

I sighed I looked up to the sky addressing the god who brought me to this world 

'if you can hear me FUCK YOU' I cursed inwardly. 

It's looks like he wants to get involved with the main characters and be on the demon target list .

Even now I don't know if I'm on the list , the person who sent the assassins to kill Andrew and his friends is also a demon contractor.

I let out a short but deep sigh as I went back to my room .

The door has been repaired the security of the hotel has also been increased .

Though there's no casualties, well I prevented it by turning the alarm system back on alerting everyone which made the instructors move early than in the actual game.

I yawned feeling sleepy I collapsed on my bed and went into sleep recovering my energy 

Before I slept I added to my to-do list to get the armor artifact that will help me disguise myself when ever I want to fight the demons and I know of a perfect one which will also make me look cool, the armor is black in color with light blue lines running around it giving it a beautiful yet powerful design 

I could use my Mana to make the light blue line glow and match it with the color of my sword , the armor artifact also created by the person who made the light saber 

If I pour water mixed with ice Mana into the suit it will make the armor like Savitar's suit in the movie the flash I watched back on earth 

Because of my love for the movie immediately I saw that I had lighting affinity the first skill I obtained was lighting dash which increased my speed to that of a lighting and make me look like flash adding water Mana to the lighting I can create blue lighting 

I vowed to get the armor no matter the cost those were last thought as I fell asleep.


I opened my eyes in a destroyed world I could not see clearly

'who am I?' I thought I can't remember who am I how I got here 

I saw silhouettes two people standing one with a light saber his hair white I could not see his face clearly 

The other figure has green hair there's only one person I know that has green hair but I can't remember who it is 

"How many times can you go again" the green haired silhouette asked 

"After this time we will only have two trials left" the white haired silhouette replied 

I tried moving closer to them but I was stuck in place I cannot control my body

Suddenly I could not hear their voice again as I was transported to a place filled with infinite void 

(You are finally here) A voice said 

"Who are you" I asked 

(You will know in due time , first don't avoid the main characters , you need to help them grow stronger use your memories of the game and help them get their weapons faster , you will be faced with demons but your cheats is enough to help you overcome it, and let them know that they need to help you in defeating the evil god also known as the god of destruction)

"Are you the one who brought me here , well I have something to tell you, FUCK YOU " i said getting angry of him commanding me and not telling me who he is 

"I can only tell them when the demons will attack the academy" I said trying to voice my option 

"Did you think they will believe me if I start to tell them that they are all a game that I played in my world "

(Do as you wish you will understand I'm due time , the whole world will understand)

After hearing his words I felt myself dragged back to my body I opened my eyes 

"Is this a dream" I asked myself

(No it's not , you will understand when the time comes ) the voice I heard before replied in my head

"Ahh, Crap!" I screamed 


We arrived back at the academy safely I didn't know what to do 

If truly the owner of the voice brought me to this world then he would want a good ending for this world 

So I decided to follow his advice though I won't tell them everything I'll just create a group and tell them when the demons will attack and how we will fight back and also help them acquire their legendary weapons faster that in the game so they would practice with it.


I walked into the class the next day stopping in front of Vincent I looked at Vincent , Hanna Austin and Isabella 

Vincent looked at me confused why I just stood in front of him not saying anything 

"Meet me in the Cafeteria by 6 pm there's something important to talk about" I said to the four of them 

I went back to my room thinking of how to tell them 

Should I use absolute rulers mind I thought

I knew that sinner or later I would have to face some difficulty myself without using absolute rulers mind 

I'm nervous I'm an introvert in my past life I don't even interact with my families so now that I'm forced to talk I don't know what to say 

I knew what to say rather but I don't know how to start the conversation 

I decided to activate absolute mind , the skill will remove all my emotions and I'll be able to say what I want to say 

I checked the time it's already 5 pm I went to the bathroom to freshen up back in my world as a Nigerian I don't bath everyday I bath four times a week

I wanted to try the same but I knew if I do so my body will stink in the class the next day so must always bath before going out 

I wore a simple top and jean I don't really know about fashion but I know that top and jean is a really good combination 

I entered the cafeteria and sat down close to the window I needed a spot with less crowd and the seats beside the window just happened to be empty , no one way around there and nobody moved close to the place for some unknown reason.